How will Osama's death affect the war on terror?

Can't help but now notice the irony. Obama spent 8 years trying to undercut the war efforts.

Did he?

Reads like right wing "this Black POTUS cannot do anyting right" Poppycock to me

I wish you were right that Obama had "undercut" the war efforts, but you're dead wrong about that.

The above POV is so obviously wrong, in fact, that I wonder why you would bother to advance such an obvious falsehood?

Do you really believe that you can change our grasp of the bleeding obvious merely by telling us something that is clearly not true?

Really? He was the ONLY senator, repeat, ONLY one to vote against the wars in 02/03. That was a central point of his 2008 campaign.

Wanna start with that? Obama's anti-war efforts from 02-08 are very clear.

Are we still in Iraq, AFghanistan and Pakistan?

Under whose orders?
Of course this operation was created by George W. Bush.

The current "Imbecile-In-Chief" wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle.

This operation, and the intell leading to it, was done without Obama's influence. Someone came to him, laid the damn ops plan on his desk, and said "Mr. President, we got him, he's here, if you order it, we'll go kill him. Just give the order."

Obama's role in this event was basically limited to saying "Ok."
Did he?

Reads like right wing "this Black POTUS cannot do anyting right" Poppycock to me

I wish you were right that Obama had "undercut" the war efforts, but you're dead wrong about that.

The above POV is so obviously wrong, in fact, that I wonder why you would bother to advance such an obvious falsehood?

Do you really believe that you can change our grasp of the bleeding obvious merely by telling us something that is clearly not true?

Really? He was the ONLY senator, repeat, ONLY one to vote against the wars in 02/03. That was a central point of his 2008 campaign.

Wanna start with that? Obama's anti-war efforts from 02-08 are very clear.

Are we still in Iraq, AFghanistan and Pakistan?

Under whose orders?

Obama pledged to be out of both before now when he was running. Military advisors, political advisors, intell advisors told President Obama he could not pull out. That he must push forward.

Obama spent 7 years bitching, whining and voting against the wars. Then, once POTUS, he claims the fruit of that tree that he tried so hard to chop down. But only when it's politically helpful to him.
Just having some nostalgic memories of back in 2004-2008, back when war was bad. When invading countries that didn't attack us was evil. When bombing a country that produces oil meant "War for Oil" and that you were in bed with big oil.

Glad to see war is cool again!!! Yay!!!
U maaaaaaaaaaad

Just a bit. I'm disgusted at seeing how rabidly anti-war the left wing was when Bush was fighting the EXACT SAME FIGHT that Obama and his minions are now celebrating from a grand victory over.

Make no mistake. I'm celebrating hard today. Our military's combat troops are simply awe inspiring. Their efforts over the last 10 years are heroic.

But watching these NYC celebrations....can't help but many also attended anti-war protests in 2006, and how many voted for Obama's anti-war campaign?
Of course this operation was created by George W. Bush.

The current "Imbecile-In-Chief" wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle.

This operation, and the intell leading to it, was done without Obama's influence. Someone came to him, laid the damn ops plan on his desk, and said "Mr. President, we got him, he's here, if you order it, we'll go kill him. Just give the order."

Obama's role in this event was basically limited to saying "Ok."

The bulk of the praise should go to our US military that has slogged on through all the attempts of Democrats to stop them and have done their job.

Of course this operation was created by George W. Bush.

The current "Imbecile-In-Chief" wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle.

This operation, and the intell leading to it, was done without Obama's influence. Someone came to him, laid the damn ops plan on his desk, and said "Mr. President, we got him, he's here, if you order it, we'll go kill him. Just give the order."

Obama's role in this event was basically limited to saying "Ok."

The bulk of the praise should go to our US military that has slogged on through all the attempts of Democrats to stop them and have done their job.



President George W. Bush Congratulates Obama on Bin Laden Killing -

That link: Prez Bush, Conny Rice, Boehner all thanks the MILITARY FIRST, Obama and staff afterwards. However......Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi heralded Barack Obama FIRST, Obama's staff SECOND....and both eventually got around to the military.

That says a lot.
This is all over Fox right now, and local radio. Saw it on CNN too. The intell for this operation began 4 years ago (thats 2007, under GWB). It was gathered from detainees. Yep, thats Gitmo. It was gathered 4 yrs ago, at Gitmo, under GWB, using enhanced interrogation, aka "torture". That intell, as reported, led to a relative speaking of some strange, massive house with 18 feet walls being built in Pakistan. That led to them discussing some new family living there, matching Osama Bin Laden's info. That 4 year long investigation, accomplished through detainee interrogation, Gitmo, and 2 different presidents, led to this.

Yes. Libs are right. Close Gitmo. End interrogation. Thank goodness Bush, AND Obama, didn't listen to their whining.

Quit lying. It's not funny.
How ironic: Gitmo, "torture", 4 yrs ago, provided intell for Osama death operation!
.....After Lil' Dumbya RAN!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]​
Of course this operation was created by George W. Bush.

The current "Imbecile-In-Chief" wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle.

This operation, and the intell leading to it, was done without Obama's influence. Someone came to him, laid the damn ops plan on his desk, and said "Mr. President, we got him, he's here, if you order it, we'll go kill him. Just give the order."

Obama's role in this event was basically limited to saying "Ok."

The bulk of the praise should go to our US military that has slogged on through all the attempts of Democrats to stop them and have done their job.

Yeah.....that's who stopped them.

I congratulate former President George Bush for killing the hated terrorist Osama bin Laden
This operation, and the intell leading to it, was done without Obama's influence. Someone came to him, laid the damn ops plan on his desk, and said "Mr. President, we got him, he's here, if you order it, we'll go kill him. Just give the order."

Obama's role in this event was basically limited to saying "Ok."

The bulk of the praise should go to our US military that has slogged on through all the attempts of Democrats to stop them and have done their job.

Yeah.....that's who stopped them.


Yes it is....i don't think we're going to see pictures of obama out there with a gun in his hand risking his own life. I actually have doubts that obama really wanted to give them the order to go ahead and take him out, but he had no choice!
But, I thought Bush didn't care about Bin Laden? I thought Bush said he wasn't concerned about Bin Laden? Are Republicans calling Bush a "liar"? Oops.
The bulk of the praise should go to our US military that has slogged on through all the attempts of Democrats to stop them and have done their job.

Yeah.....that's who stopped them.


Yes it is....i don't think we're going to see pictures of obama out there with a gun in his hand risking his own life. I actually have doubts that obama really wanted to give them the order to go ahead and take him out, but he had no choice!

Obama has received more death threats than any other American president. He still goes out into public again and again. The question is, "How did so many Republicans get to be as low as you?"
Just having some nostalgic memories of back in 2004-2008, back when war was bad. When invading countries that didn't attack us was evil. When bombing a country that produces oil meant "War for Oil" and that you were in bed with big oil.

Glad to see war is cool again!!! Yay!!!

My POV about those wars hasn't changed.

It was a bad war when Bush II started it, it's still a bad war now while Obama continues it.

And regardless of which party gets the Oval Office, if that POTUS continues this occupation and "nation building" that will continue to be a bad idea AFAIC.
Really? He was the ONLY senator, repeat, ONLY one to vote against the wars in 02/03. That was a central point of his 2008 campaign.

Wanna start with that? Obama's anti-war efforts from 02-08 are very clear.

Are we still in Iraq, AFghanistan and Pakistan?

Under whose orders?

Obama pledged to be out of both before now when he was running. Military advisors, political advisors, intell advisors told President Obama he could not pull out. That he must push forward.

Obama spent 7 years bitching, whining and voting against the wars. Then, once POTUS, he claims the fruit of that tree that he tried so hard to chop down. But only when it's politically helpful to him.

Oh, I see, you're complaining about his hypocacy?

Well, I'm on board with THAT complaint.

But given that he is doing EXACTLY what he said he'd do -- wind down the troops strength in Iraq and pump up American presence in Afghanistan -- I can't say that anything he has done to date really surprised me.

Annoyed me, yes, surprised me, no.

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