Hillary beats Trump in Latest National Poll by 11%


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
UH OH, the polls have switched again and it appears Hillary is now in a double digit lead against Trump, Nation wide... I'm sure it will change another 20 times before the election but this was simply a really bad week for Donny Dangerous!!! This poll went thru mid day today....if it had gone a few more days, I bet she would have been 20 points ahead of The Don, with more people getting time to hear her speech from yesterday...

Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump nationwide: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, regaining ground after the New York billionaire briefly tied her last month, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.

The shift in support comes as Clinton steps up her attacks on the real estate mogul's policy positions, and as Trump fends off criticisms of his eponymous university and the pace at which he doled out money that he raised for U.S. veterans.

Some 46 percent of likely voters said they supported Clinton, while 35 percent said they supported Trump, and another 19 percent said they would not support either, according to the survey of 1,421 people conducted between May 30 and June 3.

Go Hillary go! I hope the senate and house goes democrat so we can pass some infrastructure, science and r&d funding! ;) Maybe we don't have to become a third world shit hole.

To hell with the party of no.

Yeah because the nearly $1 trillion in 'shovel ready' jobs worked awesome /sarcasm Then there was cash for clunkers and the money dumb ass Dem's pissed away on solar companies that went bankrupt. With friends like Democrats who needs enemies.
A Clinton Presidency would certainly be interesting. We could have lots more wars, maybe even a war with Russia or China. We could watch Hillary shut down the entire energy industry, except solar and wind, and then when the lights go out, we could hear the media cover for her. We could watch her husband rape more women. We could watch her sell influence to more Wall Street banks and Saudi Arabia. We could watch her give LGBT everything they ask her, and use your imagination, because who knows what's next. We could watch more scandals roll out, a new one every week. It might be fun, and it certainly won't be boring.
So I guess we're completely ignoring what took place in San Jose?

Yeah... let's not pay any attention to violent mobs attacking innocent people attending a Trump rally and let's focus on some stump speech Hillary made... it was a bad week for Donny!

You just keep right on dreaming, darling.
So I guess we're completely ignoring what took place in San Jose?

Yeah... let's not pay any attention to violent mobs attacking innocent people attending a Trump rally and let's focus on some stump speech Hillary made... it was a bad week for Donny!

You just keep right on dreaming, darling.
So I guess we're completely ignoring what took place in San Jose?

Yeah... let's not pay any attention to violent mobs attacking innocent people attending a Trump rally and let's focus on some stump speech Hillary made... it was a bad week for Donny!

You just keep right on dreaming, darling.
This is a failed attempt to deflect from the thread premise by focusing instead on violence Clinton has in fact condemned; the idea therefore that the violence should somehow be ‘held against’ Clinton when voters determine their support for her is unwarranted.
Go Hillary go! I hope the senate and house goes democrat so we can pass some infrastructure, science and r&d funding! ;) Maybe we don't have to become a third world shit hole.

To hell with the party of no.

Yeah because the nearly $1 trillion in 'shovel ready' jobs worked awesome /sarcasm Then there was cash for clunkers and the money dumb ass Dem's pissed away on solar companies that went bankrupt. With friends like Democrats who needs enemies.
there was only one solar company that folded ... Now you're saying it was pissed away??? figures ....lets see here democrats tried to pass bill after bill for roads systems, waters systems, bills that would have produced millions of jobs ... that would have help us balanced the budget and pay down on the national Debt, and pulled people out of debt by them getting jobs ... why did the republicans leaders like Mitch Mcdonnell filibuster ever bill the first two years obama was in office trying to turn it around ... then the rest of Obama's time in office why wouldn't Mitch Mcconnell bring this bills to the floor??? the reason Mitch Mcconnell did this was he wanted obama to fail in his first term and not get elected ... Obama got rejected .... then Mitch Mcconnell refused to bring any bill to the floor that would help the people ... he refused to bring any judge's nomination to the floor ... anything that needed to be voted on that help democrats Mitch Mcconnell refused to bring it to the floor... so before you keep making a fool of your self land keep posting ignorant post try and do a little research ... then you won't look the fool you are
A Clinton Presidency would certainly be interesting. We could have lots more wars, maybe even a war with Russia or China. We could watch Hillary shut down the entire energy industry, except solar and wind, and then when the lights go out, we could hear the media cover for her. We could watch her husband rape more women. We could watch her sell influence to more Wall Street banks and Saudi Arabia. We could watch her give LGBT everything they ask her, and use your imagination, because who knows what's next. We could watch more scandals roll out, a new one every week. It might be fun, and it certainly won't be boring.
the epitome of stupidity is all I can say ... hillary makes a statement about coal and now she's against fossil fuels ... hey moron when the fossil fuel industry goes belly up then what, oh wise one??? lots of jobs lost ... hillary was trying to get it across to you morons that she will get you into what ever is needed for you to have a job... that she won't leave you high and dry like the republicans will do
So I guess we're completely ignoring what took place in San Jose?

Yeah... let's not pay any attention to violent mobs attacking innocent people attending a Trump rally and let's focus on some stump speech Hillary made... it was a bad week for Donny!

You just keep right on dreaming, darling.
oh you mean like the trump rallies where protesters got forced out and punched in the face too???? kind of like that??? do you really think democrats are going to sit around and sing kumbaya while republicans punch the crap out of us??? look like you figured wrong .. hey pay backs are a bitch
Carter had a 13 point lead over Reagan just before the election.

And he was an Incumbent.
So I guess we're completely ignoring what took place in San Jose?

Yeah... let's not pay any attention to violent mobs attacking innocent people attending a Trump rally and let's focus on some stump speech Hillary made... it was a bad week for Donny!

You just keep right on dreaming, darling.
oh you mean like the trump rallies where protesters got forced out and punched in the face too???? kind of like that??? do you really think democrats are going to sit around and sing kumbaya while republicans punch the crap out of us??? look like you figured wrong .. hey pay backs are a bitch

Yo retard, it was democrats punching Trump supporters. Are you really this uninformed and clueless?
I wonder how many people saw any part of that Hillary speech in which she calmly eviscerated Trump.

Probably very few. I hear there's a big dust-up over at the Kardashian's house over some shoes.
you sad but true... the kardashains shoes are more important to republicans then any kind of concern over the country ... and you are right she eviscerated Trump. thats why she went up 11 points ... and trumps was her hew name by him corrupt lying Hillary thats his best ... I can see it now if any leader makes a mean remark at trump, one nuke away, good by Mr. meanie leader
I wonder how many people saw any part of that Hillary speech in which she calmly eviscerated Trump.

Probably very few. I hear there's a big dust-up over at the Kardashian's house over some shoes.
you sad but true... the kardashains shoes are more important to republicans then any kind of concern over the country ... and you are right she eviscerated Trump. thats why she went up 11 points ... and trumps was her hew name by him corrupt lying Hillary thats his best ... I can see it now if any leader makes a mean remark at trump, one nuke away, good by Mr. meanie leader

The republicans follow the Kardashians? ROFLMAO You're just blabbering to be blabbering
I wonder how many people saw any part of that Hillary speech in which she calmly eviscerated Trump.

Probably very few. I hear there's a big dust-up over at the Kardashian's house over some shoes.
you sad but true... the kardashains shoes are more important to republicans then any kind of concern over the country ... and you are right she eviscerated Trump. thats why she went up 11 points ... and trumps was her hew name by him corrupt lying Hillary thats his best ... I can see it now if any leader makes a mean remark at trump, one nuke away, good by Mr. meanie leader
I'm not just talking about Republicans, I'm talking about the electorate and our culture in general.
So I guess we're completely ignoring what took place in San Jose?

Yeah... let's not pay any attention to violent mobs attacking innocent people attending a Trump rally and let's focus on some stump speech Hillary made... it was a bad week for Donny!

You just keep right on dreaming, darling.
oh you mean like the trump rallies where protesters got forced out and punched in the face too???? kind of like that??? do you really think democrats are going to sit around and sing kumbaya while republicans punch the crap out of us??? look like you figured wrong .. hey pay backs are a bitch

Yo retard, it was democrats punching Trump supporters. Are you really this uninformed and clueless?
yo Repub-lie-tard about 4 weeks ago there were protest at trump rallies where this 72 year old man punched this protester in the face while both of his hands were held you re moron ... figures you're like all repub-lie-tards you only see what you want to see as I said pay backs are a bitch

trump supporter punches protester in the face
I wonder how many people saw any part of that Hillary speech in which she calmly eviscerated Trump.

Probably very few. I hear there's a big dust-up over at the Kardashian's house over some shoes.
you sad but true... the kardashains shoes are more important to republicans then any kind of concern over the country ... and you are right she eviscerated Trump. thats why she went up 11 points ... and trumps was her hew name by him corrupt lying Hillary thats his best ... I can see it now if any leader makes a mean remark at trump, one nuke away, good by Mr. meanie leader
I'm not just talking about Republicans, I'm talking about the electorate and our culture in general.
you may be right ...

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