*How Your Musical Tastes Shape Your Future, And Lifes Accomplishments**


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Looking back into history if we analyzed what the generations have done, and what music they always listened to, or what was the type of music available, we can see that music has always played a part in humanity, in how it deals with others, how it innovates, how it learns how to learn, is based on the rhythms, and lessons within the music, its soothing sounds, its rocking our souls to rest, where we sleep with a sound sleep, with music within our hearts, with joy, and happiness for all who listened.
2. Then there was *rap*.:evil:
3. This generation is set for a rough life, turmoil, unrest, evil intentions, unhappy gnashing of teeth, useless hurt feelings, strangled accomplishments, loss of life, dreams crushed with deaths and jail time, mangled bodies, piercings, tattoos, all sorts of demeaning acts towards ones own body and soul, demonic possessions, satan worshiping, break up of families, families that never were, teens having children without husbands, with several men, abandonment of babies, of lives, of all things good.
4. Loss of innocents, loss of life, loss of limb, loss of freedoms, loss of virtues, loss of intellect, loss of love, loss of respect, even to ones self, loss of responsibility, loss of active thought to prepare for ones self, loss of work ethics, unable to make it on your own, well up into the forties, loss of friendships, just animal instincts.
5. The generation that came for WWII had classical, and swing, they had wonderful music to dance too, they developed many useful inventions, invented the military machine, airplanes for travel, to stop dictators, the generation I came from is perhaps the most inventive of all, our generation listened to the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Beach Boys, Elvis, Crosby Stills and Nash, Stevie Wonder, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Star, Led Zeppelin, Mamas and the Papas, Buddy Holly, Credence Clearwater Revival, Little Feet, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Marvin Gay, and many many others, I will think of them later in this thread, and add them then.
6. My generation invented all this tech stuff, iphones, computers, HD TV, Plasma, High tech medical machinery, better medicines, I could go on and on.
7. It is yet to see what this generation will invent, this musical generation of rap, will be tested in the next ten years, what will come of it, what new inventions will these kids who are being reared in the rap generation do, invent, and innovate?
8. The generation rap is now here since the turn of this century, they are basically being taught these rhythms for the last fifteen or so years, so far those who started rap have shown the world how it will get you either killed or thrown into jail, how to be a loser on all counts, a person of disrepute, disrespect, of everything thats good in the world, women are just things to be abused, whores, and sluts, bros are just evil, desiring money sex and drugs and big rims, boom boxes, where when they drive down the road they invade my airspace, infringing on my ears, and I don't want to hear that shit, but they feel its their right I must hear their shit, disrespectful of my right not to hear their shit.
9. Yes, this generation is has nothing but pure shit to look forward too, death and jail cells, useless life's that shrivel and die, children being abused, women being abused, killings murders, for speakers, for rims, for Sony stereos, play station three robots, with no actual life skills.
10. Another tough topic I am not afraid to expound on and share the *LIGHT*, shinning my light of knowledge I have acquired from my earlier education of music, music that helped me shape who I wanted to yearn to be, to express and follow my dreams, to understand more of who I am and who I could become, to be a whole person, with respect for the feelings of others, and having learned what love is, and being able to share that love, and grow that love, enabling me to help those in need that I am not afraid to reach out too, and do them good.
11. Again and again I prove I am able to think on my own, discern modern day problems, problems of the past, since I was in the world, I have been able to translate how the world in general shapes people and myself included, how the music we grow up with does indeed have a long term effect on all humans, certain music will help your soul and spirit, and other music will ruin both, these are indeed the facts of life, and can not be disputed, they are indisputable, and these truths shall remain *FOREVER*, and of course I am the one who thought of it first and explained it in detail how it works, and effects each and every soul that comes into the world.
12. My gift to humanity, and I share it for free, and ask for *NOTHING* in return, Don't give to my charity, don't give to me personally, don't join my Church because I am so knowledgeable on these facts, just know I am a free benefit to you, and your ability to learn and grow as a human being, it is for free, from me to you, don't even thank me, I don't desire it.
13. My reward is that I was a benefit to humanity all over the world.:eusa_pray:

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It would help if you could space your paragraphs.

But that is an interesting post. I'm so glad to have been exposed to, and drawn to, the music that somehow attracted me.

My grade-school youth was spent listening to AM radio and the hits of the day, beginning in the early 60's.
Motown music especially appealed to me. Soulful, heartfelt, introspective songs.

Late 60's and early 70's was an explosion of emotion that sparked my imagination.

But if there's one band that encompasses the gamut- it would be Yes.

Hearing their music, the riffs, the melodies, the lyrics- it's like I was hearing my past present and future.

Yes changed my life. For the better.
Sorry bout that,

1. A story just came out that clearly shows what I am talking about.
2. Two brothers get busted for something or another, and the older brother has the younger brother eat cocaine from his rectum.
3. This is rap.:evil:
4. LINK:Young brother eats cocaine from older sibling's butt, then dies of overdose: cops - NY Daily News

"Eat that shit, so I can get out," he says in the video. "One of us gotta do it, you the only one that don't have any strikes... You my little brother... I'm gonna get life."

5. Literally covered in shit, the younger brother gulps it down, this is what rap will get you, loss of intellect, surely no one else would of eaten that shit, other than a brain dead, soul dead rap listener.

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13. My reward is that I was a benefit to humanity all over the world.
Nice to know that all of those years you spent listening and dancing to "Disco" music helped you become the idiot you turned out to be. :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6RiRxeVJa4]DANCE LIKE JOHN TRAVOLTA WITH THE ONLINE LESSONS OF LELE DINERO - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. The satan boy shows up and reveals his evil intent, right on time, that indeed is what a follower of satan always does, thanks sunni.
2. Anyone wonder why islam is evil?
3. Listen to their music, its filled with repetitiously winding rhythms, seems endless, with a steady bongo beat, tinkling cymbals, and images of women bouncing their hips, like trained monkeys wagging their vagina at them to tempt them, and seeing they do get tempted, and rape women, its not their faults, its the womens fault, for shaking that vagina thing in their face, in their minds eye.
4. Thats is just crazy logic, and its very easy to also get a person who follows those rhythms to think it justified to strap explosives on their backs and go and kill innocent people, or fly air planes into buildings.
5. All islamic music sounds pretty much the same, it has worked for years to keep those evil fools in line, and it will keep working, the best way to defeat islam is to attack their musical roots, tempt them away from it with better musical works, and train them to abandon their old islamic music, which I dub it, *islamic vagina death rhythms*.
6. In their oh so simple minds, their music tells them, "We came from a vagina, and we are willing to die for a vagina"
7. What was that 72 virgin vaginas await there arrival in paridise after they blow themselves up killing innocent people, it really is the music folks.

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Sorry bout that,

1. This thread was started to explain what is wrong with rap, :evil: but seeing sunni pipped in, I will turn my stare towards islam as well, an explain how it is also, about islam as well, and its musical tastes.
2. If you look at islam, and its historical roots in its musical tastes, it hasn't changed one bit for thousands of years, and you can see that islam has had nothing *GOOD*, to offer humanity, with inventions, or medical discoveries, or *for the good humanity pursuits*, just *nothing*, but *PURE EVIL*.
3. My theory is correct, their music is what has held them back over the centuries, they will and can not do any better than they have done because of their music.
4. It is indisputable.:eusa_hand:

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It's an interesting concept. How much rap does someone have to hear before they just accept women are bitches, hoes an deserve to be beaten?

How interesting it is that self-proclaimed "whigger", Vanilla Ice is now a contractor who depends on those bitches and hoes who are interior designers to throw him some work now and then. Now that is some poetic justice.
I like mellow music. It helps me relax my mind. I am kinda become irritated with loud musics..:tongue:

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