Hurricane Dorian Thread

Where will Dorian hit and what will it be?

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For our Floridian USMB members, please read the Red Cross Emergency check list before the storm. It could save yours or a loved one's life. Source: Get Ready for Tropical Storm Dorian And put new batteries in your flashlights TONIGHT.

Their checklist recommendations:

  1. Get your home ready. Cover windows with storm shutters or plywood. Store outside items, such as lawn furniture and trash cans, to prevent them from being moved by high winds and possibly hurting someone.
  2. Tune into your local radio, NOAA radio or news channels for the latest updates. Obey evacuation orders from local officials.
  3. Build an emergency kit with a gallon of water per person, per day, non-perishable food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, first aid kit, medications, supplies for an infant if applicable, a multi-purpose tool, personal hygiene items, copies of important papers, cell phone chargers, extra cash, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information.
  4. If someone already has a disaster kit, now is the time make sure the food and water is still okay to consume and that copies of important documents are up to date. If they already have an emergency plan for their household, they should talk about it again with family members so everyone knows what to do if an emergency occurs.
  5. Keep insurance policies, documents, and other valuables in a safe-deposit box. You may need quick, easy access to these documents. Keep them in a safe place less likely to be damaged if a hurricane causes flooding. Take pictures on a phone and keep copies of important documents and files on a USB flash drive that you can carry with you on your keyring.
  6. Prepare to evacuate quickly and know your routes and destinations.
  7. Fill your car's gas tank, in case an evacuation notice is issued.
  8. Never ride out a severe storm in a mobile home, even if it’s in a non-evacuation zone.
  9. Don’t forget your pets. Bring them indoors and maintain direct control of them. Prepare an emergency kit for your pets with leashes or carriers, food, water, bowls, cat litter and box, and photos of you with your pet in case you are separated.
  10. Download the free Red Cross Emergency App for real-time weather alerts, open shelters and expert advice on hurricanes. The App includes an “I’m Safe” feature that helps people check on loved ones. Search “American Red Cross” in app stores, or go to
  11. Stay indoors; avoid beaches, riverbanks and floodwaters. Stay alert for extended rainfall and subsequent flooding. Don't walk, swim or drive through floodwaters. Remember: Turn around, don’t drown.
  12. Use flashlights in the dark if the power goes out. Avoid using candles.
Its looking more and more like this thing will skirt the coast and may not make landfall..

Damn! It's a well-defined storm now and the protective front dissipated. :(
It's coming.
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JUST IN: Hurricane Dorian remains a major Category 4 storm, no longer expected to make landfall in Florida.

Hurricane Dorian strengthens and shifts, now may hit the Carolinas: Live updates


-Winds up to 150 mph -Moving W at 8 mph -May make landfall in North Carolina late next week
These guys are good, but up until last night they had it heading straight across into the Gulf, so , I'll believe it in about 24 hours maybe.

The trending looks as though mudwhistle was right.

Still, any subs and other baddies lurking around will be down to the deep.
We're supposed to be hit Wed. But not being in a flood zone we may skip evac. but we do have a reservation an airport hotel in case the prediction cone suddenly starts shifting west how about the rest of you?
I'm nowhere near hurricane zones but I'm a lifelong weather geek. I just posted on another thread that I marvel at how inaccurate these hurricane forecasts are 3, 4 and 5 days out. They'd be better off to actually post their accuracy rates at 5 days and scroll it: "You MAY have to evacuate but our forecasts five days before landfall are 10% accurate" etc.

I know weather is unpredictable but then TELL people that. With data.
The true believers in AGW disagree with you, but better preparedness has in fact reduced deathrates and that is where the greater accuracy comes in handy. The deathrate with lower accuracy was horrendous.
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:ack-1: Looks like it's coming straight for me!

Screw their predictions. I'm askeered!

Interactive Radar

^What you do is use that link, then go to bottom right "layers" and add the satellite and radar.

Gah! I got a squall line coming from the west. At least to my eyeballs.
We set up a super-fan in Bermuda and pushed the storm north.

Can you see how pronounced the eye is ? This reminds me of Andrew in 1992 which was a Cat 5 , anyone who remembers knows.

Dorian’s track has improved for Florida. But don’t exhale quite yet, forecasters warn
My brother is an engineer with TLT, so I happen to know that's a hydraulic fan for use in mines.

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