How's that pesky trade war Trump started? U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High
by Felix Richter,
Aug 5, 2019

Despite all efforts by the Trump administration to reign in the country’s trade deficit, the gap between imports to and exports from the United States climbed to a 10-year high in the first half of 2019. According to figures released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday, the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services declined slightly in June, bringing the total deficit to $316 billion for the first half of 2019, the highest it’s been since 2008. The increase was mainly caused by a historically high deficit in goods trade, which amounted to a record $439 billion, of which $219 billion can be traced back to trade with China alone.

While the U.S. trade deficit continues to climb overall, imports from China have in fact been affected by the ongoing trade war between the two economic superpowers. U.S. goods imports from China dropped by more than $30 billion in the first half of 2019 compared to the previous year.


This chart shows the U.S. trade balance in goods, services and overall. ...

However, price index shows that prices are slightly falling and profit margins improving and inflation is unchanged despite of higher tariffs.

That means that tariffs are not passed on consumers as leftist media are saying.

Tell it to farmers and residents of rural America who have been turned into welfare recipients.

If tariffs were such a great economic booster, every country would be imposing 1000% tariffs on all imports.

Da fuq are you babbling about? I live in a rural area. Farmers are just now harvesting their corn and soybean crops here. And they can't find enough people to fill the retail, manufacturing, and other jobs.

Dude: You're ate up with it.
QUOTE="occupied, post: 23560754, member: 33716"]There is nothing more frightening than stupidity in action. This needed to be done 20 or more years ago when we still had the leverage to win. Also I remember apocalyptic prdictions that doing things for the working poor like minimum wage hikes would crash the economy. Peanuts compared to this. Trump has cost conservatives the ability to complain about government "meddling" in the economy.[/QUOTE]

There's your problem. It was conservatives 30 years ago taking lobby (bribes) money, from the big fortune 500, passing laws allowing them to close down factories here, and move to China, and justifying it as a way to stick it to the unions, and Democrats for supporting minimum wage hikes, and do I need to refresh your memory on the ad nauseum arguments about Walmarts right to close down Main St. and import everything from China to sell to America now, and that greed is good.

How's that working out for everybody?
What did everyone expect? Trump is a moron that does not learn anything and does not take advice. He is an ineffectual retard compared to the serious people on the other side of the negotiating table.
The OP must be a millennial.

"If it doesn't happen the moment it is stated, then it is a failure."

China is playing the long game, and Americans whine when their instant oatmeal takes more than 20 seconds.

Trump set the expectation that he’d be able to fix this very quickly.
Not really. Anyone with any modicum of understanding regarding economic interactions between nations knows that if someone says this will happen soon, soon = 18 months to 10 years.

On the world stage, economic issues just don' turn on a dime unless it a market crash. We don't make policy or write treaties regarding trade in a single piece of paper in an afternoon over coffee.

Anyone with a modicum of understanding? I guess that excludes Trump then.
It looks to me as if it excludes you. Unless, of course, you actually do think that trade negotiations are done in an afternoon while eating finger sandwiches and drinking tea. Then is it really a matter of you not living in the same reality as everyone else.

I’m well aware of this. Trump was not.
I will suggest you read the rest of my contribution to this thread. YOU, do not get to determine what others define as quick.
That also means that we imported less, which is good. We need to be less dependent on the rest of the world.

BTW, the DOW hit another record today. That's over 100 record closings since Trump's inauguration. There were only 122 record closings the entire 8 years Obama was President.
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

Better fit Uncle Sam with some Chinese bullet-resistant robotic feet if Trump insists on continually shooting Uncle Sam's feet off.

In regard to Chinese technological evolution, the ship has already sailed and the US failed to board.

WTF do you mean shooting the US feet off? Whatever you're implying, you're wrong. The Trump tariffs are working, China's economy is slowing.
Many companies in China are moving to VN. The trade war is working in favor of the US. The US economy is growing, the stock markets are setting records almost daily.
A better question is: will Xi give Trump a victory and a "fair" trade deal, or will Xi try to make life difficult for Trump in hopes of getting democrats a win in 2020?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Chinese technological revolution was founded in large part on the theft of US intellectual property.
Competing With China on Technology and Innovation
"Aside from broader issues of trade and economics, the United States and Japan should consider the specific risks and opportunities related to competition with China in high-tech innovation. A so-called fourth industrial revolution is under way, a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing. Breakthroughs in these fields can potentially shift the future balance of economic and military power, prompting governments and large corporations to compete aggressively now over their development and applications."

So whose side are you on?
You know that China will manipulate American voters to achieve a Democrat victory -- or attempt it -- so that they do not have to face the pushback on their economic and intellectual thievery.

The sums of money involved here compel them to try and take down anyone involved is slowing their progress.

China has stated they prefer Donald Trump as POTUS.
Did you believe them?

You can't be serious. Talk to Nancy Pelosi and get her to let the House vote on the USMCA, which the Democrats have been stalling for over a year now.
The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

That also means that we imported less, which is good. We need to be less dependent on the rest of the world.

BTW, the DOW hit another record today. That's over 100 record closings since Trump's inauguration. There were only 122 record closings the entire 8 years Obama was President.
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

So do I. I just don't support Rump.

We all know you love rumps! You bang one every chance you get!
Now Admiral, we have talked about this. Not every thread needs to be turned into a discussion of gay sex by you. Stop that.

I suspect that the admiral is seeking a promotion to rear admiral.
The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High
by Felix Richter,
Aug 5, 2019

Despite all efforts by the Trump administration to reign in the country’s trade deficit, the gap between imports to and exports from the United States climbed to a 10-year high in the first half of 2019. According to figures released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday, the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services declined slightly in June, bringing the total deficit to $316 billion for the first half of 2019, the highest it’s been since 2008. The increase was mainly caused by a historically high deficit in goods trade, which amounted to a record $439 billion, of which $219 billion can be traced back to trade with China alone.

While the U.S. trade deficit continues to climb overall, imports from China have in fact been affected by the ongoing trade war between the two economic superpowers. U.S. goods imports from China dropped by more than $30 billion in the first half of 2019 compared to the previous year.


This chart shows the U.S. trade balance in goods, services and overall. ...

However, price index shows that prices are slightly falling and profit margins improving and inflation is unchanged despite of higher tariffs.

That means that tariffs are not passed on consumers as leftist media are saying.

A big factor is that we can withstand the Trade War and China cannot. Their GDP is already falling like a rock, and eventually they're going to buckle.

This should have been done a long time ago, neither the previous Democrats nor Republicans had the spine to tackle the problem head on.

But President Trump did. MAGA!

China's GDP growth rate in 2q 2019 was 6.2%. Trump can only dream of that with US GDP 1.9% and dropping.

Trump has flunked POTUS school.
The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

That also means that we imported less, which is good. We need to be less dependent on the rest of the world.

BTW, the DOW hit another record today. That's over 100 record closings since Trump's inauguration. There were only 122 record closings the entire 8 years Obama was President.
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

Better fit Uncle Sam with some Chinese bullet-resistant robotic feet if Trump insists on continually shooting Uncle Sam's feet off.

In regard to Chinese technological evolution, the ship has already sailed and the US failed to board.

WTF do you mean shooting the US feet off? Whatever you're implying, you're wrong. The Trump tariffs are working, China's economy is slowing.
Many companies in China are moving to VN. The trade war is working in favor of the US. The US economy is growing, the stock markets are setting records almost daily.
A better question is: will Xi give Trump a victory and a "fair" trade deal, or will Xi try to make life difficult for Trump in hopes of getting democrats a win in 2020?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Chinese technological revolution was founded in large part on the theft of US intellectual property.
Competing With China on Technology and Innovation
"Aside from broader issues of trade and economics, the United States and Japan should consider the specific risks and opportunities related to competition with China in high-tech innovation. A so-called fourth industrial revolution is under way, a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing. Breakthroughs in these fields can potentially shift the future balance of economic and military power, prompting governments and large corporations to compete aggressively now over their development and applications."

So whose side are you on?

Here’s a problem with your opinion.

Trump tariffs is NOT working if it does he could have sign the agreement with Xi.
True. China’s economy is slowing down but doesn’t mean they are backing off. In reality Chinese are jerking Trump around.

At the same time we the consumers are paying the tariffs that this inept POTUS has imposed.

Not a single businesses, technologies, manufacturers, retailers, farmers, importers, exporters support this ...... Stupid Trade Wars. NONE. NOBODY except the idiots.

Exactly. If Trump was winning the trade war US manufacturing would be growing not declining as it is currently.

The US current account is headed in the wrong direction again after Obama fixed it.
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

Better fit Uncle Sam with some Chinese bullet-resistant robotic feet if Trump insists on continually shooting Uncle Sam's feet off.

In regard to Chinese technological evolution, the ship has already sailed and the US failed to board.

WTF do you mean shooting the US feet off? Whatever you're implying, you're wrong. The Trump tariffs are working, China's economy is slowing.
Many companies in China are moving to VN. The trade war is working in favor of the US. The US economy is growing, the stock markets are setting records almost daily.
A better question is: will Xi give Trump a victory and a "fair" trade deal, or will Xi try to make life difficult for Trump in hopes of getting democrats a win in 2020?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Chinese technological revolution was founded in large part on the theft of US intellectual property.
Competing With China on Technology and Innovation
"Aside from broader issues of trade and economics, the United States and Japan should consider the specific risks and opportunities related to competition with China in high-tech innovation. A so-called fourth industrial revolution is under way, a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing. Breakthroughs in these fields can potentially shift the future balance of economic and military power, prompting governments and large corporations to compete aggressively now over their development and applications."

So whose side are you on?
You know that China will manipulate American voters to achieve a Democrat victory -- or attempt it -- so that they do not have to face the pushback on their economic and intellectual thievery.

The sums of money involved here compel them to try and take down anyone involved is slowing their progress.

The Chinese already know how to get money to the Bidens:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal - Gingrich 360

I don't know if anyone is investigating the Chinese/Biden connection?
Trump probably doesn't want to piss the Chinese off when he's trying to get a trade deal.

It sad that Americans like you hate your own fellow Americans.

You’ve been here this site this long then used an unknown media to bolster your ignorance and stupidity. It’s just unbelievable.

If Trumpery and stupidity were valuable commodities the Trump administration would be crowing.
The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High
by Felix Richter,
Aug 5, 2019

Despite all efforts by the Trump administration to reign in the country’s trade deficit, the gap between imports to and exports from the United States climbed to a 10-year high in the first half of 2019. According to figures released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday, the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services declined slightly in June, bringing the total deficit to $316 billion for the first half of 2019, the highest it’s been since 2008. The increase was mainly caused by a historically high deficit in goods trade, which amounted to a record $439 billion, of which $219 billion can be traced back to trade with China alone.

While the U.S. trade deficit continues to climb overall, imports from China have in fact been affected by the ongoing trade war between the two economic superpowers. U.S. goods imports from China dropped by more than $30 billion in the first half of 2019 compared to the previous year.


This chart shows the U.S. trade balance in goods, services and overall. ...
Rather than rejoicing in America’s loss you should be lamenting the globalist control over your country

The loss of American power will hurt future generations of American children

Donald Trump is an illusionist who has clouded the minds of his followers while filling his pockets with their money.

Trumpery of tariffs won't make America great.

90% approval rating among Republicans. Suck it, loser. :laughing0301:

So Donald Trump is the king of US dolts?
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

Better fit Uncle Sam with some Chinese bullet-resistant robotic feet if Trump insists on continually shooting Uncle Sam's feet off.

In regard to Chinese technological evolution, the ship has already sailed and the US failed to board.

WTF do you mean shooting the US feet off? Whatever you're implying, you're wrong. The Trump tariffs are working, China's economy is slowing.
Many companies in China are moving to VN. The trade war is working in favor of the US. The US economy is growing, the stock markets are setting records almost daily.
A better question is: will Xi give Trump a victory and a "fair" trade deal, or will Xi try to make life difficult for Trump in hopes of getting democrats a win in 2020?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Chinese technological revolution was founded in large part on the theft of US intellectual property.
Competing With China on Technology and Innovation
"Aside from broader issues of trade and economics, the United States and Japan should consider the specific risks and opportunities related to competition with China in high-tech innovation. A so-called fourth industrial revolution is under way, a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing. Breakthroughs in these fields can potentially shift the future balance of economic and military power, prompting governments and large corporations to compete aggressively now over their development and applications."

So whose side are you on?
You know that China will manipulate American voters to achieve a Democrat victory -- or attempt it -- so that they do not have to face the pushback on their economic and intellectual thievery.

The sums of money involved here compel them to try and take down anyone involved is slowing their progress.

China has stated they prefer Donald Trump as POTUS.

Of course they'd prefer him as President, instead of the commie shit they have now.

What country wouldn't prefer to him him for President?

The USA. Donald Trump lost the popular vote. He is a bogus POTUS.
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

Better fit Uncle Sam with some Chinese bullet-resistant robotic feet if Trump insists on continually shooting Uncle Sam's feet off.

In regard to Chinese technological evolution, the ship has already sailed and the US failed to board.

WTF do you mean shooting the US feet off? Whatever you're implying, you're wrong. The Trump tariffs are working, China's economy is slowing.
Many companies in China are moving to VN. The trade war is working in favor of the US. The US economy is growing, the stock markets are setting records almost daily.
A better question is: will Xi give Trump a victory and a "fair" trade deal, or will Xi try to make life difficult for Trump in hopes of getting democrats a win in 2020?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Chinese technological revolution was founded in large part on the theft of US intellectual property.
Competing With China on Technology and Innovation
"Aside from broader issues of trade and economics, the United States and Japan should consider the specific risks and opportunities related to competition with China in high-tech innovation. A so-called fourth industrial revolution is under way, a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing. Breakthroughs in these fields can potentially shift the future balance of economic and military power, prompting governments and large corporations to compete aggressively now over their development and applications."

So whose side are you on?
You know that China will manipulate American voters to achieve a Democrat victory -- or attempt it -- so that they do not have to face the pushback on their economic and intellectual thievery.

The sums of money involved here compel them to try and take down anyone involved is slowing their progress.

China has stated they prefer Donald Trump as POTUS.
Did you believe them?


Yes. World leaders have learned that Donald Trump is not only susceptible but flattered by bribery and corruption.

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