I am not going to be silenced on the issue of black crime

Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks

I responded to a particular statement you made:

" if you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?"

I merely pointed out to you that you could not possibly have a 51 percent chance of being attacked by a White person.

Apparently fourth grade math is way over your head and I do not have the time to waste trying to make you understand.

You have the last word. I am done with your fuzzy meaningless math and I am outta here.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks

I responded to a particular statement you made:

" if you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?"

I merely pointed out to you that you could not possibly have a 51 percent chance of being attacked by a White person.

Apparently fourth grade math is way over your head and I do not have the time to waste trying to make you understand.

You have the last word. I am done with your fuzzy meaningless math and I am outta here.

If that's your attitude piss off

Killings of Blacks by Whites Are Far More Likely to Be Ruled ‘Justifiable’

The dangerous belief that white people are under attack

Vast majority of most crimes are committed by a person of the same race as the victim

Why are you so worried about black criminals you racist pussy?
They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.


You claim to love this country but America as we know it will cease to exist once Hispanics become a majority. Republicans will never win an election again, unless they start pandering to left wing causes. The country has been moving left since the 60s. The left wing media shapes public opinion, and bludgeons conservatives with the accusation of racism. We had a self professed socialist running for office, and he almost won. At what point does things get bad enough that you'll start "freaking out"?

Again, It isn't the decent law biding Mexican citizens that worry me... its the 22000 Mexican gang members who are engaged in ethnic cleansing in several states but specifically in California. That's more than all the Black, white and Asian gangs combined and there are more than 30,000 more on the other side of the border.

I refuse to give these racists any validation. There are more than 52,000 white supremacists in America, that's our major problem above any other.

I'm not giving white racists validation. The Mexican gangs are just as much a threat to them as they are Blacks. And when innocent Blacks are just randomly targeted and shot because they inadvertently wander into M13 territory, I think decent people of all races need to join forces to address that situation. There aren't many decent white people on USMB but there are some. :lol:

It’s MS13, and it’s primarily a Salvadoran gang, not Mexican.
You aren't going to shut us up, you aren't going to force us to live in fear.

We WILL fight back against black criminals, and those that deny the reality. Anybody reading this post, including you moderators and liberals, can be a victim at any time. It's just a matter of chance.
Sorry but you are a racist pig. Instead of fighting against all crime you showed your true racist bigotry.
Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Nope. The only one here trolling is you, but you got a position so you can toll to your hearts content,

Per capita does not matter. Whites commit almost 3 times the crime blacks do. That's what the UCR has shown me for the past 25 years I have looked at the annual report. So stay race baited and believe the lies. .
Again RETARD in order for whites to commit as much crime as blacks it needs to be 5 times. Simple math and you can not do it.

Wrong. 1 black crime doesn't equal 5 crimes and 1 white crime equal 1. They both are one crime ad the numbers show whites commit almost triple the crime as we do.
Again RETARD there are 5 times as many whites as blacks in order to have committed as much crime as blacks whites need to commit 5 times what blacks do. Simple fucking math even a 3rd grader could do.
Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Nope. The only one here trolling is you, but you got a position so you can toll to your hearts content,

Per capita does not matter. Whites commit almost 3 times the crime blacks do. That's what the UCR has shown me for the past 25 years I have looked at the annual report. So stay race baited and believe the lies. .
Again RETARD in order for whites to commit as much crime as blacks it needs to be 5 times. Simple math and you can not do it.

Wrong. 1 black crime doesn't equal 5 crimes and 1 white crime equal 1. They both are one crime ad the numbers show whites commit almost triple the crime as we do.
Again RETARD there are 5 times as many whites as blacks in order to have committed as much crime as blacks whites need to commit 5 times what blacks do. Simple fucking math even a 3rd grader could do.

No, that's not how it is. That's retarded on it's face. Whites get to kill 5,000 people for every 1,000 blacks do and that makes it even. Stump stupid.
He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Nope. The only one here trolling is you, but you got a position so you can toll to your hearts content,

Per capita does not matter. Whites commit almost 3 times the crime blacks do. That's what the UCR has shown me for the past 25 years I have looked at the annual report. So stay race baited and believe the lies. .
Again RETARD in order for whites to commit as much crime as blacks it needs to be 5 times. Simple math and you can not do it.

Wrong. 1 black crime doesn't equal 5 crimes and 1 white crime equal 1. They both are one crime ad the numbers show whites commit almost triple the crime as we do.
Again RETARD there are 5 times as many whites as blacks in order to have committed as much crime as blacks whites need to commit 5 times what blacks do. Simple fucking math even a 3rd grader could do.

No, that's not how it is. That's retarded on it's face. Whites get to kill 5,000 people for every 1,000 blacks do and that makes it even. Stump stupid.
What is stump stupid is your glaring IGNORANCE did anyone teach you math? did you get past 3rd grade? When there are 5 times as many of another thing then to be even on percent of population the smaller thing must have 5 times as much as the larger thing you dumb ass simple grade school math.
Nope. The only one here trolling is you, but you got a position so you can toll to your hearts content,

Per capita does not matter. Whites commit almost 3 times the crime blacks do. That's what the UCR has shown me for the past 25 years I have looked at the annual report. So stay race baited and believe the lies. .
Again RETARD in order for whites to commit as much crime as blacks it needs to be 5 times. Simple math and you can not do it.

Wrong. 1 black crime doesn't equal 5 crimes and 1 white crime equal 1. They both are one crime ad the numbers show whites commit almost triple the crime as we do.
Again RETARD there are 5 times as many whites as blacks in order to have committed as much crime as blacks whites need to commit 5 times what blacks do. Simple fucking math even a 3rd grader could do.

No, that's not how it is. That's retarded on it's face. Whites get to kill 5,000 people for every 1,000 blacks do and that makes it even. Stump stupid.
What is stump stupid is your glaring IGNORANCE did anyone teach you math? did you get past 3rd grade? When there are 5 times as many of another thing then to be even on percent of population the smaller thing must have 5 times as much as the larger thing you dumb ass simple grade school math.

No that's not the case. Whites don't get commit 5 crimes to every one crime a black person commits for it to be considered the same. You should have learned that in 3rd grade.
Again RETARD in order for whites to commit as much crime as blacks it needs to be 5 times. Simple math and you can not do it.

Wrong. 1 black crime doesn't equal 5 crimes and 1 white crime equal 1. They both are one crime ad the numbers show whites commit almost triple the crime as we do.
Again RETARD there are 5 times as many whites as blacks in order to have committed as much crime as blacks whites need to commit 5 times what blacks do. Simple fucking math even a 3rd grader could do.

No, that's not how it is. That's retarded on it's face. Whites get to kill 5,000 people for every 1,000 blacks do and that makes it even. Stump stupid.
What is stump stupid is your glaring IGNORANCE did anyone teach you math? did you get past 3rd grade? When there are 5 times as many of another thing then to be even on percent of population the smaller thing must have 5 times as much as the larger thing you dumb ass simple grade school math.

No that's not the case. Whites don't get commit 5 crimes to every one crime a black person commits for it to be considered the same. You should have learned that in 3rd grade.
Moron you are to stupid to breed, there are 5 times as many whites as there are blacks yes indeed it means that to equal the same level of crime committed by blacks whites would have to commit 5 times as much simple fucking grade school math. something taught by 3rd grade to even the stupidest of students.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks

I responded to a particular statement you made:

" if you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?"

I merely pointed out to you that you could not possibly have a 51 percent chance of being attacked by a White person.

Apparently fourth grade math is way over your head and I do not have the time to waste trying to make you understand.

You have the last word. I am done with your fuzzy meaningless math and I am outta here.
Mental midget.

And I stand by my comment. Not sure why it’s impossible that I have a greater chance of being attacked by a white than I am a black. I live in a 95% white neighborhood. Virtually no chance a blacks going to get me. I need to worry about the honkies around me. Where do you live Harlem?
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks

I responded to a particular statement you made:

" if you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?"

I merely pointed out to you that you could not possibly have a 51 percent chance of being attacked by a White person.

Apparently fourth grade math is way over your head and I do not have the time to waste trying to make you understand.

You have the last word. I am done with your fuzzy meaningless math and I am outta here.
Mental midget.

And I stand by my comment. Not sure why it’s impossible that I have a greater chance of being attacked by a white than I am a black. I live in a 95% white neighborhood. Virtually no chance a blacks going to get me. I need to worry about the honkies around me. Where do you live Harlem?
Whether by choice or chance... you’ve minimized your exposure and therefore risk. Good decision. Now if you live in an environment that directly correlated the national ratio your threshold for exposure would change dramatically.
If one were to flip the ratio to living in a %95 black community the risk skyrockets.
Last edited:
I’m having an impossible time thinking of a White area in Nassau County or NYC I would be afraid of walking through after nightfall.
Black areas, on the other hand...
If you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?

Why are you worrying about blacks who more than likely are victimizing other blacks? At least they don’t shoot up schools and country music concerts and Republican softball games.

The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks

I responded to a particular statement you made:

" if you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?"

I merely pointed out to you that you could not possibly have a 51 percent chance of being attacked by a White person.

Apparently fourth grade math is way over your head and I do not have the time to waste trying to make you understand.

You have the last word. I am done with your fuzzy meaningless math and I am outta here.
Mental midget.

And I stand by my comment. Not sure why it’s impossible that I have a greater chance of being attacked by a white than I am a black. I live in a 95% white neighborhood. Virtually no chance a blacks going to get me. I need to worry about the honkies around me. Where do you live Harlem?
Whether by choice or chance... you’ve minimized your exposure and therefore risk. Good decision. Now if you live in an environment that directly correlated the national ratio your threshold for exposure would change dramatically.
I’m having an impossible time thinking of a White area in Nassau County or NYC I would be afraid of walking through after nightfall.
Black areas, on the other hand...
good point. And on the flip side...
How many predominately white areas, would a negro feel fearful of being victimized walking through...
The sad thing is that you have no clue how wrong you are

You apparently assume that since Whites commit 51 percent of crimes your chances of being attacked by a White person is 51 percent. You have no knowledge of statistics so let me help you. Even if it is true that 51 percent of violent crimes are committed by Whites, that does not prove that 51 percent of Whites commit violent crimes. You should intuitively know that 51 percent of Whites do not commit violent crimes. Your chances of being attacked by a White person depends on what percentage of Whites are criminals and this percentage is determined by two things: (1) how many Whites there are and (2) how many of those Whites are violent criminals.

Example: Suppose that there are 100,000 Whites and they commit 51 violent crimes. Then suppose there are X number of Blacks who commit 49 violent crimes. While it is true that Whites in this example commit 51 percent of violent crimes only .00051 percent of Whites are violent criminals. This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of violent crimes committed by Whites (51) by the number of Whites (100,0000). When you walk in a neighborhood where such a small fraction of the populations commits violent crimes, your chances of being attacked are negligible, closer to zero than 1 percent. Your estimate of 51 percent is laughable.
I think your spin is ridiculous. I’m at work maybe I’ll explain later.

Are you saying 51% of blacks are violent?

I’m saying whites are more likely to be attacked by whites than they are blacks yet you worry about the blacks

I responded to a particular statement you made:

" if you have a 51% chance of being attacked by a white why cry about the minority?"

I merely pointed out to you that you could not possibly have a 51 percent chance of being attacked by a White person.

Apparently fourth grade math is way over your head and I do not have the time to waste trying to make you understand.

You have the last word. I am done with your fuzzy meaningless math and I am outta here.
Mental midget.

And I stand by my comment. Not sure why it’s impossible that I have a greater chance of being attacked by a white than I am a black. I live in a 95% white neighborhood. Virtually no chance a blacks going to get me. I need to worry about the honkies around me. Where do you live Harlem?
Whether by choice or chance... you’ve minimized your exposure and therefore risk. Good decision. Now if you live in an environment that directly correlated the national ratio your threshold for exposure would change dramatically.
I’m having an impossible time thinking of a White area in Nassau County or NYC I would be afraid of walking through after nightfall.
Black areas, on the other hand...
good point. And on the flip side...
How many predominately white areas, would a negro feel fearful of being victimized walking through...
To be fair, Blacks need avoid predominantly Blue Collar Irish and Polish White neighborhoods.

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