How Trump can beat the deep-state coup...

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
In October of 2016, everyone in the world knew, whether they liked it or not, that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the 45th president of the United States. As it turns out some folks were absolutely counting on it, but their conspiracy somehow backfired. ( I think it was Russia or somebody's fault - I can never remember ) And now they're quietly but genuinely in panic-mode.

By Monica Crowley - - Wednesday, December 5, 2018

When Donald Trump glided down the golden escalator in June 2015 to announce he was running for president, little did he know that he was about to become the most hunted political figure in recent history.

He soon discovered, however, that that escalator ride delivered him right into the waiting maw of the establishment beast. That monster has many tentacles: The Democratic and Republican establishments, far left, the deep and bureaucratic states, the media and the international “community.” From the moment Mr. Trump emerged as a serious threat to their power and control, they went to work to discredit, delegitimize and destroy him via a vast, sophisticated network of lies centered on non-existent crimes related to equally non-existent Russian “collusion.”

The ongoing effort to undermine and remove a duly elected president is a rolling deep state coup d’etat (with an assist from the media), making it the most dangerous scandal in American history.

How Donald Trump can beat the deep-state coup

Replace "deep state" with "rule of law" for Trump's true agenda.
From the OP article...
“This is a vast left-wing conspiracy,” Mr. Bossie says, “that began with Crossfire Hurricane, the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the list goes on. But [former FBI Director James] Comey was at the top of the food chain, and has a lot to answer for. He coordinated it and enforced two sets of rules, one for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, another for Trump and the rest of us.

“Comey went from being the ‘last Boy Scout’ to someone under investigation,” says Mr. Bossie. “He’s a bad hombre.”

Mr. Lewandowki agrees that Mr. Comey has been the most dangerous villain in the anti-Trumpconspiracy but adds that the president’s “biggest enemy still in the government is Bruce Ohr, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS and who took the phony dossier to Strzok at the FBI, setting off the whole chain of events. And he’s still in there.”
There is no deep state, just a morally bankrupt rich man trying to weasel out of legal problems using every means at his disposal.
Democrats when they hear the truth...
From the OP article...
“This is a vast left-wing conspiracy,” Mr. Bossie says, “that began with Crossfire Hurricane, the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the list goes on. But [former FBI Director James] Comey was at the top of the food chain, and has a lot to answer for. He coordinated it and enforced two sets of rules, one for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, another for Trump and the rest of us.

“Comey went from being the ‘last Boy Scout’ to someone under investigation,” says Mr. Bossie. “He’s a bad hombre.”

Trumpconspiracy but adds that the president’s “biggest enemy still in the government is Bruce Ohr, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS and who took the phony dossier to Strzok at the FBI, setting off the whole chain of events. And he’s still in there.”

The link in the OP is from the Washington Times, a "fake news" rag founded by the Reverend Sun Yyung Moon, of the Unification Church.

Unification Church

I much prefer real journalism from a real newspaper. Not some Asian cultist's propaganda wing.
Trump IS the deep state.

It explains why you turnips can't define it. Because any definition you give would describe Trump and his cabinet.
...The intelligence nexus – including the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation – are also the forces which would have complete and total access to all electronic communications, not just out of the White House, but across the entire world. Former NSA staff, like whistleblowers Edward Snowden and William Binney, have confirmed the technical capacity for such unlawful surveillance against US citizens and indeed foreign leaders, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The anti-Trump news media in the US have tended to relate the leaking issue to the right of free speech. The attorney general’s announcement that the Justice Department and FBI are to go after leakers more aggressively, as well as consider the possibility of prosecuting media reporters for publishing articles based on leaked information, have been criticized as having a “chilling effect” on free speech....
Scale of media leaks against Trump indicates US Deep State coup agenda
From the OP article...
“This is a vast left-wing conspiracy,” Mr. Bossie says, “that began with Crossfire Hurricane, the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the list goes on. But [former FBI Director James] Comey was at the top of the food chain, and has a lot to answer for. He coordinated it and enforced two sets of rules, one for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, another for Trump and the rest of us.

“Comey went from being the ‘last Boy Scout’ to someone under investigation,” says Mr. Bossie. “He’s a bad hombre.”

Trumpconspiracy but adds that the president’s “biggest enemy still in the government is Bruce Ohr, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS and who took the phony dossier to Strzok at the FBI, setting off the whole chain of events. And he’s still in there.”

The link in the OP is from the Washington Times, a "fake news" rag founded by the Reverend Sun Yyung Moon, of the Unification Church.

Unification Church

I much prefer real journalism from a real newspaper. Not some Asian cultist's propaganda wing.
You mean you much prefer an opinion piece from a real rag of a newspaper like CNN or perhaps the National Enquirer.
...The intelligence nexus – including the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation – are also the forces which would have complete and total access to all electronic communications, not just out of the White House, but across the entire world. Former NSA staff, like whistleblowers Edward Snowden and William Binney, have confirmed the technical capacity for such unlawful surveillance against US citizens and indeed foreign leaders, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The anti-Trump news media in the US have tended to relate the leaking issue to the right of free speech. The attorney general’s announcement that the Justice Department and FBI are to go after leakers more aggressively, as well as consider the possibility of prosecuting media reporters for publishing articles based on leaked information, have been criticized as having a “chilling effect” on free speech....
Scale of media leaks against Trump indicates US Deep State coup agenda

The leaks are warning the nation of the dangers of the Trump Presidency. Every White House has leaks. They're a fact of political life.

What every other White House hasn't had is a President who watches TV all day while tens of thousands citizens are dying in opioid abuse. 72,000 in 2018, 6000 people a month, 30,000 dead Americans since Donald Trump began his obsession about illegal immigrants, and building a wall, he has ignored the 30,000 people who have died from opioid abuse.

When Trump mentions the people who are dying from drug abuse, he tells Americans the drugs are coming from Mexico, but the drugs that are killing Americans by the tens of thousands are sold legally by publically traded companies who sell their poison with the blessings of the government. And as the death tolls and reports of patients addictions mounted, successive administrations of both parties granted these drug companies greater and greater lattitude in their dispensing, while reducing oversight of extent of the over-prescription of these drugs in the marketplace.

This is yet another problem of "for-profit" medicine. Drug addicts are very profitable. You get a lot of "return" business. Insurance allows people to cycle through detox and rehab, multiple times, until you max out. It's a massive growth industry. The company that brought you opioids are now marketing a home overdose kit, a sort of Narcon "Epi-Pen" at $4000 a pop. The drug in the pen costs $40 to produce.

The Trump Administration has done nothing. They've announced a commission and a big budget, but nothing has been done about lax oversight of a drug industry which, having profitted from enormously addicting millions of Americans, are now preparing to profit enormously from saving them from their addiction.

All while Trump keeps you focussed on a useless wall.
The link in the OP is from the Washington Times, a "fake news" rag founded by the Reverend Sun Yyung Moon, of the Unification Church.

Unification Church

I much prefer real journalism from a real newspaper. Not some Asian cultist's propaganda wing.
It's an opinion piece which I clearly indicated .
It could be from any newspaper.

No it couldn't. There is no "Deep State". That's Putin's invention. A total lie. To frighten the stupid and the gullible.
The leaks are warning the nation of the dangers of the Trump Presidency. Every White House has leaks. They're a fact of political life.

What every other White House hasn't had is a President who watches TV all day while tens of thousands citizens are dying in opioid abuse. 72,000 in 2018, 6000 people a month, 30,000 dead Americans since Donald Trump began his obsession about illegal immigrants, and building a wall, he has ignored the 30,000 people who have died from opioid abuse.

When Trump mentions the people who are dying from drug abuse, he tells Americans the drugs are coming from Mexico, but the drugs that are killing Americans by the tens of thousands are sold legally by publically traded companies who sell their poison with the blessings of the government. And as the death tolls and reports of patients addictions mounted, successive administrations of both parties granted these drug companies greater and greater lattitude in their dispensing, while reducing oversight of extent of the over-prescription of these drugs in the marketplace.

This is yet another problem of "for-profit" medicine. Drug addicts are very profitable. You get a lot of "return" business. Insurance allows people to cycle through detox and rehab, multiple times, until you max out. It's a massive growth industry. The company that brought you opioids are now marketing a home overdose kit, a sort of Narcon "Epi-Pen" at $4000 a pop. The drug in the pen costs $40 to produce.

The Trump Administration has done nothing. They've announced a commission and a big budget, but nothing has been done about lax oversight of a drug industry which, having profitted from enormously addicting millions of Americans, are now preparing to profit enormously from saving them from their addiction.

All while Trump keeps you focussed on a useless wall.
This reminds me of when people blamed Obama for all of Bush's failures.
It's now beyond any reasonable doubt that Obama administration minions launched an all-out effort to destroy, first, President Trump's presidential campaign and, when that failed, his presidency. The only question is, knowing the truth, will the Justice Department charge these people with crimes ?

The actual investigation by the Justice Department and FBI began during the election campaign. Using half-baked and "unverifiable" intelligence about Trump's purported links to Russia, officials used the so-called Steele Dossier four separate times for FISA court approval to spy on the Trump campaign.

The only problem is, the Steele Dossier didn't come from the FBI or Justice Department. It came from Fusion GPS, an opposition research group linked to the Democrats. And Hillary Clinton's campaign paid for it.
Deep State: Did Justice, CIA And FBI Commit Crimes To Get Rid Of Trump? | Investor's Business Daily
You are one nutty poster. One minute you advocate Socialism, and the next minute you advocate Patriotic Nationalism and A President who preaches it.
So Putin is trying to warn America that we need to be vigilant against corruption in Government, in the form of the Deep State and he made this up yet at the same time, tried to “hack” our election? He’s one confused dude... kinda like you.

The only verified hacking was done by Clinton's Pakistani Hackers who were hired specifically for their hacking skills.

The DNC & Clinton Campaign hired criminals to commit crimes and got burnt by the very criminals they hired.

Then They tried to cover it up.

End of story.

The link in the OP is from the Washington Times, a "fake news" rag founded by the Reverend Sun Yyung Moon, of the Unification Church.

Unification Church

I much prefer real journalism from a real newspaper. Not some Asian cultist's propaganda wing.
It's an opinion piece which I clearly indicated .
It could be from any newspaper.

No it couldn't. There is no "Deep State". That's Putin's invention. A total lie. To frighten the stupid and the gullible.

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