I am glad Obama is working towards peace

Trump earlier this year said that the republicans were wrong to attack Iraq! Proving the liberals right!!!! Trust and reelect the liberals to another 4 years in power.
. Maybe Trump is simply fighting fire with fire by saying the things he need say in order to fool the libs and get elected. Hey if the dems can do it, then maybe it's high time the pub's beat them at their own game. :whip:
I am glad that Obama has been working towards the goal of peace be it with Cuba, Vietnam or Iran. I am sick and tired of seeing our young men get blown up and trillions of dollars being dumped into retarded wars. While the idiots that support these wars couldn't give a shit less about America and making life better for us here in the United states. it is always no to the American people with them!

I hope Obama keeps working towards the goal of keeping America out of major wars and working things out. Party of no is truly evil.
Barry has shit for brains, his total dependence on the TelePrompTer proves this to be true...
So much for not deploying troops. dumbass
http://sd.ng.mil/News/Press Releases/151021-Deployed SD Guard unit assumes mission in Kuwait.pdf
I am glad that Obama has been working towards the goal of peace be it with Cuba, Vietnam or Iran. I am sick and tired of seeing our young men get blown up and trillions of dollars being dumped into retarded wars. While the idiots that support these wars couldn't give a shit less about America and making life better for us here in the United states. it is always no to the American people with them!

I hope Obama keeps working towards the goal of keeping America out of major wars and working things out. Party of no is truly evil.
Barry has shit for brains, his total dependence on the TelePrompTer proves this to be true...
So much for not deploying troops. dumbass
http://sd.ng.mil/News/Press Releases/151021-Deployed SD Guard unit assumes mission in Kuwait.pdf

There's a war in Kuwait?

Just how fucking stupid are you, Rustic?

Exactly!! Why the fuck are we there... how stupid are you? dumb fuck LOL

Did you actually READ it?

F'n A!
Of course I did...
It reads, waste of tax payer money... Typical of socialism

When you find yourself digging a hole......DIG FASTER!
Cons are mad that Obama is not getting enough troops killed .

You make a lot of moronic and hateful posts. You just pinned the Timmy-o-Meter with that one.

What's wrong? Too spot on?

You righties bitch and moan at every attempt at diplomacy . If shit ain't being blown up, then it's nit good foreign policy .
Little man you need to learn the difference diplomacy and appeasement... Progressive leaders always choose appeasement.

What appeasement ?
Closing Gitmo for starters. That is the ultimate message of appeasement.

Why would the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs have called for it in 2008?

Obviously General John Wayne wouldn't have......assuming he had served, of course....
Cons are mad that Obama is not getting enough troops killed .

You make a lot of moronic and hateful posts. You just pinned the Timmy-o-Meter with that one.

What's wrong? Too spot on?

You righties bitch and moan at every attempt at diplomacy . If shit ain't being blown up, then it's nit good foreign policy .
Little man you need to learn the difference diplomacy and appeasement... Progressive leaders always choose appeasement.

What appeasement ?

Iran deal.

I see that boedicca is starting with her Useful Idiot shtick again...
Barry has shit for brains, his total dependence on the TelePrompTer proves this to be true...
So much for not deploying troops. dumbass
http://sd.ng.mil/News/Press Releases/151021-Deployed SD Guard unit assumes mission in Kuwait.pdf
Barry has shit for brains, his total dependence on the TelePrompTer proves this to be true...
So much for not deploying troops. dumbass
http://sd.ng.mil/News/Press Releases/151021-Deployed SD Guard unit assumes mission in Kuwait.pdf

There's a war in Kuwait?

Just how fucking stupid are you, Rustic?

Exactly!! Why the fuck are we there... how stupid are you? dumb fuck LOL

Did you actually READ it?

F'n A!
Of course I did...
It reads, waste of tax payer money... Typical of socialism

When you find yourself digging a hole......DIG FASTER!
More frivolous deployments...

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