How's that pesky trade war Trump started? U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

The U.S. Government overspends
But Trump holds the record. And it's not even close.

How much has Trump added to the debt? The record is $10T
Deficit Donald has DOUBLED the deficit. He is doing his best to beat Obama's debt record because he hates being second to anyone.

He's already spent way more than Obama did in the same length of time.

Way more.

And you made this about spending, dumbass. But you go ahead and keep moving those goalposts. Some other tards like yourself might be fooled.

Hey, well at least we're getting out money's worth, as opposed to Obama's big spending: The strongest military in the world, a strong economy and stock market, enough oil to drown every seagull and baby seal in the world, hundreds of thousands of dead terrorists in the Middle East, a saturated job market, entitlement cuts to the Free Shit Army, North Korea's, Iran's, and Venezuela's economies knocked in the dirt, and the best part?

Driving you leftards out of your fucking minds. That alone is worth all the money we have in this country. God bless that magnificent orange MAGA son of a bitch. I'm going to enjoy seeing that bastard piss you fuckers off for the next five years. You certainly deserve everything coming to you: A couple more SC nominations, a couple hundred more lower court judges, some more of the leftist agenda dying from the death of a thousand cuts, and we'll be done with you chumps once and for all.
Obama killed more Muslims than any other President.

Our military has been the strongest in the world since WWII. Trump didn't build that.

We do have the largest spending in history thanks to Trump. So whenever I hear a tard like you claim the GOP is about small government, I laugh to nearly split my sides open.
What you don't seem to understand is that NOBODY really gives two fucks about spending..
Yet the orange moron campaigned on it. And you ate up every word.

You're a dope. Even if President Trump doesn't deliver on a few of his campaign promises, he's still produced far more than he promised.

And he'll do even more to completely destroy your little leftist circle jerk during his second term. And do you want to know the best part of it? There's nothing you can do to stop him. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Nichts. Zero.

Everything you crayola-eaters have tried since the day of his inauguration, has failed miserably.

Get used to it: You're stuck with Trump, whether you like it or not. Adapt or die, I personally don't give a fuck which.
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Trump starts a far left tariff war.

The trade deficit widens to a record, the nine year climb of the Dow screeches to a halt, GDP growth plunges to 1.9 percent, the manufacturing index dives, and the tards declare success! :lol:
Hey, well at least we're getting out money's wort
peak cultism

So? I'd defend this President down to the last drop of your blood, if need be. You think Obama-supporters back in 2008 were "cultists"? You don't know me, or anyone else who supports this President. Go ahead and underestimate us if you want to. Marginalize us if you want to.

It's your loss man, because you and your little world means nothing to me.
Comrade Donald is doing his utmost to sabotage the most successful economy in the world.

How about this? Go shove your childish Commie insinuations about "comrade" Trump so far up your ass, that you can't crap for a week.

Everyone knows by now that you're the real "useless idiot" and "tool" of communist regimes. You're not fooling anyone with your outdated Alinskyite radical rules, so F off.
Trump starts a far left tariff war.

The trade deficit widens to a record, the nine year climb of the Dow screeches to a halt, GDP growth plunges to 1.9 percent, the manufacturing index dives, and the tards declare success! :lol:

You're an idiot.Only an America-hating leftard would want something like that o happen. You are in no a countryman of mine, ya worthless commie POS.
Comrade Donald is doing his utmost to sabotage the most successful economy in the world.

How about this? Go shove your childish Commie insinuations about "comrade" Trump so far up your ass, that you can't crap for a week.

Everyone knows by now that you're the real "useless idiot" and "tool" of communist regimes. You're not fooling anyone with your outdated Alinskyite radical rules, so F off.
Comrade Donald is doing his utmost to sabotage the most successful economy in the world.

How about this? Go shove your childish Commie insinuations about "comrade" Trump so far up your ass, that you can't crap for a week.

Everyone knows by now that you're the real "useless idiot" and "tool" of communist regimes. You're not fooling anyone with your outdated Alinskyite radical rules, so F off.

Once again you failed miserably. Honestly, you leftist shitheads can't meme worth a shit.

Everyone knows that you are a communist sympathizer, you're not fooling anyone but yourself. Hell, those communists have their dicks so far up your collective asses, that you had to beg them for help in defeating Trump back ion 2016. But they failed you.

Still, you keep sucking on their dirty red dicks. :21:
The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High
by Felix Richter,
Aug 5, 2019

Despite all efforts by the Trump administration to reign in the country’s trade deficit, the gap between imports to and exports from the United States climbed to a 10-year high in the first half of 2019. According to figures released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday, the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services declined slightly in June, bringing the total deficit to $316 billion for the first half of 2019, the highest it’s been since 2008. The increase was mainly caused by a historically high deficit in goods trade, which amounted to a record $439 billion, of which $219 billion can be traced back to trade with China alone.

While the U.S. trade deficit continues to climb overall, imports from China have in fact been affected by the ongoing trade war between the two economic superpowers. U.S. goods imports from China dropped by more than $30 billion in the first half of 2019 compared to the previous year.

This chart shows the U.S. trade balance in goods, services and overall. ...

That also means that we imported less, which is good. We need to be less dependent on the rest of the world.

BTW, the DOW hit another record today. That's over 100 record closings since Trump's inauguration. There were only 122 record closings the entire 8 years Obama was President.
The trade war with China is necessary. If you want China to replace the US as the top dog economically, that's your right.
Most of us want the US to stay on top and to stop China from stealing US product designs and intellectual property.

Hell, even Nancy and the House supports Trump's efforts to get fair trade deals with China:

Democrat-led House seen backing Trump’s China trade war, scrutinizing talks with allies

Better fit Uncle Sam with some Chinese bullet-resistant robotic feet if Trump insists on continually shooting Uncle Sam's feet off.

In regard to Chinese technological evolution, the ship has already sailed and the US failed to board.

WTF do you mean shooting the US feet off? Whatever you're implying, you're wrong. The Trump tariffs are working, China's economy is slowing.
Many companies in China are moving to VN. The trade war is working in favor of the US. The US economy is growing, the stock markets are setting records almost daily.
A better question is: will Xi give Trump a victory and a "fair" trade deal, or will Xi try to make life difficult for Trump in hopes of getting democrats a win in 2020?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Chinese technological revolution was founded in large part on the theft of US intellectual property.
Competing With China on Technology and Innovation
"Aside from broader issues of trade and economics, the United States and Japan should consider the specific risks and opportunities related to competition with China in high-tech innovation. A so-called fourth industrial revolution is under way, a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing. Breakthroughs in these fields can potentially shift the future balance of economic and military power, prompting governments and large corporations to compete aggressively now over their development and applications."

So whose side are you on?
Viet Nam, eh?

Manufacturers Want to Quit China for Vietnam. They’re Finding It Impossible.
Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest
Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest

The funny thing is; Trump has been busting his ass to cut hundreds of billions in spending on filthy wetbacks and all you dumbmotherfuckers do is resist his efforts. You, like g5000 can't really give two fucks about spending..."SPENDING" is your ploy, a weak ass talking point....nothing more.
The trade balance is actually worse than it seems because record oil and gas exports from the USA are masking the decline in goods and services exports.

Manufacturing is already in decline in the USA and investment in industry is declining.

Donald Trump has trashed brand America and consumers around the world are reducing their purchases of US manufactures and services.

Tourism by foreigners has also declined as Donald Trump has made foreigners feel they are unwelcome in the USA.

Donald Trump has shot Uncle Sam in both feet.

Infographic: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High

U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Reaches Record High
by Felix Richter,
Aug 5, 2019

Despite all efforts by the Trump administration to reign in the country’s trade deficit, the gap between imports to and exports from the United States climbed to a 10-year high in the first half of 2019. According to figures released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday, the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services declined slightly in June, bringing the total deficit to $316 billion for the first half of 2019, the highest it’s been since 2008. The increase was mainly caused by a historically high deficit in goods trade, which amounted to a record $439 billion, of which $219 billion can be traced back to trade with China alone.

While the U.S. trade deficit continues to climb overall, imports from China have in fact been affected by the ongoing trade war between the two economic superpowers. U.S. goods imports from China dropped by more than $30 billion in the first half of 2019 compared to the previous year.


This chart shows the U.S. trade balance in goods, services and overall. ...
While Wall Street continues to work its "2008 Repo Magic"
Some things never change?

“Intra-day Bankruptcy”: A 2008 Email from the Fed Provides Insight into Today’s Overnight Repo Scare

"There is one phrase on Wall Street that instills fright like no other – 'intra-day bankruptcy' – especially if it’s describing a bankruptcy filing by a highly interconnected Wall Street firm.

"On July 20, 2008 a Federal Reserve economist, Patrick Parkinson, used that phrase in an email to describe fears that Lehman Brothers might have to make an intra-day bankruptcy filing and to speculate on what was going on in the minds of the folks at JPMorgan Chase, Lehman’s clearing bank, regarding how it might get 'stuck' with Lehman’s overnight loans.

"The email describes perfectly what is highly likely going on in the minds of top executives at JPMorgan Chase today and why the Fed has been pumping hundreds of billions of dollars each week into unnamed trading houses on Wall Street since September 17."

Um, because we spend too much supporting 22,000,000 illegal democrat voters
Um, because we spend too much supporting 22,000,000 illegal democrat voters
Payback's a real bitch.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Thirty-One
Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest

The funny thing is; Trump has been busting his ass to cut hundreds of billions in spending on filthy wetbacks and all you dumbmotherfuckers do is resist his efforts. You, like g5000 can't really give two fucks about spending..."SPENDING" is your ploy, a weak ass talking point....nothing more.

poor little BL, can't get anyone to join him today.

Just because I am not a racist like you does not mean I do not care about spending. I care a great deal about spending and our national debt.
Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest
My favorite spin from the Trumpsters regarding spending is when they say, "okay, where would you cut spending?"

Which, of course, is EXACTLY what the LEFT wingers say when it's THEIR turn to defend their spending.

Peas in a pod. And the GOP says it's "the party of fiscal responsibility". Har har. They've been conned.
Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest

The funny thing is; Trump has been busting his ass to cut hundreds of billions in spending on filthy wetbacks and all you dumbmotherfuckers do is resist his efforts. You, like g5000 can't really give two fucks about spending..."SPENDING" is your ploy, a weak ass talking point....nothing more.

poor little BL, can't get anyone to join him today.

Just because I am not a racist like you does not mean I do not care about spending. I care a great deal about spending and our national debt. you fools have spun it into "one must be a racist to support cutting spending on beaners"....WTF, how much more fucked in the head can you get dude?
Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest
My favorite spin from the Trumpsters regarding spending is when they say, "okay, where would you cut spending?"

Which, of course, is EXACTLY what the LEFT wingers say when it's THEIR turn to defend their spending.

Peas in a pod. And the GOP says it's "the party of fiscal responsibility". Har har. They've been conned.

My favorite spin from Lefties regarding spending is when they say, "I can't say I support cutting spending on wetbacks but I can say I support cutting careless spending." you fools have spun it into "one must be a racist to support cutting spending on beaners"....WTF, how much more fucked in the head can you get dude?

you use racist terms, you are a racist. It is not real difficult.

Trump is awesome! I wish he'd go full Coolidge and send Congress a budget that cuts spending.

Second best thing he could do is close the Department of Education

If Trump did either one of those things I would join you in singing his praises...

but instead he submitted the largest spending request in the history of the country and turned the Dept of Ed over to a corrupt person who is using it to enrich themselves.

In other words...he is no different than the rest
My favorite spin from the Trumpsters regarding spending is when they say, "okay, where would you cut spending?"

Which, of course, is EXACTLY what the LEFT wingers say when it's THEIR turn to defend their spending.

Peas in a pod. And the GOP says it's "the party of fiscal responsibility". Har har. They've been conned.

My favorite spin from Lefties regarding spending is when they say, "I can't say I support cutting spending on wetbacks but I can say I support cutting careless spending."

I am all for cutting spending on illegals, and I suspect that Mac is as well.

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