Hypocracy-DNC-Dems-Resist Exposed


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Not one single person from the Airport- travel ban protests, no Resist/DNC induced/liberal protestor seen protesting Turkey at the Turkish embassy for it's comments about burning down the planet over the right of the sovereign nation of Israel to name it's own capital (the city that's in my name).
Liberals support allowing trojan horses full of terrorist cells in the gates from countries who have no equal rights for Jews and Christians & others, but don't seem to believe it's problematic that these same nations deserving protection from discrimination, do not offer that same protection themselves with Jews having no to little rights like to a main Temple or it's own choices within it's own nation.
In other words, not only do these radicalized nations control and discriminate other cultures within their own country, they also are trying to control the rights of other nations within those country's own walls, including controling our policies like travel bans.
Where are my lansmen who protected those nationa rights only to do so to spite their own rights as a Jew.
If we can't even be equally granted the right to our own Mikdash and Capital that they themselves award their own nations and faith, then what the hell?
What are we, chopped liver?

Middle East says:
"No capital for you!"
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Hopefully this will get that squatter nation pushed back into the sea, where it belongs. Fucking Zionists, spawns of Satan.
Thanks for proving my post.
The Brits gave equal amounts of land to 2 parties, and you chose to call squatters the
people of Israel who's ancestry is of the
land, but the strategized immigration of Arabs from many nations who's ancesty is from other regions you don't call squatters.
=opposite reality.
Arab league archives admit:
During the rising tide of European Jewish immigration, land purchases (as opposed to the propaganda claiming theft of land) and settlement in Palestine generated increasing resistance by Palestinian Arab peasants, journalists and political figures. example letter of their concern:
**1 ( Abdullah bin al-Hussein Amman on: 11 Thul Hijja 1364 Corresponding to: 16 November 1945Presidency of the Arab League - Cairo"The Arab nation is wailing the urgent magnanimity of the Arab States and there is no time to waste, otherwise the Jews will be able to *buy new lands*and push new immigrants to Palestine.")*
Secondly he mentions how they wanted to bring in Arab immigrants into Palestine on a monthly basis and in numbers equal to the Jewish immigrants.
Palestinian Arabs opposed the British Mandate because it thwarted their aspirations for self-rule, and opposed massive Jewish immigration because it threatened their position in the country and control of the region.

The Jewish National Fund *purchased* large tracts of land
*from absentee Arab landowners*, the Arabs living in these areas were evicted
*by Brits* in formation of the Jewish portion of Palestine, but also because of the Wars the Arabs were starting and had started. These displacements led to increasing tensions and propaganda that the reply poster bought hook line & sinker.
Thanks for proving my post.
The Brits gave equal amounts of land to 2 parties, and you chose to call squatters the
people of Israel who's ancestry is of the
land, but the strategized immigration of Arabs from many nations who's ancesty is from other regions you don't call squatters.
=opposite reality.
Arab league archives admit:
During the rising tide of European Jewish immigration, land purchases (as opposed to the propaganda claiming theft of land) and settlement in Palestine generated increasing resistance by Palestinian Arab peasants, journalists and political figures. example letter of their concern:
**1 ( Abdullah bin al-Hussein Amman on: 11 Thul Hijja 1364 Corresponding to: 16 November 1945Presidency of the Arab League - Cairo"The Arab nation is wailing the urgent magnanimity of the Arab States and there is no time to waste, otherwise the Jews will be able to *buy new lands*and push new immigrants to Palestine.")*
Secondly he mentions how they wanted to bring in Arab immigrants into Palestine on a monthly basis and in numbers equal to the Jewish immigrants.
Palestinian Arabs opposed the British Mandate because it thwarted their aspirations for self-rule, and opposed massive Jewish immigration because it threatened their position in the country and control of the region.

The Jewish National Fund *purchased* large tracts of land
*from absentee Arab landowners*, the Arabs living in these areas were evicted
*by Brits* in formation of the Jewish portion of Palestine, but also because of the Wars the Arabs were starting and had started. These displacements led to increasing tensions and propaganda that the reply poster bought hook line & sinker.
Don't lie, Zionist. We know who rightfully owns what you are squatting on.
The Topic is YeruShalem- the city in my family name-and you want to say what to me? :)
The Topic is YeruShalem- the city in my family name-and you want to say what to me? :)
What to say to you? The same as to all Zionists, the world will be a much better place when you are six feet under.
And please share with the audience what religious or anti religious upbringing made you this racist and intolerant?
And please share with the audience what religious or anti religious upbringing made you this racist and intolerant?
Race has nothing to do with it, the Zionists are not a race, and it was the history of the squatter nation known as Israel. A profound mistake but these things happen when no one wants the Jews.
And please share with the audience what religious or anti religious upbringing made you this racist and intolerant?
Race has nothing to do with it, the Zionists are not a race, and it was the history of the squatter nation known as Israel. A profound mistake but these things happen when no one wants the Jews.
Wrong, Zionism is about protecting a race by giving them a homeland(for protection and refuge and maintaining rights [which is the premise of this OP]). By attacking Zionism you back the premise of the OP and thus need for a sage State while inadvertantly
attacking Islam which feels it's necessary to have Many MANY homelands.
Furthermore your commentary is about rights to land that goes beyond your hiding behind a term often used by racist.

Lastly you were affraid to answer my question: what faith or anti faith raised you in propaganda and hate?
Why would you avoid such a simple harmless question unless you are embarassed by your own behavior?
And please share with the audience what religious or anti religious upbringing made you this racist and intolerant?
Race has nothing to do with it, the Zionists are not a race, and it was the history of the squatter nation known as Israel. A profound mistake but these things happen when no one wants the Jews.
Wrong, Zionism is about protecting a race by giving them a homeland(for protection and refuge and maintaining rights [which is the premise of this OP]). By attacking Zionism you back the premise of the OP and thus need for a sage State while inadvertantly
attacking Islam which feels it's necessary to have Many MANY homelands.
Furthermore your commentary is about rights to land that goes beyond your hiding behind a term often used by racist.

Lastly you were affraid to answer my question: what faith or anti faith raised you in propaganda and hate?
Why would you avoid such a simple harmless question unless you are embarassed by your own behavior?
Zionism is why the world hates the Jews. And religion is for morons like you.
And please share with the audience what religious or anti religious upbringing made you this racist and intolerant?
Race has nothing to do with it, the Zionists are not a race, and it was the history of the squatter nation known as Israel. A profound mistake but these things happen when no one wants the Jews.
Wrong, Zionism is about protecting a race by giving them a homeland(for protection and refuge and maintaining rights [which is the premise of this OP]). By attacking Zionism you back the premise of the OP and thus need for a sage State while inadvertantly
attacking Islam which feels it's necessary to have Many MANY homelands.
Furthermore your commentary is about rights to land that goes beyond your hiding behind a term often used by racist.

Lastly you were affraid to answer my question: what faith or anti faith raised you in propaganda and hate?
Why would you avoid such a simple harmless question unless you are embarassed by your own behavior?
Zionism is why the world hates the Jews. And religion is for morons like you.
And there you admited it's racism, especially as you always single out Jews even though non Jews help or support Zionism. Furthermore you are justifying Christians or world wide racism of Muslims because using your logic:
"Islam is why the world hates the Muslims"
That's why you can't tell us your beliefs or upbringing that made you so self hating of your own self protectivism.
=Displacement behavior.
Therefore, you sure you want to throw the intellect Ad Hominem out there when you can't even out wit what you call "a moron"?
If I remember correctly the actor that played Columbo was Peter Falk and Peter Falk could only "See" out of one eye as he was blind in the other.... This fellow who is posting as Coumbo obviosly shows he is one sided and "Blind" to the other side of the equation...This is typical as his hate for "Jews" has Blinded him to being fair and equatible and colours his judgement like most of the world which is also "Blind" in one eye and cant see to well out of the other eye to say the least...
If I remember correctly the actor that played Columbo was Peter Falk and Peter Falk could only "See" out of one eye as he was blind in the other.... This fellow who is posting as Coumbo obviosly shows he is one sided and "Blind" to the other side of the equation...This is typical as his hate for "Jews" has Blinded him to being fair and equatible and colours his judgement like most of the world which is also "Blind" in one eye and cant see to well out of the other eye to say the least...
I don't hate the Jews, although much of the world does, and that's because of Israel and the Zionists defending it.

Kill it off and the Jews can limp along as a tiny minority for another 4,000 years still waiting on their Messiah.
The only reason the "world" hates the "Jews" is because the jews stand for something and will not back down....They are a tiny minority because they were abused and chased all over the world by those who wanted them to lay down so they could stand on them and abuse them....It is only now that Jews have the ability to fight back that the bullies of the world are UPSET because the Jews will not let them bully them with impunity anymore..They want it to go back to the times when Jews had to fight them with both hands tied behind their backs that time is Over and the "world" is truly upset because so is the "fun" they had at the jews expense...Bullies are like that they dont want their victims to learn how to defend themselves by learning martial arts, going to the gym and developing muscles and mostly by using their brains and outsmarting them and showing their girlfriends that the weak guy isnt so weak afterall....
The only reason the "world" hates the "Jews" is because the jews stand for something and will not back down.....
What they stand for is obvious crap. There aren't of them in the world to host a decent off-Broadway musical. And it's going to stay that way but shut down the squatter nation and they might still have a chance. Israel is why people hate the Jews.

And what the Jews stand for was stupid 4,000 years ago. Now it's completely idiotic. In that time we managed to invent the refrigerator and the ability to pray inside a church instead of at a wall.
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The Topic is YeruShalem- the city in my family name-and you want to say what to me? :)
What to say to you? The same as to all Zionists, the world will be a much better place when you are six feet under.

You are one filthy Nazi kunt. I'm neither Jewish or Israeli and say that wishing for the demise of any group of people is some sick shit.

The Topic is YeruShalem- the city in my family name-and you want to say what to me? :)
What to say to you? The same as to all Zionists, the world will be a much better place when you are six feet under.

You are one filthy Nazi kunt. I'm neither Jewish or Israeli and say that wishing for the demise of any group of people is some sick shit.

I will let ISIS know that you plan to take a bullet for them.
The Topic is YeruShalem- the city in my family name-and you want to say what to me? :)
What to say to you? The same as to all Zionists, the world will be a much better place when you are six feet under.

You are one filthy Nazi kunt. I'm neither Jewish or Israeli and say that wishing for the demise of any group of people is some sick shit.

I will let ISIS know that you plan to take a bullet for them.

Makes sense that you are on speaking terms with ISIS. You share so much in common with those kunts.

The only reason the "world" hates the "Jews" is because the jews stand for something and will not back down.....
What they stand for is obvious crap. There aren't of them in the world to host a decent off-Broadway musical. And it's going to stay that way but shut down the squatter nation and they might still have a chance. Israel is why people hate the Jews.

And what the Jews stand for was stupid 4,000 years ago. Now it's completely idiotic. In that time we managed to invent the refrigerator and the ability to pray inside a church instead of at a wall.
Do you have any idea where the word CHURCH derives from...It derives from Circe the daughter of Helios the sun god...It was she that turned Ulysses men into SWINE ...Her image still adorns many a CHURCH and you have the audacity to say the Jews are idiotic in what they stood for...Too funny.. Calling the Jews a squatter nation is hilarious if you come from any country in the world the people there are usually not indigenous and pushed out whoever was there before so by your definition everyone is a squatter nation..As for hosting a broadway musical Jews are usually too smart for that because everyone knows that the real money is made in Hollywood and everyone KNOWS the Jews only like money....Right.... At least that is what everyone believes or is taught seeing with my two good eyes and not like you out of just one eye how things are....
The only reason the "world" hates the "Jews" is because the jews stand for something and will not back down.....
What they stand for is obvious crap. There aren't of them in the world to host a decent off-Broadway musical. And it's going to stay that way but shut down the squatter nation and they might still have a chance. Israel is why people hate the Jews.

And what the Jews stand for was stupid 4,000 years ago. Now it's completely idiotic. In that time we managed to invent the refrigerator and the ability to pray inside a church instead of at a wall.
Do you have any idea where the word CHURCH derives from...It derives from Circe the daughter of Helios the sun god...It was she that turned Ulysses men into SWINE ...Her image still adorns many a CHURCH and you have the audacity to say the Jews are idiotic in what they stood for...Too funny.. Calling the Jews a squatter nation is hilarious if you come from any country in the world the people there are usually not indigenous and pushed out whoever was there before so by your definition everyone is a squatter nation..As for hosting a broadway musical Jews are usually too smart for that because everyone knows that the real money is made in Hollywood and everyone KNOWS the Jews only like money....Right.... At least that is what everyone believes or is taught seeing with my two good eyes and not like you out of just one eye how things are....
There were people on that land long before the Jews. Where do you think they came from, with their many tribal gods, Heaven?

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