How Trump lost the trade war with China and made China stronger.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweetedthat “trade wars are good, and easy to win” in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts...

Trump vowed in his 2016 election year to very quickly “start reversing” the U.S. goods trade deficit with China, ignoring mainstream economists who downplay the importance of bilateral deficits. However, the deficit with China increased since then, hitting $287 billion in the 11 months to November last year, according to Chinese data.


....Trump repeatedly said that China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 caused its economy to take off like a “rocket ship,” a result he viewed as unfair. As it turned out, Trump’s trade war with China coincided with another expansion in Chinese exports. After shrinking for two straight years in 2015 and 2016, China’s total shipments grew each year after Trump took office, including in 2019 when exports to the U.S. fell.

Trump repeatedly claimed that China was paying for the tariffs. Economists who crunched the numbers were surprised to find that Chinese exporters generally didn’t lower prices to keep their goods competitive after the tariffs were imposed. That meant U.S. duties were mostly paid by its own companies and consumers.

The tariffs led to an income loss for U.S. consumers of about $16.8 billion annually in 2018, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research paper...

But on top of that Trump had and has China laughing at us. Trump with his lies and inciting division in this country has China losing all respect for this nation.

As Thomas Friedman asked recently, “What did you think, that the Chinese didn’t notice that our last president inspired his followers to ransack our Capitol, that a majority of his party did not recognize the results of our democratic election, that a member of our Congress believes that Jewish-run space lasers cause forest fires...”

Friedman does not let the left off the hook either, but this division makes us vulnerable to China.

But fear not! Trump himself has profited handsomely from China.

Trump was paid a cool 5.4 million dollars from China during his presidency. [Did I mention Ivanka’s 41 Chinese patents she received during her father’s presidency?]

Trumpism is now in the trash heap of history.

We now have a president who is confronting China. He is investing in our infrastructure and our future. We need to give him our support. And that applies to the right...and the left.
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U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweetedthat “trade wars are good, and easy to win” in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts...

Trump vowed in his 2016 election year to very quickly “start reversing” the U.S. goods trade deficit with China, ignoring mainstream economists who downplay the importance of bilateral deficits. However, the deficit with China increased since then, hitting $287 billion in the 11 months to November last year, according to Chinese data.

View attachment 471608

./..Trump repeatedly said that China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 caused its economy to take off like a “rocket ship,” a result he viewed as unfair. As it turned out, Trump’s trade war with China coincided with another expansion in Chinese exports. After shrinking for two straight years in 2015 and 2016, China’s total shipments grew each year after Trump took office, including in 2019 when exports to the U.S. fell.

Trump repeatedly claimed that China was paying for the tariffs. Economists who crunched the numbers were surprised to find that Chinese exporters generally didn’t lower prices to keep their goods competitive after the tariffs were imposed. That meant U.S. duties were mostly paid by its own companies and consumers.

The tariffs led to an income loss for U.S. consumers of about $16.8 billion annually in 2018, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research paper...

But on top of that Trump had and has China laughing at us. Trump with his lies and inciting division in this county has. China losing all respect for this nation:

As Thomas Friedman asked recently, “What did you think, that the Chinese didn’t notice that our last president inspired his followers to ransack our Capitol, that a majority of his party did not recognize the results of our democratic election, that a member of our Congress believes that Jewish-run space lasers cause forest fires...”

Friedman does not let the left off the hook either, but this division makes us vulnerable to China.

But fear not! Trump himself has profited handsomely from China.

Trump was paid a cool 5.4 million dollars from China during his presidency.

Trumpism is now in the trash heap of history.

We now have a presidency who is confronting China. Investing in our infrastructure and our future, We need to give him our support..and that applies to the right...and the left.

TDS / Trump OCD Driven Post Number: 18,091
Your title should have read..

How the Democrats surrendered in the trade war with China and made China stronger.

If you people hadn't lost your shit over the coronavirus, rioted and protested, stolen the election, and forced on this country a weak Biden administration, China would have eventually acquiesced to our demands for balanced trade.

Blame yourselves, you pussies. Now go suck your Chinese master's dicks.
If Trump was so good for China, how come China tried so hard to get Biden elected? It's because Xi knows a pushover when he sees one. Biden is already caving to China on our southern border by making it much easier for them to smuggle their fentanyl in. Xi laughs his ass off when he thinks about Biden.
If Trump was so good for China, how come China tried so hard to get Biden elected? It's because Xi knows a pushover when he sees one. Biden is already caving to China on our southern border by making it much easier for them to smuggle their fentanyl in. Xi laughs his ass off when he thinks about Biden.
You lie. Russia wanted Trump re-elected for obvious reasons. China did not interfere in our elections for either side.

Your title should have read..

How the Democrats surrendered in the trade war with China and made China stronger.

If you people hadn't lost your shit over the coronavirus, rioted and protested, stolen the election, and forced on this country a weak Biden administration, China would have eventually acquiesced to our demands for balanced trade.

Blame yourselves, you pussies. Now go suck your Chinese master's dicks.
The only people sucking “Chinese dick” are Trumpers who lie about election fraud, storm our Capitol, and weaken all our institutions that have made us strong. The Chinese love you guys. Are you being paid by China to post?
U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweetedthat “trade wars are good, and easy to win” in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts...

Trump vowed in his 2016 election year to very quickly “start reversing” the U.S. goods trade deficit with China, ignoring mainstream economists who downplay the importance of bilateral deficits. However, the deficit with China increased since then, hitting $287 billion in the 11 months to November last year, according to Chinese data.

View attachment 471608

./..Trump repeatedly said that China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 caused its economy to take off like a “rocket ship,” a result he viewed as unfair. As it turned out, Trump’s trade war with China coincided with another expansion in Chinese exports. After shrinking for two straight years in 2015 and 2016, China’s total shipments grew each year after Trump took office, including in 2019 when exports to the U.S. fell.

Trump repeatedly claimed that China was paying for the tariffs. Economists who crunched the numbers were surprised to find that Chinese exporters generally didn’t lower prices to keep their goods competitive after the tariffs were imposed. That meant U.S. duties were mostly paid by its own companies and consumers.

The tariffs led to an income loss for U.S. consumers of about $16.8 billion annually in 2018, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research paper...

But on top of that Trump had and has China laughing at us. Trump with his lies and inciting division in this country has China losing all respect for this nation.

As Thomas Friedman asked recently, “What did you think, that the Chinese didn’t notice that our last president inspired his followers to ransack our Capitol, that a majority of his party did not recognize the results of our democratic election, that a member of our Congress believes that Jewish-run space lasers cause forest fires...”

Friedman does not let the left off the hook either, but this division makes us vulnerable to China.

But fear not! Trump himself has profited handsomely from China.

Trump was paid a cool 5.4 million dollars from China during his presidency.

Trumpism is now in the trash heap of history.

We now have a presidency who is confronting China. Investing in our infrastructure and our future, We need to give him our support..and that applies to the right...and the left.

In Canada we have a class of citizens who were not very good in school, not particularly athletic or principled. These people and their families become undercover cops, they've decimated our nation.

Americans seem to have the same class of citizens, in your case they become politicians.

Tariffs are one tool in the toolbox that politicians didn't use because they were bought and sold like cattle. Lacking character or courage, they sold out U.S industries to communists while touting the most flawed ideology, "if we give the oppressive dictators more, they will become more like us!". I wonder if they feel the same about serial killers?

China dislikes these tariffs. It's one of the reasons they are angry at Biden and want sanctions lifted as well. Bidens team wisely have maintained these tariffs. The only option the U.S government has is to blunt the Chinese economy is, in short: any means necessary. It's that simple. Nothing should be taboo. Be it tariffs, sanctions, restrictions, outright banning, making other nations decide "China or U.S.A" or they pay a price. THAT is the reality of the current global crisis.

Even the position of trade deals with other nations such as the TPP, provides little incentive for U.S companies to invest elsewhere. Why? They want the false optics of access to the 1.4B people, not just the cheap labour. Only India offers a comparable population and they are much poorer consumers, which makes it more difficult for companies to pull a profit (and it is a smaller margin) domestically in India.

So, the U.S has to take the unfortunate position after playing catch up for the last 20 years, to punish companies, nations and others who profit from China at the expense of the West. That's the nut and bolts of it, I don't see any alternative but hardball or outright war.

Canada bent over for China, we went from Middle Power to Little Power. We are in effect, a creepy, stasi-like police state. Our future is certain. We have dragged some with us who foolishly looked to Canada as the model nation. Unfortunately, our brightest have left and our most courageous and principled are primariy in the military. Our fate is sealed. I had no hand in this massive decline.

Don't follow in our footsteps. If you don't blunt Chinas economy, kiss Taiwan, Japan and S Korea goodbye. In time, kiss your own asses. THAT is the reality. China has a century long strategy, this isn't something cooked up over a few drinks at some Big Tech funded party with caches full of cash exchanging hands.
Your title should have read..

How the Democrats surrendered in the trade war with China and made China stronger.

If you people hadn't lost your shit over the coronavirus, rioted and protested, stolen the election, and forced on this country a weak Biden administration, China would have eventually acquiesced to our demands for balanced trade.

Blame yourselves, you pussies. Now go suck your Chinese master's dicks.
The only people sucking “Chinese dick” are Trumpers who lie about election fraud, storm our Capitol, and weaken all our institutions that have made us strong. The Chinese love you guys. Are you being paid by China to post?

The only one who was paid by China, is your "president", dickwad.

He also took money from Russia. If you don't know that by now, you're stupider than I thought.
U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweetedthat “trade wars are good, and easy to win” in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts...

Trump vowed in his 2016 election year to very quickly “start reversing” the U.S. goods trade deficit with China, ignoring mainstream economists who downplay the importance of bilateral deficits. However, the deficit with China increased since then, hitting $287 billion in the 11 months to November last year, according to Chinese data.

View attachment 471608

./..Trump repeatedly said that China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 caused its economy to take off like a “rocket ship,” a result he viewed as unfair. As it turned out, Trump’s trade war with China coincided with another expansion in Chinese exports. After shrinking for two straight years in 2015 and 2016, China’s total shipments grew each year after Trump took office, including in 2019 when exports to the U.S. fell.

Trump repeatedly claimed that China was paying for the tariffs. Economists who crunched the numbers were surprised to find that Chinese exporters generally didn’t lower prices to keep their goods competitive after the tariffs were imposed. That meant U.S. duties were mostly paid by its own companies and consumers.

The tariffs led to an income loss for U.S. consumers of about $16.8 billion annually in 2018, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research paper...

But on top of that Trump had and has China laughing at us. Trump with his lies and inciting division in this country has China losing all respect for this nation.

As Thomas Friedman asked recently, “What did you think, that the Chinese didn’t notice that our last president inspired his followers to ransack our Capitol, that a majority of his party did not recognize the results of our democratic election, that a member of our Congress believes that Jewish-run space lasers cause forest fires...”

Friedman does not let the left off the hook either, but this division makes us vulnerable to China.

But fear not! Trump himself has profited handsomely from China.

Trump was paid a cool 5.4 million dollars from China during his presidency.

Trumpism is now in the trash heap of history.

We now have a president who is confronting China. Investing in our infrastructure and our future, We need to give him our support..and that applies to the right...and the left.
He is no longer President and Bloomberg is still butthurt.
Your title should have read..

How the Democrats surrendered in the trade war with China and made China stronger.

If you people hadn't lost your shit over the coronavirus, rioted and protested, stolen the election, and forced on this country a weak Biden administration, China would have eventually acquiesced to our demands for balanced trade.

Blame yourselves, you pussies. Now go suck your Chinese master's dicks.
The only people sucking “Chinese dick” are Trumpers who lie about election fraud, storm our Capitol, and weaken all our institutions that have made us strong. The Chinese love you guys. Are you being paid by China to post?

The only one who was paid by China, is your "president", dickwad.

He also took money from Russia. If you don't know that by now, you're stupider than I thought. are confusing our president Biden with the Russian tool Trump.

Remember this pathetic picture after Trump humiliated our Intelligence agencies.

As far as China, no one did more to assist Chinese expansion and influence than Trump. Trump drove our allies into the arms of the Chinese.

Your source is China's own government data. Like China never lies.... :lol:
Show me different data where the Chinese do not run surpluses with us?
China has had a surplus for nearly 50 years.
Also, as pointed out in numerous articles last year, the two covid stimulus checks primarily went to electronic purchases, video games etc. Which are also primarily made in China. It was a great reminder how, as a country, we shoot ourselves in the foot constantly. China caused this virus outbreak, then they were rewarded with a HUGE spending spree by Americans of their products.

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