How Trump got elected.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

Few would argue that the election of Donald Trump was a mass repudiation of the Washington status quo. Washington has taken on a life of its own and it had become clear to the American people that a master plan was well underway to dumb down the population and replace the model of personal liberty that has prevailed since the beginning of the republic with centrally planned government authoritarianism.

After eight years of Barack Obama, which was the sock puppetry of identity politics on an industrial scale, the people had seen enough. Obama’s own supporters like former Vice President Joe Biden even described him as a “clean young man” suggesting that most of his skin color were not clean. Another of his boosters, Sen. Harry Reid, praised Obama for having “no negro dialect” suggesting that blacks can’t speak clearly or intelligently.

The appalling reality that huge swaths of the American population were already so successfully dumbed down that not only couldn’t they read between the lines of this blatant racism, they couldn’t even read the lines. It completely escaped the brain cells of millions of voters that elite democrats believed African Americans were dirty and couldn’t talk but politically useful to grow government.

After watching the US healthcare system virtually destroyed with the affordable Care Act many recalled Obama saying “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor’, “if you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance”-Period. The “Period” was important, signifying unassailable truth, like a used-car spiel.

Eventually it dawned on the people that Obama was a very effective sock puppet but a lousy president and it was a frightening prospect that a legendary miscreant like Hillary Clinton was next in line. The Republicans were worthless and clueless as usual so Trump cleared the rats off the Republican ship before embarking on his campaign

The dumb down plan was so deep rooted and widespread in Washington that the elites panicked when Trump actually got elected and showed that the people had gotten smarter. Now national security agencies are corrupted and disorganized as guilty elites try to hide their sedition.

The Mueller investigation has failed but the rats won’t leave the Democrat ship; they want to continue sailing it. A Stasi-like rummaging of Trump’s taxes will likely be next. It won’t work; we’re not dumb any more.
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

USA 1016 election

Here are the final numbers:

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.
.Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

It was the Electoral College that got Trump into the White House, not the U.S. citizens vote.

I think it is time for the Electoral College to be looked at. The general public doesn’t even know what or who they are and yet they decide who will be President regardless of the popular vote.

What do you think?

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College

BY MORGAN GSTALTER - 02/01/19 10:21 AM EST

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College
I think you may be overthinking it.
For close to the past 30 years it's gone
8 years Republican
8 years Democrat
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

USA 1016 election

Here are the final numbers:

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.
.Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

It was the Electoral College that got Trump into the White House, not the U.S. citizens vote.

I think it is time for the Electoral College to be looked at. The general public doesn’t even know what or who they are and yet they decide who will be President regardless of the popular vote.

What do you think?

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College

BY MORGAN GSTALTER - 02/01/19 10:21 AM EST

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College
Of course there is no reason to question the Democrat's SUPER DELEGATES and anything that smacks of liberal advantage.

Of the number of votes you quotes above, how many were legal citizens?
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

Sure. Rump himself explained it in his Fraud University playbook --- "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". So sell Feelings he did, from "Mexicans are rapists" to "beat the crap out of 'em" to "a wall" to "they're laughing at us" (narcissists must think other people share their neuroses) to "lock her up" to all those childish putdowns of his rivals, etc etc etc, coupled with the other old adage that "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Given a perfect storm of non-turnout in crucial states and you've got an Electoral College participation trophy.

Few would argue that the election of Donald Trump was a mass repudiation of the Washington status quo. Washington has taken on a life of its own and it had become clear to the American people that a master plan was well underway to dumb down the population and replace the model of personal liberty that has prevailed since the beginning of the republic with centrally planned government authoritarianism.

Agreed. Few would argue that seriously. Yet around here they do, every day.

After eight years of Barack Obama, which was the sock puppetry of identity politics on an industrial scale, the people had seen enough.

Kinda makes his approval ratings hard to explain, donut.

Obama’s own supporters like former Vice President Joe Biden even described him as a “clean young man” suggesting that most of his skin color were not clean. Another of his boosters, Sen. Harry Reid, praised Obama for having “no negro dialect” suggesting that blacks can’t speak clearly or intelligently.

And what we have here is consecutive non-sequiturs. Your "suggestions" are your own, but it's instructive that you have to attribute them to others who made no such indication to make them work.

The appalling reality that huge swaths of the American population were already so successfully dumbed down that not only couldn’t they read between the lines of this blatant racism, they couldn’t even read the lines. It completely escaped the brain cells of millions of voters that elite democrats believed African Americans were dirty and couldn’t talk but politically useful to grow government.

Again ---- you just made that up, so it's kind of obvious why it "completely escaped" people.

I'm stopping right there, as the Coriolis Effect makes me seasick and this logic is swirling down the drain.
After watching the US healthcare system virtually destroyed with the affordable Care Act

For the record---

Seven months ago, I went to the emergency room because I felt a pain in my chest

The hospital immediately operated on me where they installed a stent, which saved my life. Medicare paid 100% of the bill

Three weeks ago, my doctor told me to go to the hospital to have my heart looked at.

Again, I went into the emergency room. I was sent to a heart specialist in the same hospital where I was injected with some radioactive substance and then they scanned my heart.

The same day they told me I was fine, and I left the hospital

Medicare paid 100% of the bill

BTW: I'm 70 years old :)-
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

Sure. Rump himself explained it in his Fraud University playbook --- "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". So sell Feelings he did, from "Mexicans are rapists" to "beat the crap out of 'em" to "a wall" to "they're laughing at us" (narcissists must think other people share their neuroses) to "lock her up" to all those childish putdowns of his rivals, etc etc etc, coupled with the other old adage that "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Given a perfect storm of non-turnout in crucial states and you've got an Electoral College participation trophy.

Few would argue that the election of Donald Trump was a mass repudiation of the Washington status quo. Washington has taken on a life of its own and it had become clear to the American people that a master plan was well underway to dumb down the population and replace the model of personal liberty that has prevailed since the beginning of the republic with centrally planned government authoritarianism.

Agreed. Few would argue that seriously. Yet around here they do, every day.

After eight years of Barack Obama, which was the sock puppetry of identity politics on an industrial scale, the people had seen enough.

Kinda makes his approval ratings hard to explain, donut.

Obama’s own supporters like former Vice President Joe Biden even described him as a “clean young man” suggesting that most of his skin color were not clean. Another of his boosters, Sen. Harry Reid, praised Obama for having “no negro dialect” suggesting that blacks can’t speak clearly or intelligently.

And what we have here is consecutive non-sequiturs. Your "suggestions" are your own, but it's instructive that you have to attribute them to others who made no such indication to make them work.

The appalling reality that huge swaths of the American population were already so successfully dumbed down that not only couldn’t they read between the lines of this blatant racism, they couldn’t even read the lines. It completely escaped the brain cells of millions of voters that elite democrats believed African Americans were dirty and couldn’t talk but politically useful to grow government.

Again ---- you just made that up, so it's kind of obvious why it "completely escaped" people.

I'm stopping right there, as the Coriolis Effect makes me seasick and this logic is swirling down the drain.
After watching the US healthcare system virtually destroyed with the affordable Care Act

For the record---

Seven months ago, I went to the emergency room because I felt a pain in my chest

The hospital immediately operated on me where they installed a stent, which saved my life. Medicare paid 100% of the bill

Three weeks ago, my doctor told me to go to the hospital to have my heart looked at.

Again, I went into the emergency room. I was sent to a heart specialist in the same hospital where I was injected with some radioactive substance and then they scanned my heart.

The same day they told me I was fine, and I left the hospital

Medicare paid 100% of the bill

BTW: I'm 70 years old :)-
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

USA 1016 election

Here are the final numbers:

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.
.Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

It was the Electoral College that got Trump into the White House, not the U.S. citizens vote.

I think it is time for the Electoral College to be looked at. The general public doesn’t even know what or who they are and yet they decide who will be President regardless of the popular vote.

What do you think?

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College

BY MORGAN GSTALTER - 02/01/19 10:21 AM EST

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College
So if you don't like the results you get, change the rules.
After watching the US healthcare system virtually destroyed with the affordable Care Act

For the record---

Seven months ago, I went to the emergency room because I felt a pain in my chest

The hospital immediately operated on me where they installed a stent, which saved my life. Medicare paid 100% of the bill

Three weeks ago, my doctor told me to go to the hospital to have my heart looked at.

Again, I went into the emergency room. I was sent to a heart specialist in the same hospital where I was injected with some radioactive substance and then they scanned my heart.

The same day they told me I was fine, and I left the hospital

Medicare paid 100% of the bill

BTW: I'm 70 years old :)-

Good for you :thup: I haven't needed that level (yet) but Medicare has been paying my eye exams (hey, it's a start).

I guess somebody forgot to tell Medicare it was "destroyed". Too bad it can't do anything about hyperbolic logic syndrome where obedient wags parrot whatever they're told to parrot.
Does anyone wonder why Donald Trump got elected?

USA 1016 election

Here are the final numbers:

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.
.Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

It was the Electoral College that got Trump into the White House, not the U.S. citizens vote.

I think it is time for the Electoral College to be looked at. The general public doesn’t even know what or who they are and yet they decide who will be President regardless of the popular vote.

What do you think?

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College

BY MORGAN GSTALTER - 02/01/19 10:21 AM EST

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College
But the fat bitch lost.

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