Hundreds of Illegals in NYC line up for free phones, healthcare, food, school supplies

Venezuelans ?
Isnt that a democratic socialist progressive paradise?
No, it's a dictatorship, like Trump and his cult want for the US.

“I came to New York about three days ago. I am a welder, and I am looking for work here,” Venezuelan refugee Adrian Medina, 32, said through a translator.
A fellow Venezuelan, Luis Quintana, 48, said he came to the event “to get an ID and health insurance” after arriving in the city from Texas on Friday.

A rep for Medicaid provider MetroPlusHealth said it expected about 1,200 migrants to attend the event.
MetroPlusHealth said it was offering at least temporary healthcare coverage for the migrants at Sunday’s event.

The line to get into the event on the hospital’s Great Lawn stretched down the block.

Migrants were also provided library cards and back-to-school supplies for their kids.

Hundreds of migrants line up at NYC hospital for healthcare, food, free phones

They sure don't look "downtrodden" to me.

Apparently playing by the rules all my life (mostly) was an error.

This is what happens when politicians decide that the taxpayer is irrelevant.
Sounds like a great DEPORTATION ROUND-UP Technique.

When they show up for free stuff, load 'em up on busses, take them back across the border,& drop them off.

We have enough of our own people who want free stuff illegally or without working for it.

Of course, Joe doesn't wanted then deported.
Sounds like a great DEPORTATION ROUND-UP Technique.

When they show up for free stuff, load 'em up on busses, take them back across the border,& drop them off.

We have enough of our own people who want free stuff illegally or without working for it.

Of course, Joe doesn't wanted then deported.

Nor do the businesses hiring them.
“I came to New York about three days ago. I am a welder, and I am looking for work here,” Venezuelan refugee Adrian Medina, 32, said through a translator.
A fellow Venezuelan, Luis Quintana, 48, said he came to the event “to get an ID and health insurance” after arriving in the city from Texas on Friday.

A rep for Medicaid provider MetroPlusHealth said it expected about 1,200 migrants to attend the event.
MetroPlusHealth said it was offering at least temporary healthcare coverage for the migrants at Sunday’s event.

The line to get into the event on the hospital’s Great Lawn stretched down the block.

Migrants were also provided library cards and back-to-school supplies for their kids.

Hundreds of migrants line up at NYC hospital for healthcare, food, free phones

They sure don't look "downtrodden" to me.

Apparently playing by the rules all my life (mostly) was an error.

This is what happens when politicians decide that the taxpayer is irrelevant.
Are they illegals, or are they asylum seekers from Central America awaiting their court date, under the Law?

the immigration courts need more immigration judges, to process these abundance of asylum seekers cases....!!!!

Instead it is taking 6months to a year for a court date!

From my understanding, the immigration courts, reject about 90% of these asylum seekers because they do not meet all asylum protocols for acceptance, and are flown home once the judge rejects them....

Well, Hell's Bells! We need this process to be near immediate, instead of 6 months later, which is giving them time to blend in to the wood work and disappear....

We TRULY need Congress to do their jobs and face immigration Reform, which both sides have been evading in Congress for decades.

Congress needs to fund our Immigration courts, and develop a process to make it faster!

Congress needs to rewrite our immigration laws to increase legal immigration from all different countries and decrease and eliminate illegal immigration if we need workers for jobs with all the boomers leaving the work force...

The President can only do so much.....he's bound by the laws of the land!

It is the constitutional duty, of Congress, and the yellow belly Congress critters need to get off their asses, get together...right and left aisle, and DO SOMETHING!
It's called asylum, and it's legal. Chances are your ancestors didn't have to wait in line either. Or maybe they did - who cares?
Asylum means waiting your turn and deciding if you have valid reason . It does not mean accepting everyone who comes across and to add insult to injury not demanding the Vaccine . Thank you for showing your stupidity
It’s “ legal?” How come Democratic Mayors are furious at the number oF Illegals THEY are getting, demanding Biden do something about it , which he isn’t and display their anger at GOV Abbot of Texas because HE isn’t “ taking care of them?”
Easy. Some seek simple legal entry in the country and some come seeking asylum. Please learn the laws of this country.
Please tell us how the “ Gotaways “ are seeking legal entry. After that, tell us how just showing up and coming in while others are FORCED to do it the proper way is legal. Thanks for your ignorance
It's called asylum, and it's legal. Chances are your ancestors didn't have to wait in line either. Or maybe they did - who cares?

Not one of my ancestors entered this country illegally.

To compare the legal immigrant ancestors of myself and other to the invading foreign criminals that are being allowed to infest out country today is deeply offensive.
An illegal walked up to me yesterday and showed me this cardboard note (approx 4"x4") wrapped in plastic. The note read, "Please help. I'm a migrant with with 6 children and have no money."

I asked her if she spoke English. NO.

I don't usually carry cash, but I had $1, which I gave to her.

She made a face, took the dollar, then turned around and went into Wal Mart where she (and the child she as carrying) proceeded to get a buggy and buy food.
- Where were the orher 5 kids?
- She bought a buggy full of food - I thought she had no money.

Another tome in Wal Mart a young female illegal walked up to me, told me she had just gotten here from crossing the border, and gave me a sob story about having a little baby that needed diapers and formula & how she had no money. Sometimes I can be a sucker for a sob story, so I offered to buy her some formula and some diapers. She proceeded to get a cart, lead me over to the baby section. She was joined by a woman she claimed was her mother. Together they began loading 6 packs of diapers- different sizes, 6 -7 cans of formula into the bugy, grabbing baby snacks, medicine, etc..., the whole time repeating 'thank you so much, God bless you' over & over. I was so pissed! At this point I told them I was not THAT big of a sucker and they could forget my help.

Just what we need, more beggars, con artists, and liars.

Every day there are already 4 - 5 beggars with signs at the intersection of the entrance of Wal Mart. They are white and black, take shifts hiding up a sign, and now and then I see them swap out, the one coming on handing the one leaving a ta drink from Starbucks (across the street).

One hot day a month ago - not carrying cash on me - I came out of the Lowes store right there, too - having see another sign-bearing begging couple asking for money - and ad bought them 2 waters from inside when I made my purchase.

As I drove towards the exit the woman approached the car. I explained I did not carry cash, remarked how hot it was, and gave them the waters. This woman, too, made a face, took the waters, walked away without saying 'thank you',, walked over to a cooler they had, opened it up, and tossed the bottles if water in ... on top of the numerous bottles of water, coke, and other drinks they to the clear plastic jug they were halfway trying to hide halfway filled with cash.

At the end of the day all these begging scam artists gather together, climb into several cars and drive off. Local pice say they make quite a bit every day.

We have enough lying begging scam artists. We don't need to import more.
The cartels are paying off democrats with huge amounts of money to permit letting the criminals control the border. Every dead body is money in someone's pocket.
Dead bodies
Live slaves
I've already done it in this thread. Read and educate yourself.
Because the Govt le
I've already done it in this thread. Read and educate yourself
Our legal system does NOT state that those who enter this Country CLAIMING asylum automatically get it. Just ask those living in Cuba; just ONE example . “ Entering the Country is not the same as LITERALLY opening up a gate in Texas ( Last week) and letting them in Please tell why the Mayor of NY and D. C are suddenly yelling about it and condemning Gov Abbot for not “ taking care of them?” Don’t care about the Fentanyl pouring into this Country? Educate yourself
The cartels are paying off democrats with huge amounts of money to permit letting the criminals control the border. Every dead body is money in someone's pocket.
Dead bodies
Live slaves
The cartels are paying off democrats with huge amounts of money to permit letting the criminals control the border. Every dead body is money in someone's pocket.
Dead bodies
Live slaves
You must be wrong pknopp says everyone who comes across is LEGAL so therefore there can be no Cartels ! As he would say; EDUCATE YOURSELF. 👍
An illegal walked up to me yesterday and showed me this cardboard note (approx 4"x4") wrapped in plastic. The note read, "Please help. I'm a migrant with with 6 children and have no money."

I asked her if she spoke English. NO.

I don't usually carry cash, but I had $1, which I gave to her.

She made a face, took the dollar, then turned around and went into Wal Mart where she (and the child she as carrying) proceeded to get a buggy and buy food.
- Where were the orher 5 kids?
- She bought a buggy full of food - I thought she had no money.

Another tome in Wal Mart a young female illegal walked up to me, told me she had just gotten here from crossing the border, and gave me a sob story about having a little baby that needed diapers and formula & how she had no money. Sometimes I can be a sucker for a sob story, so I offered to buy her some formula and some diapers. She proceeded to get a cart, lead me over to the baby section. She was joined by a woman she claimed was her mother. Together they began loading 6 packs of diapers- different sizes, 6 -7 cans of formula into the bugy, grabbing baby snacks, medicine, etc..., the whole time repeating 'thank you so much, God bless you' over & over. I was so pissed! At this point I told them I was not THAT big of a sucker and they could forget my help.

Just what we need, more beggars, con artists, and liars.

Every day there are already 4 - 5 beggars with signs at the intersection of the entrance of Wal Mart. They are white and black, take shifts hiding up a sign, and now and then I see them swap out, the one coming on handing the one leaving a ta drink from Starbucks (across the street).

One hot day a month ago - not carrying cash on me - I came out of the Lowes store right there, too - having see another sign-bearing begging couple asking for money - and ad bought them 2 waters from inside when I made my purchase.

As I drove towards the exit the woman approached the car. I explained I did not carry cash, remarked how hot it was, and gave them the waters. This woman, too, made a face, took the waters, walked away without saying 'thank you',, walked over to a cooler they had, opened it up, and tossed the bottles if water in ... on top of the numerous bottles of water, coke, and other drinks they to the clear plastic jug they were halfway trying to hide halfway filled with cash.

At the end of the day all these begging scam artists gather together, climb into several cars and drive off. Local pice say they make quite a bit every day.

We have enough lying begging scam artists. We don't need to import more.
Some years ago I was leaving the grocery when an overweight Hispanic woman asked me for money because her six children were starving. This is what I told her.

Take your youngest and weakest. Feed that child to the remaining children. If they are still hungry, take the next weakest and feed that child to the remaining children. Keep doing that until your children are no longer starving.
Because the Govt le

Our legal system does NOT state that those who enter this Country CLAIMING asylum automatically get it.

No one said they did. If you want to change the subject, start another thread.
No one said they did. If you want to change the subject, start another thread.
YOU did. YOU said once they come here we are obligated to take them which isn’t true. But what YOU ignore is we don’t even try to stop. So everyone can plead asylum? Soon you’ll be stating the cartels that bring them not to mention the drugs are legal
Our laws state that if they get to the border and claim asylum they are here legally.

If you are referring to 8 US Code 1158 - Asylum ...

It is not illegal to put any alien* interdicted on US Territory, in US Waters or International Waters on a boat or plane,
and shuttling them down to Gitmo to wait out and process their claim for asylum.

If they don't like it ... They don't have to come.
It's not like we are going down to Honduras and kidnapping them.


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