"I am not a baby..." Says Trump

What's funny is he has done more for peace with North Korea then the last 3 presidents combined. LOL!

What he means is he understands that north korea is evil, but realizes that you can't talk that way to them or they will out right reject you.

He doesn't know what he's talking about and neither do you.
Trump's being played for the useful idiot that he is.
The left's outrage du jour is getting weaker and less relevant every day.
You know it would be nice if we could go one day without some stupid, inane, vacuous, ignorant, dense, unintelligent, imbecile, dim, obtuse, senseless, ludicrous and just plain laughable comment from the Orange Dunce squatting in the Oval Office.

or from his minions on the internet...
In an upcoming Sixty Minutes segment, after Lesley Stahl lists all the atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un, she asks how he could say he loves him. Trump snaps back "I am not a baby. I know these things."

This is how low the Presidency has shrunk under Trump. We have a President who has to proclaim he is not a baby on national TV.

We are definitely on a race to the bottom.

'I'm not a baby. I know these things': Trump snaps at Lesley Stahl when she asks about Kim Jong-Un | Daily Mail Online
We hit rock bottom when Trump was elected.
The N.K. regime was pretty much ignored after democrat icon Harry Truman managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory until Bill Clinton came along and sold or gave them enough nuclear technology to build a freaking bomb. President Trump was the only free world leader with the political courage to engage North Korea in over sixty years and just when it seems that the U.S. is on the verge of bringing N.K. into the civilized world the left wing media is desperate to derail the efforts. Why didn't Leslie Stahl blindside Obama by listing the atrocities committed by the Cuban regime before he opened diplomatic relations? Why didn't the mainstream media list the atrocities committed by Iran before Obama showered the regime with two billion in American taxpayer dollars and euros? You just don't do that to democrats.
So basically all of you crybaby losers are just not going to vote republican in the primary, and not going to vote for him in 2020. Oh my, how devastating. Is this the equivalent of a support group for fast food workers with fake symptoms of PTSD, ADHD, and whatever else you can come up with to file for disability? Do you want some fries [emoji489] with that? They’re free.

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The ones I know who have PTSD have come back from multiple deploys in Iraq and Afghanistan. They've seen things that none of us can imagine and have to live with watching their friends being blown to pieces before their eyes. They also have to live with the cancers invading their bodies from breathing all of the chemicals we released into the air. My S/O has VA disability because his ship was docked outside of Saudi Arabia when we released sarin gas over the ocean. It drifted down to his ship and got into the water supply, the food supply and the air ducts. He has what was called Gulf War Syndrome and he has to live with it everyday. So don't you dare sit there and accuse people of faking these problems because you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Maybe you got the wrong post.

Military and Law Enforcement back our President, as he backs them. They are heroes, and were never referenced at all. That could not be misconstrued. Twisting things around, and making things up, are what libs are famous for. It didn’t work recently, as our new Justice was confirmed despite efforts from Mars. Midterms will confirm that the dems need another plan.

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In an upcoming Sixty Minutes segment, after Lesley Stahl lists all the atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un, she asks how he could say he loves him. Trump snaps back "I am not a baby. I know these things."

This is how low the Presidency has shrunk under Trump. We have a President who has to proclaim he is not a baby on national TV.

We are definitely on a race to the bottom.

'I'm not a baby. I know these things': Trump snaps at Lesley Stahl when she asks about Kim Jong-Un | Daily Mail Online

I think it is a great idea for the media to entrap and/or pressure Trump to bad mouth Kim.

That way, we can undo all the diplomacy we have done, and hopefully enrage Kim to the point he does something crazy like shelling Seoul killing tens, or hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

That way, the liberal reporter that succeeds in undoing one of Trump's accomplishments, would be a shoe in for a Pulitzer.

ANd only at the cost of a mountain of corpses. Perhaps radioactive corpses.

BUT, as libs know, nothing is more important that getting Trump.
Sorry bout that,

  1. "I'm Not A Baby"!!,..(meaning),..."You are a dumb liberal reporting byatch!, I know whats going on idiot!" that is what he wanted to say.
  2. I would of just came out with it and said it.
  3. All those dumb questions about global warming, the probing questions how you can't believe global warming ins't real can you Mr President?
  4. I wanted him to say something like, "Only really low IQ people have any faith in global warming!"
  5. Each day volcanoes pump in huge amounts of carbon and soot, dust into the atmosphere, maybe the scientist should figure out how to plug up all the volcanoes, do something useful, the dumb asses.
  6. The President wants you dumb reports to feel you won something, you poor babies!,..lol!!!!
In an upcoming Sixty Minutes segment, after Lesley Stahl lists all the atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un, she asks how he could say he loves him. Trump snaps back "I am not a baby. I know these things."

This is how low the Presidency has shrunk under Trump. We have a President who has to proclaim he is not a baby on national TV.

We are definitely on a race to the bottom.

'I'm not a baby. I know these things': Trump snaps at Lesley Stahl when she asks about Kim Jong-Un | Daily Mail Online

Your pettiness and butt hurt is on full display!
Grow up.

Lol! You are crying about Trump you are told you are petty and you tell others to grow up? Hi pot meet kettle!

Cupcake anyone that would make a thread about this shouldn’t be telling anyone to grow up. Lol!
What's funny is he has done more for peace with North Korea then the last 3 presidents combined. LOL!

What he means is he understands that north korea is evil, but realizes that you can't talk that way to them or they will out right reject you.
What specifically?
I beg to differ

If Obama had done even 1/2 of the things that Pres. Trump has accomplished in just two years, he would have a shelf full of Nobel Prize awards.

Sadly, our beloved Pres. Trump will be denied even one Nobel Prize because the globalists hate him. ... :cool:
He's only beloved to brainwashed worshipers like you. Everyone else sees him for the unhinged narcissistic idiot he is. He's in love with Kim and is Putin's puppet. But you think that's just fine and dandy.

Why don't you go up to DC and offer to wash and kiss his feet? You know you're dying to.
I don't actually think Sunni is brainwashed, I think he's making lotsa lotsa rubles by posting what a great guy tRump is.

You might be right. He claims to be a Muslim and we all know how trump feels about them.

How does Trump feel about Muslims?

He's not trying to kill them on a daily basis.
Lmao! You can't really be that confused.
In an upcoming Sixty Minutes segment, after Lesley Stahl lists all the atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un, she asks how he could say he loves him. Trump snaps back "I am not a baby. I know these things."

This is how low the Presidency has shrunk under Trump. We have a President who has to proclaim he is not a baby on national TV.

We are definitely on a race to the bottom.

'I'm not a baby. I know these things': Trump snaps at Lesley Stahl when she asks about Kim Jong-Un | Daily Mail Online
We hit rock bottom when Trump was elected.
Nothing says America is populated with idiots as much as the election of Trump

Future generations will scratch their heads and ask WTF?
The N.K. regime was pretty much ignored after democrat icon Harry Truman managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory until Bill Clinton came along and sold or gave them enough nuclear technology to build a freaking bomb. President Trump was the only free world leader with the political courage to engage North Korea in over sixty years and just when it seems that the U.S. is on the verge of bringing N.K. into the civilized world the left wing media is desperate to derail the efforts. Why didn't Leslie Stahl blindside Obama by listing the atrocities committed by the Cuban regime before he opened diplomatic relations? Why didn't the mainstream media list the atrocities committed by Iran before Obama showered the regime with two billion in American taxpayer dollars and euros? You just don't do that to democrats.
So basically all of you crybaby losers are just not going to vote republican in the primary, and not going to vote for him in 2020. Oh my, how devastating. Is this the equivalent of a support group for fast food workers with fake symptoms of PTSD, ADHD, and whatever else you can come up with to file for disability? Do you want some fries [emoji489] with that? They’re free.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The ones I know who have PTSD have come back from multiple deploys in Iraq and Afghanistan. They've seen things that none of us can imagine and have to live with watching their friends being blown to pieces before their eyes. They also have to live with the cancers invading their bodies from breathing all of the chemicals we released into the air. My S/O has VA disability because his ship was docked outside of Saudi Arabia when we released sarin gas over the ocean. It drifted down to his ship and got into the water supply, the food supply and the air ducts. He has what was called Gulf War Syndrome and he has to live with it everyday. So don't you dare sit there and accuse people of faking these problems because you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Maybe you got the wrong post.
Nope. I was replying to someone who insinuated that people used PTSD as an excuse to get a handout.
Typical Leftist deflection. Ignore the historic progress Donald Trump has made with North Korea and NK-SK relations. Instead parse through words and phrases to see if you can get President Trump to say something you can use against him. The Left has deteriorated into a petty pathetic attack chorus. Real Americans are onto this nonsense.
Leftist deflection?????? This is Trump's own words. Defend them instead of running from them. He's your man. Trump is the one who says he is not a baby. Defend him. Does he think he is a baby? Why would he say that? Defend his words.
john it doesnt matter what he says....im sure you will find something to say about it......
In an upcoming Sixty Minutes segment, after Lesley Stahl lists all the atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un, she asks how he could say he loves him. Trump snaps back "I am not a baby. I know these things."

This is how low the Presidency has shrunk under Trump. We have a President who has to proclaim he is not a baby on national TV.

We are definitely on a race to the bottom.

'I'm not a baby. I know these things': Trump snaps at Lesley Stahl when she asks about Kim Jong-Un | Daily Mail Online
We hit rock bottom when Trump was elected.
with 2 rock bottom candidates one of them was going to get the nod...

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