How’s the ‘free shit’ ‘open border, no sovereignty’ model working in Mexifornia?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?

If Trump gets re-elected and carries congress on his coat tails, CA is going to be the last state standing under these principles. We even see movement in New York where the citizens are pissed.

Let me tell you----------->everyone says how bad it is going to be if Bernie gets elected. Well, if Trump gets elected, and we REALLY want to fix things, it is not going to be easy either. We are going to see things happen that haven't happened since Eisenhower, and it will happen quickly before the Left can mount a retake of the House.

Expect 2 years of upheaval, and if the GOP holds the house and Senate in 2022, expect 4.
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?

If Trump gets re-elected and carries congress on his coat tails, CA is going to be the last state standing under these principles. We even see movement in New York where the citizens are pissed.

Let me tell you----------->everyone says how bad it is going to be if Bernie gets elected. Well, if Trump gets elected, and we REALLY want to fix things, it is not going to be easy either. We are going to see things happen that haven't happened since Eisenhower, and it will happen quickly before the Left can mount a retake of the House.

Expect 2 years of upheaval, and if the GOP holds the house and Senate in 2022, expect 4.

I'm not seeing any links supporting your predictions??
Why can't the next 4-years be like the last 4-years, except no investigations of Trump and the "collusion hoax"?
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?

If Trump gets re-elected and carries congress on his coat tails, CA is going to be the last state standing under these principles. We even see movement in New York where the citizens are pissed.

Let me tell you----------->everyone says how bad it is going to be if Bernie gets elected. Well, if Trump gets elected, and we REALLY want to fix things, it is not going to be easy either. We are going to see things happen that haven't happened since Eisenhower, and it will happen quickly before the Left can mount a retake of the House.

Expect 2 years of upheaval, and if the GOP holds the house and Senate in 2022, expect 4.
Cuomo is registering 16 year olds. But, don't worry, they won't vote
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?
There's no open border in California. You know nothing.

You’re right....40 million human cockroaches made it to America through a tightly CLOSED / defended border.
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?
There's no open border in California. You know nothing.

There doesn't need to be an open border for illegals to flock there. Los Angeles/Long Beach/Anaheim has the second highest population of illegals next to the New York/New Jersey area. No matter where they come through the border, they're going to flock to cities which are under Democratic control, and those which have "sanctuary" policies.

Most U.S. unauthorized immigrants live in just 20 metro areas

Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?

If Trump gets re-elected and carries congress on his coat tails, CA is going to be the last state standing under these principles. We even see movement in New York where the citizens are pissed.

Let me tell you----------->everyone says how bad it is going to be if Bernie gets elected. Well, if Trump gets elected, and we REALLY want to fix things, it is not going to be easy either. We are going to see things happen that haven't happened since Eisenhower, and it will happen quickly before the Left can mount a retake of the House.

Expect 2 years of upheaval, and if the GOP holds the house and Senate in 2022, expect 4.

I'm not seeing any links supporting your predictions??
Why can't the next 4-years be like the last 4-years, except no investigations of Trump and the "collusion hoax"?

Because, that is NOT fixing it. All that is would be putting a placeholder in to stop the bleeding temporarily.

Both sides know what ails this country, they just have different ideas on what to do to fix it. Illegal immigration is one of them, along with the deficit, national debt.

Free stuff to everyone, even non Americans who walk across this border, will no way keep us at full employment, nor lower deficits. Seriously, how can it?

Trump is here to fix the economic problems, and the unfairness that was happening to Americans.

The Left is here to fix global warming, and unfairness to illegals; a stark contrast in choices if you ask me.

If Trump wins and carries congress on his coat tails, we have what is called a MANDATE! Same in reverse if the Democrat wins, and this is how politicians PUSH through their agenda.

CONSIDER-----------------> Can a political party argue about a MANDATE if they are blown out, regardless of which party it is that does get skewered?

They can NOT, and they will NOT!


Because those that remain from the losing party to save themselves politically, will move somewhat towards the winning agenda. That is how politics work!

So pick your candidate wisely! No blow out, you have status quo. Get a blow out? And you get the winning sides MANDATED agenda!
Commie Bernie intends to rollout the Mexifornia model on a national level....Are you looking forward to Californication spreading through your state?
Are your local politicians ready to embrace the lunacy?

If Trump gets re-elected and carries congress on his coat tails, CA is going to be the last state standing under these principles. We even see movement in New York where the citizens are pissed.

Let me tell you----------->everyone says how bad it is going to be if Bernie gets elected. Well, if Trump gets elected, and we REALLY want to fix things, it is not going to be easy either. We are going to see things happen that haven't happened since Eisenhower, and it will happen quickly before the Left can mount a retake of the House.

Expect 2 years of upheaval, and if the GOP holds the house and Senate in 2022, expect 4.

I'm not seeing any links supporting your predictions??
Why can't the next 4-years be like the last 4-years, except no investigations of Trump and the "collusion hoax"?

Because, that is NOT fixing it. All that is would be putting a placeholder in to stop the bleeding temporarily.

Both sides know what ails this country, they just have different ideas on what to do to fix it. Illegal immigration is one of them, along with the deficit, national debt.

Free stuff to everyone, even non Americans who walk across this border, will no way keep us at full employment, nor lower deficits. Seriously, how can it?

Trump is here to fix the economic problems, and the unfairness that was happening to Americans.

The Left is here to fix global warming, and unfairness to illegals; a stark contrast in choices if you ask me.

If Trump wins and carries congress on his coat tails, we have what is called a MANDATE! Same in reverse if the Democrat wins, and this is how politicians PUSH through their agenda.

CONSIDER-----------------> Can a political party argue about a MANDATE if they are blown out, regardless of which party it is that does get skewered?

They can NOT, and they will NOT!


Because those that remain from the losing party to save themselves politically, will move somewhat towards the winning agenda. That is how politics work!

So pick your candidate wisely! No blow out, you have status quo. Get a blow out? And you get the winning sides MANDATED agenda!

Let me tell you something KYZR----------> this is why not only Democrats, but some GOPers are so worried about a Sanders nomination. The choice is sooooooooo damn stark that there is absolutely no way possible you could deny a MANDATE if one side or the other, even mildly gets blown out.

In essence, the nervous GOPers are thinking that it is better if we can get a moderate Democrat just in case they win, then they can claim we are "almost on the same page but for a few differences."

Is that how you play to win? Are all of us CORRECT that BERNARD is anti American, pro Socialist, almost leaning towards Marxism, and we already know from the polls, that 60% of Americans will NOT vote for a Socialist?

I am in for BERNARD winning the DNC nomination, because the TRUTH IS--------------->if we can't beat BERNARD, we can't beat any of them, and our march towards Socialism will gather steam, no matter which nominee on that side is elected. In essence...…...America is already lost if we can NOT defeat BERNARD!

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