How We Got Here: Obama

Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .

Under control?? Whose control? Korea has flourished under Democrat's control. We have Clinton and Obama to thank for this and Iran.
NK has never been under control, but they're not insane. Iran wants to rejoin the world and is, despite RW fear mongering bs.

Why do you insist in reminding all that you know less than nothing?
Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .

Under control?? Whose control? Korea has flourished under Democrat's control. We have Clinton and Obama to thank for this and Iran.
NK has never been under control, but they're not insane. Iran wants to rejoin the world and is, despite RW fear mongering bs.
Yeah, that's why they shoot rockets over Japan, build nukes, threaten people with nukes, bomb SK. They want to be friends.
They want to be left alone to screw their own people. Outlaw family dictatorship, THE exception. Bomb SK?

Why would NK attack the USA ? Makes no sense . Not to mention we are like 3rd on their enemies list at best .

But hey. It's Trumps war now . As much as righties would like to pretend that they would be cool wh obama attacking NK . Lol.
Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .

Under control?? Whose control? Korea has flourished under Democrat's control. We have Clinton and Obama to thank for this and Iran.
NK has never been under control, but they're not insane. Iran wants to rejoin the world and is, despite RW fear mongering bs.
Yeah, that's why they shoot rockets over Japan, build nukes, threaten people with nukes, bomb SK. They want to be friends.
They want to be left alone to screw their own people. Outlaw family dictatorship, THE exception. Bomb SK?
Of course you don't know NK has shelled SK numerous times. Most recently 7 years ago killing 2 SK citizens.
Wrong. DID NOT bomb them. The worst was sinking a SK destroyer.
Under control?? Whose control? Korea has flourished under Democrat's control. We have Clinton and Obama to thank for this and Iran.
NK has never been under control, but they're not insane. Iran wants to rejoin the world and is, despite RW fear mongering bs.
Yeah, that's why they shoot rockets over Japan, build nukes, threaten people with nukes, bomb SK. They want to be friends.
They want to be left alone to screw their own people. Outlaw family dictatorship, THE exception. Bomb SK?
Of course you don't know NK has shelled SK numerous times. Most recently 7 years ago killing 2 SK citizens.
Wrong. DID NOT bomb them. The worst was sinking a SK destroyer.
Why must I always teach you?

North Korea bombs South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island
Dufus says NK going nuclear shows they were under control!

Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)
Why would NK attack the USA ? Makes no sense . Not to mention we are like 3rd on their enemies list at best .

But hey. It's Trumps war now . As much as righties would like to pretend that they would be cool wh obama attacking NK . Lol.

"Makes no sense."

I see you've been good enough to include your new avi in your post.
Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

I appreciate the effort you put into this post.

Nice work.
All attempts to stop MK have failed, whether it be done by republicans or democrats...One way that problems never get solved is the distractors that are too busy pointing fingers and not concentrating on the real issue...This thread be a pointy finger thread..
Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

Here's one for you .

Under which prez did NK start to get all crazy by lobbing missles everywhere and sending American citizens back with brain damage ?

A) Donald Trump
B) all of the above
Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

The Iran deal was about nukes and nuke energy.

I don't think it deals wh Irans rockets and military in general .
NK has never been under control, but they're not insane. Iran wants to rejoin the world and is, despite RW fear mongering bs.
Yeah, that's why they shoot rockets over Japan, build nukes, threaten people with nukes, bomb SK. They want to be friends.
They want to be left alone to screw their own people. Outlaw family dictatorship, THE exception. Bomb SK?
Of course you don't know NK has shelled SK numerous times. Most recently 7 years ago killing 2 SK citizens.
Wrong. DID NOT bomb them. The worst was sinking a SK destroyer.
Why must I always teach you?

North Korea bombs South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island
Still artillery. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Bad media! Now the media is not making clear that missiles to be shot to 40 miles off Guam are not armed. Iraq War type bs...
Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

Here's one for you .

Under which prez did NK start to get all crazy by lobbing missles everywhere and sending American citizens back with brain damage ?

A) Donald Trump
B) all of the above

Oh, how clever you are Timmy the Tool, lol. So, by your theory, it is Roosevelts fault that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor............and Carters fault that Iran took our people hostages.............and of course GWs fault that the terrorists hit the twin towers. Oh, did I mention Woody (the racist) Wilsons fault that we had to enter WWI.

But then again, I guess there is some sort of silver lining too using your TOOL TIME logic-----------> It was all Reagan that caused the Soviet Union to collapse, and Obama who caused all that massive unemployment.

Your TOOL TIME LOGIC is interesting, lololol!
Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

No strategy with NK has ever done any good.
Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

No strategy with NK has ever done any good.

Especially macho GOP sabre rattling and name calling.
Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

Here's one for you .

Under which prez did NK start to get all crazy by lobbing missles everywhere and sending American citizens back with brain damage ?

A) Donald Trump
B) all of the above

Oh, how clever you are Timmy the Tool, lol. So, by your theory, it is Roosevelts fault that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor............and Carters fault that Iran took our people hostages.............and of course GWs fault that the terrorists hit the twin towers. Oh, did I mention Woody (the racist) Wilsons fault that we had to enter WWI.

But then again, I guess there is some sort of silver lining too using your TOOL TIME logic-----------> It was all Reagan that caused the Soviet Union to collapse, and Obama who caused all that massive unemployment.

Your TOOL TIME LOGIC is interesting, lololol!

Obama hasn't even been gone a year. So what's changed since ? Still the same Kim over at NK.
Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

No strategy with NK has ever done any good.

OMG, we agree on something. Stop the presses! This is something CNN would NEVER report, or Franco might lose his lefty cred!

Of course NOTHING has ever worked, because just like all totalitarian regimes they were just looking to get something, for nothing! History teaches all things, and history has seen this scenario play out over, and over, and over, again.......with Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, Hirohito, etc. Democracies and republics attempt to avoid war at all costs because the people that elect them do NOT want war. The dictator does not worry about this, so cuts a one way deal by using blackmail.

At some point in time, the Democracies and Republics have no choice but to say, "enough is enough." It has happened over, and over, and over, again! The most recognizable symbol of appeasement is Neville Chamberlain. The most recognizable person of saying enough is enough, was Winston Churchill.

Ya see Franco, think of this as a graph. As the NK gets more belligerent, the graph moves towards no more appeasement on the population scale. There are still a lot of people on your side, just as there was right before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. But the truth is---------> there are only 2 outcomes on this scale for America--------->either the NK sees it our way and it all goes away, (please, please) or war, and a very messy one at that.

I know you are a lefty, but I think you are an educated lefty, so I put this forward to your intellect---------> it is fact, that the NK is a proxy of China, just as Iran and Syria are proxies of Russia. There is no way in hell that the NK could have gotten the ICBM and miniaturization tech, without someone's help. So when you face the NK, you are facing a CHINA SURROGATE, and China wants to know what you are going to do!

Well Franco, what are you going to do! Better yet, what are WE going to do?!?!?!?! I do not think I need to point you to the implications of any decision we make, and if you follow world politics, you know we can militarize Japan and South Korea which will really piss off China without firing a shot. But, with knowing that Kim cares less for his own people, would China then spirit him away to China, right after he shot any nuck missiles he had towards us?

Sticky situation, yes?

We can not ignore the threat; and if we turn away, every country that hates us will know that getting a nuke, will make us run, and not stop them, causing MASSIVE nuclear proliferation.

We have had nuclear weapons for what, 60 years? How about 70 years. We haven't destroyed the world yet with them. Want to put that same bet on Kim Un Fatboy and the Mullahs of Iran?

We got a problem, and we better do something, before something sticks it to me, you, our kids, and our grandkids!
Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

No strategy with NK has ever done any good.

OMG, we agree on something. Stop the presses! This is something CNN would NEVER report, or Franco might lose his lefty cred!

Of course NOTHING has ever worked, because just like all totalitarian regimes they were just looking to get something, for nothing! History teaches all things, and history has seen this scenario play out over, and over, and over, again.......with Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, Hirohito, etc. Democracies and republics attempt to avoid war at all costs because the people that elect them do NOT want war. The dictator does not worry about this, so cuts a one way deal by using blackmail.

At some point in time, the Democracies and Republics have no choice but to say, "enough is enough." It has happened over, and over, and over, again! The most recognizable symbol of appeasement is Neville Chamberlain. The most recognizable person of saying enough is enough, was Winston Churchill.

Ya see Franco, think of this as a graph. As the NK gets more belligerent, the graph moves towards no more appeasement on the population scale. There are still a lot of people on your side, just as there was right before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. But the truth is---------> there are only 2 outcomes on this scale for America--------->either the NK sees it our way and it all goes away, (please, please) or war, and a very messy one at that.

I know you are a lefty, but I think you are an educated lefty, so I put this forward to your intellect---------> it is fact, that the NK is a proxy of China, just as Iran and Syria are proxies of Russia. There is no way in hell that the NK could have gotten the ICBM and miniaturization tech, without someone's help. So when you face the NK, you are facing a CHINA SURROGATE, and China wants to know what you are going to do!

Well Franco, what are you going to do! Better yet, what are WE going to do?!?!?!?! I do not think I need to point you to the implications of any decision we make, and if you follow world politics, you know we can militarize Japan and South Korea which will really piss off China without firing a shot. But, with knowing that Kim cares less for his own people, would China then spirit him away to China, right after he shot any nuck missiles he had towards us?

Sticky situation, yes?

We can not ignore the threat; and if we turn away, every country that hates us will know that getting a nuke, will make us run, and not stop them, causing MASSIVE nuclear proliferation.

We have had nuclear weapons for what, 60 years? How about 70 years. We haven't destroyed the world yet with them. Want to put that same bet on Kim Un Fatboy and the Mullahs of Iran?

We got a problem, and we better do something, before something sticks it to me, you, our kids, and our grandkids!

Ignore them. No other country is like them.
Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
So Obama agreed Iran can build and test ballistic missiles?

You are so full of crap . The Iran deal shuts down the weapons program .
Good parrot.
Read something. Only the GOP in the whole world believes your bs...Same with MMGW, pander to the rich tax policy, coal vs solar etc, lock her up, health care, etc etc..

Attention - Israel wants the US to attack IRAN, and will do, say, and manufacture ANYTHING to accomplish that goal...

This is what the public knew in 2014:

" Experts predominantly assert that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed several nuclear devices but not yet mastered the ability to miniaturize the warhead nor deliver it via missile..... this analytic construct is flawed since, for example, it gives insufficient weight to Pyongyang’s lengthy collaborative nuclear and missile relationship with Pakistan, a country that all experts assess already has nuclear weapons deliverable by missile..... underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs due to ideologically-driven analysis, political expediency,"
North Korea: Sanctions, Nuclear and Missile Threat

But now we know that Obama knew they did.

And he did nothing about it.

La Derriere is a phony-baloney, or misinformed; probably both.

Israel was going to attack Iran themselves about 24 months ago, or have we forgotten? Now WHO/WHOM do you think put pressure to stop it? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st-2 do not count.

That is correct folks, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal. Why? Because he had the answers to the whole regions problems, the IRAN DEAL, and it was close to closing. His deal will put us in the same position with Iran, as we are today with the NK.

Here, lets see how much Bill Clinton sounded like the Messiah, Mr Obama. It sounds eerily familiar once you hear it, and between HW, Bill Clinton, GW, and Obysmal, they have painted this country into a corner, that the Marxist Progressives want to blame Trump for.

Here is Mr Clinton telling you why his GREAT deal with the NK has made you safe, and it is all verifiable, so you dumb rube Americans, can now go back to sleep!

And, you may remember this:
"Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:
Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Hey, lets have a multiple choice quiz for LEFTIES-------->

1. What countries constantly chant DEATH to AMERICA? Is it
A. Switzerland
B. Lichtenstein
C. Iran
D. All of the above

2. Which country has threatened to hit our cities with nuclear weapons on ICBMs they are not supposed to have?

Is it
A. Canada
B. Taiwan
C. North Korea
D. All of the above

Which President gave North Korea BILLIONS, promised they would get rid of their nukes, and it was all verifiable?

Was it
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Bill Clinton
D. All of the above

3. Which President practiced strategic patience with North Korea while they devised a way to miniaturize their nuclear warheads so they could deliver a nuclear armed ICBM to American cities?

was it
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Obama
D. I refuse to answer on the grounds it will prove liberals are assholes

And so, that ands the quiz for the day folks. Tune in tomorrow when a NEW quiz will be formulated to show how incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists really are, or may be geared to show how progressive leftists actually mirror Marxists!

In either case, it will be entertaining-)

No strategy with NK has ever done any good.

OMG, we agree on something. Stop the presses! This is something CNN would NEVER report, or Franco might lose his lefty cred!

Of course NOTHING has ever worked, because just like all totalitarian regimes they were just looking to get something, for nothing! History teaches all things, and history has seen this scenario play out over, and over, and over, again.......with Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, Hirohito, etc. Democracies and republics attempt to avoid war at all costs because the people that elect them do NOT want war. The dictator does not worry about this, so cuts a one way deal by using blackmail.

At some point in time, the Democracies and Republics have no choice but to say, "enough is enough." It has happened over, and over, and over, again! The most recognizable symbol of appeasement is Neville Chamberlain. The most recognizable person of saying enough is enough, was Winston Churchill.

Ya see Franco, think of this as a graph. As the NK gets more belligerent, the graph moves towards no more appeasement on the population scale. There are still a lot of people on your side, just as there was right before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. But the truth is---------> there are only 2 outcomes on this scale for America--------->either the NK sees it our way and it all goes away, (please, please) or war, and a very messy one at that.

I know you are a lefty, but I think you are an educated lefty, so I put this forward to your intellect---------> it is fact, that the NK is a proxy of China, just as Iran and Syria are proxies of Russia. There is no way in hell that the NK could have gotten the ICBM and miniaturization tech, without someone's help. So when you face the NK, you are facing a CHINA SURROGATE, and China wants to know what you are going to do!

Well Franco, what are you going to do! Better yet, what are WE going to do?!?!?!?! I do not think I need to point you to the implications of any decision we make, and if you follow world politics, you know we can militarize Japan and South Korea which will really piss off China without firing a shot. But, with knowing that Kim cares less for his own people, would China then spirit him away to China, right after he shot any nuck missiles he had towards us?

Sticky situation, yes?

We can not ignore the threat; and if we turn away, every country that hates us will know that getting a nuke, will make us run, and not stop them, causing MASSIVE nuclear proliferation.

We have had nuclear weapons for what, 60 years? How about 70 years. We haven't destroyed the world yet with them. Want to put that same bet on Kim Un Fatboy and the Mullahs of Iran?

We got a problem, and we better do something, before something sticks it to me, you, our kids, and our grandkids!

Iran is the youngest, best educated country in the Mideast and dying to get out from under the revolutionary guard. Bush calling them evil is how NK got the nukes so fast. Great job, war mongering idiot GOP. Now they're up to it again, with Fox and Rush etc ginning up the dupes. Great for ratings! A-holes and dupes...

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