Hundreds of Illegals in NYC line up for free phones, healthcare, food, school supplies

The massive irony here is this........

All the world is fleeing their countries to come to the USA.
BUT at the same time, the USA is rapidly turning into the exact same shithole they fled.

Suppose a large passenger ship in the middle of the freezing North Atlantic was sinking and there were plenty lifeboats for all and only ONE heated lifeboat with food.

EVERYONE in the water ignores the other 30 regular lifeboats as they drift away.......and rushes that ONE heated lifeboat to get onboard, thereby sinking the lifeboat so NO ONE survives, and now the other 30 are too far away to reach.

In the case of the US southern border, it's comfort and personal gain they are clamoring for...not survival. There is no genocide taking place in countries south of the border. That is a myth propped up by the Left media to sway public opinion in order to flood the US borders.

At the end of this madness, America will be a poverty stricken shithole more violent and crime ridden than ANY of the countries they are running from today.
I suspect in 25 years many of those who ran here will run FROM here, if they are allowed to leave that is. Tyrants generally don't allow subjects to flee.
“I came to New York about three days ago. I am a welder, and I am looking for work here,” Venezuelan refugee Adrian Medina, 32, said through a translator.
A fellow Venezuelan, Luis Quintana, 48, said he came to the event “to get an ID and health insurance” after arriving in the city from Texas on Friday.

A rep for Medicaid provider MetroPlusHealth said it expected about 1,200 migrants to attend the event.
MetroPlusHealth said it was offering at least temporary healthcare coverage for the migrants at Sunday’s event.

The line to get into the event on the hospital’s Great Lawn stretched down the block.

Migrants were also provided library cards and back-to-school supplies for their kids.

Hundreds of migrants line up at NYC hospital for healthcare, food, free phones

They sure don't look "downtrodden" to me.

Apparently playing by the rules all my life (mostly) was an error.

This is what happens when politicians decide that the taxpayer is irrelevant.

Well that is why the Texas governor is sending them there---for the free stuff. They should build a statue to Greg Abbott in Guatemala.
Well that is why the Texas governor is sending them there---for the free stuff. They should build a statue to Greg Abbott in Guatemala.
Better than a "St. Floyd" statue in some shit-hole dem-run city.....I wonder if they ever replaced the one hit by lightning.
Better than a "St. Floyd" statue in some shit-hole dem-run city.....I wonder if they ever replaced the one hit by lightning.

IDK but the GOP giving them free bus tickets is just pushing the snowball off the top of the mountain. Starts is Dallas and ends with free Trapper Keepers in NYC. Very considerate of conservatives to give them a sight seeing tour so they can decide which part of the country best suits their needs.
Well that is why the Texas governor is sending them there---for the free stuff. They should build a statue to Greg Abbott in Guatemala.

Gov. Abbott was really looking out for the Illegals for sure.

American homeless prefer California, because of the high number of rich people with change to spare and the fact that they don't mind if they shit on the sidewalks in San Francisco. But for foreign bums, New York has a lot more to be said for it.
IDK but the GOP giving them free bus tickets is just pushing the snowball off the top of the mountain. Starts is Dallas and ends with free Trapper Keepers in NYC. Very considerate of conservatives to give them a sight seeing tour so they can decide which part of the country best suits their needs.
LOL.....I call it Wheel's "See America Tour". :laughing0301:
A national culture isn't only about work. It's about mindset. There are LEGAL immigrants who are welcome here. The masses illegally flooding this country under a traitorous regime are not

The people in this article came legally.
Yeah...he wants to take a job that an American should be getting.
And you're just fine with that.

LOL. I want the issue of immigrants taking jobs, be they legal or illegal addressed. People fight against that every time I bring it up.
LOL. I want the issue of immigrants taking jobs, be they legal or illegal addressed. People fight against that every time I bring it up.

No they dont.
And if you say they're legal you're still fine with them taking jobs from Americans.
As I've said here a dozen times....I watched mexicans and south Americans go from maybe 5% of the work force in machine shops in the mid 80's to 75% today.
And that goes for all blue collar workers. Blacks used to do 99% of concrete work in Texas.
Now it's all mexicans. And the primary reason for wage stagnation.
Even when they come here illegally they eventually get granted amnesty so the old "illegals cant get good jobs in America" is complete bullshit.
Of course they are here illegally. Sheeeeeeeesh. Wetbacks; swam the Rio Grande.

I suppose they sneak in via closed trucks, with the kids.

It doesn't matter how they get here. Our laws state that all you have to do is get here and then turn yourself in and apply for asylum. That is our law. If you do not like it, change it.
No they dont.
And if you say they're legal you're still fine with them taking jobs from Americans.

There is something wrong with your thinking. I am noting a simple fact. Things can not be addressed unless you address the facts. Crazy hyperbole gets nowhere.

They are here legally. That is a fact. Facts are not determined on what I think about that.

As I've said here a dozen times....I watched mexicans and south Americans go from maybe 5% of the work force in machine shops in the mid 80's to 75% today.
And that goes for all blue collar workers. Blacks used to do 99% of concrete work in Texas.
Now it's all mexicans. And the primary reason for wage stagnation.
Even when they come here illegally they eventually get granted amnesty so the old "illegals cant get good jobs in America" is complete bullshit.

And it will continue as long as business can access this cheap labor and nothing is done about it.

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