I Am a Girl!!! XD

1st post
If it had been Tommy, the thread would be filled with all sorts of accusations that people are racists if the do not support Muslims raping British children.

Oh yeah, I think you told me about him once before. Sicko!
Oh, that explains it then, but yeah I try to see the good in everybody as I'm a glass half full kind of person and for the most part here people seem to have at least some good in them, but I do wish you would start putting yourself into somebody else's shoes. How would you feel if somebody asked you nicely not to do something and they continued? Wouldn't you be upset? I also live by the golden rule of treating people the way you want to be treated. If you want me to be nice to you, then be nice to me.

This entire thread is invalid as no one is being introduced here. You are not a new member.
This entire thread is invalid as no one is being introduced here. You are not a new member.

I know that, but I thought that sometimes people go back in here when they have a change so people will know who you are and that you didn't go away completely and Will seems to be alright with it.
5th post
He hangs out in the Europe section for the most part, so he is easier to avoid than some.

Do you know if the police have gotten ahold of him yet? His attitude towards children scares me. Not that I'm a child or have any children, but still it's scary that people like him exist in the world.
Why did you need to change your name and tell everyone you are a GIRL?

Actually, HarryPotterHarryPotter introduced herself as a girl ways back 60 days ago HERE:

She says she likes to be called Rilly. O'Really. She's really Rilly. :smoke:
10th post
Actually, HarryPotterHarryPotter introduced herself as a girl ways back 60 days ago HERE:

She says she likes to be called Rilly. O'Really. She's really Rilly. :smoke:
Someone else without the memory of a goldfish. Far and few between here.
Actually, HarryPotterHarryPotter introduced herself as a girl ways back 60 days ago HERE:

She says she likes to be called Rilly. O'Really. She's really Rilly. :smoke:

Lol but people really seemed to be forgetting that part. XD For the record though I have always liked you. :D
You have made it clear you are a Christian. It might upset him.
I have nothing against Christians. I greatly respect and admire those that embrace the compassion, reason, and sense of obligation to others that Jesus taught. It's the batshit crazy fanatics who claim Christianity as an excuse for their hateful behavior that I like to make fun of

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