Hurricanes now approaching category 11


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Yes, that is correct, Hurricanes are now exceeding the theoretical maximum possible category 5 ratings and will now go up to category 11.

Fire and brimstone are expected in the eye of the storms. Hurricane Category 6?
This simple guest post was prompted by an alarming WaPo report ‘today’ of a new PNAS study seriously proposing an expansion of the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale to a ‘level 6’, (beyond the current peak of 5) because of intensified tropical cyclones caused by climate change.
The PNAS reasoning was that a few Pacific Hurricanes (aka tropical cyclones) have exceeded SF level 5. True, sort of. All 5 cited by PNAS only temporarily exceeded Cat 5. For example, quoting from the new paper, “The most intense of these hypothetical Cat 6 storms, Patricia, hit landfall in Jalisco, Mexico as a cat 4.” OOPS.
Yes, that is correct, Hurricanes are now exceeding the theoretical maximum possible category 5 ratings and will now go up to category 11.

Fire and brimstone are expected in the eye of the storms. Hurricane Category 6?

View attachment 898714
Goes to show how wrong a theory can be, eh?
Goes to show how wrong a theory can be, eh?
No, it goes to show you how desperate these loser "scientists" are to make a name for themselves as well as steal government grant money.

These supposed scientists, contribute nothing to society let alone science. They should be fired. Of course, they have no real skills other than maybe the ability to teach math to high school freshmen.
174-95 mph
64-82 kt
119-153 km/h
Very dangerous winds will produce some damage: Well-constructed frame homes could have damage to roof, shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could last a few to several days.

296-110 mph
83-95 kt
154-177 km/h
Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage: Well-constructed frame homes could sustain major roof and siding damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Near-total power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks.

111-129 mph
96-112 kt
178-208 km/h
Devastating damage will occur: Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes.

130-156 mph
113-136 kt
209-251 km/h
Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

157-179 mph or higher
137 kt or higher
252 km/h or higher
Catastrophic damage will occur: A high percentage of framed homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure and wall collapse. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months
(holy shit)
179 mph or higher
137 kt or higher
252 km/h or higher
The entire coast will be destroyed for miles inland. It will be raining cats and dogs, literally. All the homes will be destroyed, and the pieces blown away never to be found. Power outages will last for months until new solar panels can be manufactured. The entire area will pristine clean, with all the debris blown away. Beach parties can resume immediately.
Waiting for the Environmental Wackos like Crick to come along and tell us hurricanes are caused by me driving a Tundra.
Waiting for the Environmental Wackos like Crick to come along and tell us hurricanes are caused by me driving a Tundra.

Oh God.......he already says things like that.

Did you know the guy is a now a hermit? Yep....spent most of his life out in the middle of the ocean on these ghey research ships. Fact....sees the world unlike 99% of the population
Oh God.......he already says things like that.

Did you know the guy is a now a hermit? Yep....spent most of his life out in the middle of the ocean on these ghey research ships. Fact....sees the world unlike 99% of the population
I had a 30 year career as an Environmental Engineer. I actually remediated pollution instead of bitching about it like these Environmental Wackos do.
Oh God.......he already says things like that.

Did you know the guy is a now a hermit? Yep....spent most of his life out in the middle of the ocean on these ghey research ships. Fact....sees the world unlike 99% of the population
Really? Crick told me that he was on submarines. He didn’t mention that they were research ships.

Well, that explains him. Spending years literally isolated from the whole rest of the world were the only people you talk to 24 hours, four weeks at a time are people who are “researching global warming.”

no wonder he came to believe that everybody is a true believer and people outside. The cult are actually in the minority.

They really should do psychological testing on people before they send them miles blow the surface in a submarine. But since they would only be testing people who actually want to be miles under the surface in a submarine, it would be hard to find sane ones.
Is that useful? ... as it stands today, Hurricane Tip is still the largest at 1,390 miles in diameter ... and the most intense at 870 mb ... typical for Category V as currently defined ...

The OP is about wind speed and hurricane strength ... and Tip is second all-time at 160 mph sustained over ten minutes ... well within the Category V range given in Post # 8 ... should we bother spending millions and millions of tax-payer dollars to add a Category VI for just one storm? ... is that useful? ...

Which science are we discussing here? ... because the Saffir-Simpson scales is explicitly design for weather forecasting and public information ... we have far better measures after the fact, the ACE values mentioned in the OP's article is a great example of better data ... but it's after-the-fact, so it has no value in forecasting ...

I hate to keep bringing up Hurricane Katrina (2005) ... she was a minimum Category III at landfall ... except these Category III winds extended practically all the way to Tallahassee ... 800 miles of Gulf Coast destroyed ... much more human suffering than Hurricane Camille (1969) which was Cat V at landfall ... I named my cat Katrina, so should you ...

I also hate bringing up Tropical Storm Harvey (2017) ... 60 inches in one rain gauge in the Houston area ... wind speeds were below 73 mph during all that rain ... doesn't even rate a Category ... $125B in human suffering and not a hurricane? ...


The good news is with Man-Made Global Warming and Arctic Amplification ... overall power in the atmosphere will be lowering, and these concentrations of power will become less frequent ... though it will take a few hundred years of data to demonstrate this ... women are innocent, only men invented the oil economy, starting with beer, the girls were smarter than that ...

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