How to reduce the $600 billion/yr fear of lawsuits health care costs!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Emergency room physicians practice Defensive medicine..
1) More than half (53 percent) of emergency physicians reported that fear of lawsuits is the main reason for ordering the number of tests they do.
Emergency Visits Are Increasing, New Poll Finds; Many Patients Referred by Primary Care Doctors

2) Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Estimate Defensive Medicine Costs Americans $650-850 Billion Annually
Doctors Practice Medicine in Fear, New Study Finds

Then Today:...
FACTS: By some estimates, unnecessary treatment constitutes one-third of medical spending in the United States. [1/3 of $2.5 trillion is $800 billion a year!!!]
a group of nine medical specialty boards plans to recommend on Wednesday that doctors perform 45 common tests and procedures less often, and to urge patients to question these services if they are offered. Eight other specialty boards are preparing to follow suit with additional lists of procedures their members should perform far less often.

So THINK folks... WHY does it take a MASSIVE destruction of the health care system i.e. ObamaCare... to reduce at least $100 to $200 billion in health care costs when a simple solution is at hand?

Require ALL hospitals that have "uninsured" patients bill the "Uninsured Health Insurance Company©" and this company pays the claims from contract with the federal govt. that get's tax money by taxing lawyers 10% of their $100 billion in fees EARNED BY health care lawsuits!

Thus we reduce the $600+ billion in "Defensive Medicine"..
Reduce hospitals from padding and passing on uncollected expenses -- i.e. reducing the 6,000% overcharges to Medicare for example for CAT scans for example!
Reducing then easily another $50 billion + in Medicare expenses!

How about instead of having everyone with insurance paying for EMERGENCY ROOM medical care for those without insurance, we cover everyone with basic PREVENTATIVE care and save even MORE money?

I mean how much money can be saved by treating a heart patient with checkups and drugs instead of treating a heart attack victim in the emergency room?

You're on the right just need to go a little further and eliminate the insurance company overhead to REALLY save yourself some dough.
How about instead of having everyone with insurance paying for EMERGENCY ROOM medical care for those without insurance, we cover everyone with basic PREVENTATIVE care and save even MORE money?

I mean how much money can be saved by treating a heart patient with checkups and drugs instead of treating a heart attack victim in the emergency room?

You're on the right just need to go a little further and eliminate the insurance company overhead to REALLY save yourself some dough.

How about instead of having everyone with insurance paying for EMERGENCY ROOM medical care for those without insurance, we cover everyone with basic PREVENTATIVE care and save even MORE money?

I mean how much money can be saved by treating a heart patient with checkups and drugs instead of treating a heart attack victim in the emergency room?

You're on the right just need to go a little further and eliminate the insurance company overhead to REALLY save yourself some dough.

BUT Obamacare DIDN'T need to make a false assumption while totally ignoring the $600 billion in defensive medicine costs!
False assumption there are 47 million UNINSURED!
10 million are nOT citizens 14 million are ALREADY covered by Medicaid and
18 million didn't want, don't need YET could afford health insurance ...THEY are counted as part of that bogus 47 million uninsured which was used to SELL Obamacare!

The truly 5 million that need and want health insurance COULD BE COVERED by the government at NO costs to the rest of us JUST as Obamacare is TAXING TANNING salons tax lawyers 10% of their $100 billion!

These truly 5 million can be then covered AND the taxes are linked to decline as the $600 billion "defensive medicine" declines!

BUT with lawyers giving $300 million to Obama/Congress in 2008 alone??
THAT will never happen with that group!

Destroying health care is Obama's objective.. HE SAID it! These are his exact words:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

See I honestly don't think Obama KNOWS how taxes are created!
Otherwise why would he be in favor of destroying 1,400 insurance companies that pay over $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local income taxes as well as paying local property taxes WHICH you as a property owner will have to pay more IF Obama has his way...i.e. single payer means eliminating 1,400 property tax paying entities!

BUT Obamacare taxed Tanning salons 10% why?
How about instead of having everyone with insurance paying for EMERGENCY ROOM medical care for those without insurance, we cover everyone with basic PREVENTATIVE care and save even MORE money?

I mean how much money can be saved by treating a heart patient with checkups and drugs instead of treating a heart attack victim in the emergency room?

You're on the right just need to go a little further and eliminate the insurance company overhead to REALLY save yourself some dough.


Well, why don't you explain why NO OTHER COUNTRY in the WORLD is rushing to our system and virtually EVERYONE ELSE pays half as much as us?

Yeah. I'm the sheep when you're the one who insists on getting sheared.
How about instead of having everyone with insurance paying for EMERGENCY ROOM medical care for those without insurance, we cover everyone with basic PREVENTATIVE care and save even MORE money?

I mean how much money can be saved by treating a heart patient with checkups and drugs instead of treating a heart attack victim in the emergency room?

You're on the right just need to go a little further and eliminate the insurance company overhead to REALLY save yourself some dough.


Well, why don't you explain why NO OTHER COUNTRY in the WORLD is rushing to our system and virtually EVERYONE ELSE pays half as much as us?

Yeah. I'm the sheep when you're the one who insists on getting sheared.

THEY also don't have to number of lawyers the USA has!
They don't have the number of health care lawsuits!
They don't have half the insurance companies we have!

SO DUH... they don't have $600 billion a year in DEFENSIVE MEDICINE costs!

WHY is this so hard to understand???
We cut the waste in Medicare simply by eliminating the LAW that came about
in 1986 which forced hospitals to see "uninsured" if they take Medicare!
As a result MEDICARE understands and accepts hospitals overcharging sometimes
as much as 6,000% more then costs by hospitals to pass on these "uninsured"
Washington -- For many physicians, the federal law that prevents patient "dumping" is a losing proposition.

A study released in May by the American Medical Association found that physicians lost $4.2 billion in revenue in 2001 providing care mandated by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The law requires doctors to screen and stabilize emergency patients regardless of whether they have health insurance or are able to pay for their care.
EMTALA costs physicians billions in unreimbursed care -
In 2004, uncompensated care is estimated to be $40.7 billion. Adults uninsured for the full year receive the majority of uncompensated care, $26.3 billion (65% of the total amount). Children are less likely to be uninsured and their average health
care costs are less than adults as well. Uncompensated care represents 2.7% of the projected total personal health care spending for 2004 of $1.5 trillion.

Using the same ratio of above 2.7% of $2.5 trillion health care in 2010 that would be about $66 billion.

All added to the costs WE all pay in insurance companies/Medicare!

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