How the Mormons Make Money


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Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How the Mormons Make Money
By Caroline Winter on July 18, 2012

“We look to not only the spiritual but also the temporal, and we believe that a person who is impoverished temporally cannot blossom spiritually.”

“The Mormon Church is very different than any other church. … Traditional Christianity and Judaism make a clear distinction between what is spiritual and what is temporal, while Mormon theology specifically denies that there is such a distinction.” To Latter-day Saints, opening megamalls, operating a billion-dollar media and insurance conglomerate, and running a Polynesian theme park are all part of doing God’s work.
Outside the U.S., AgReserves operates in Britain, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. Its Australian property, valued at $61 million in 1997, has estimated annual sales of $276 million, according to Dun & Bradstreet.
(Outsourcing jobs?)“Given their array of corporate interests, it would probably make more sense to refer to them as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Holdings Inc.”
As a religious organization, the LDS Church enjoys several tax advantages. Like other churches, it is often exempt from paying taxes on the real estate properties it leases out, even to commercial entities, says tax lawyer David Miller, who is not Mormon.
According to U.S. law, religions have no obligation to open their books to the public, and the LDS Church officially stopped reporting any finances in the early 1960s.
Joseph Smith, announced to his followers that God had told him the following: “Verily I say unto you, that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal.” In other words, historian Quinn translates, “whether it’s investing in a merchandising store, or tannery, or a lumber mill, or a hotel, or a bank—all of which occurred under Joseph Smith’s leadership—according to that 1830 revelation, it’s all spiritual.”
88 of Smith’s 112 revelations deal directly or indirectly with economic matters….
Mormon Church donates only about 0.7 percent of its annual income to charity; the United Methodist Church gives about 29 percent

How the Mormons Make Money - Businessweek

The Mormon church is a ******“conglomerate.“ F***** unbelievable. Far surpasses the Catholic organization.
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is she against the people, the money or the religion? something is bothering her about that.
is she against the people, the money or the religion? Something is bothering her about that.

This is not a religion , this is a business. And I have no problem with either but it's when religions is used get tax breaks and use tax haven and out source jobs that it bothers me. The mormon church is using religion as ruse. And does nothing for the people? My bad. They do have stockpile of warehouses of almost anything needed that help their people. And it is amazing.
But something about calling a business a religion bothers me. Does not affect me but....still bothers me.

88 of Smith’s 112 revelations deal directly or indirectly with economic matters….????
Nothing like comes from prophets this in my bible. I may be in the wrong religion.????
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is she against the people, the money or the religion? something is bothering her about that.

This is not a religion , this is a business. And I have no problem with either but it's when religions is used get tax breaks and use tax haven and out source jobs that it bothers me. The mormon church is using religion as ruse. And does nothing for the people?

Actually they do alot of stuff for people, and hey the global warming cult is a business, outsources jobs all the time. But when did the mormon church outsource?
is she against the people, the money or the religion? Something is bothering her about that.

This is not a religion , this is a business. And I have no problem with either but it's when religions is used get tax breaks and use tax haven and out source jobs that it bothers me. The mormon church is using religion as ruse. And does nothing for the people? My bad. They do have stockpile of warehouses of almost anything needed that help their people. And it is amazing.
But something about calling a business a religion bothers me. Does not affect me but....still bothers me.

Why The Mormon Religion is More like a Business Than a Church - Yahoo! Voices -


u might not like what they do but they have teh freedom to do it, or are u against freedom too? They help their people, thats what religion does, if its a god or money, and believe me, everyone is religious, even the left loves money. If u are confused, allow me to point u in a direction my lil snowflake, hollywood.
I am not sure where she was going with the thread but I really don't care. The catholics are the biggest land owner in the world and the were not mentioned. Not for profits don't pay tax and they are all over the place so what is the point.
I am not sure where she was going with the thread but I really don't care. The catholics are the biggest land owner in the world and the were not mentioned. Not for profits don't pay tax and they are all over the place so what is the point.

i dont get it either unless its the first invasion of being mormon? i really dont know, i think shes pissed the people have freedom and rights.

you know the lefty adage "you have the right to ur opinion, but it better agree with me"
I didn't realize all Mormons did the same job?

So they're all millionaires like Mitt Romney?

So how do blacks make money? Muslims make money?

Come on dumbfuck, please tell....
The church used to own a lot more land. That was generally used for what were called stake farms.

Those farms were used to grow food that was put into the welfare system.

The church tends to focus on basic needs and does not like to give out cash.

But if you need food, there are lots of places to get it.

Work is basic principle of the Welfare System.

That is the connection of spiritual to temporal.

In the Book Of Mormon, a prophet states that there are no laws that are strictly temporal...all have a spiritual component.
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Damn those mormon suicide bombers.....they are why we dont profile and granny gets felt up by the TSA
Damn those mormon suicide bombers.....they are why we dont profile and granny gets felt up by the TSA

Did I mention that in Sunday School we teach accouting, finance and investing instead of teaching people to pray, keep the Sabbath holy, be honest and all those other meaningless "spiritual" values ?
Damn those mormon suicide bombers.....they are why we dont profile and granny gets felt up by the TSA

Did I mention that in Sunday School we teach accouting, finance and investing instead of teaching people to pray, keep the Sabbath holy, be honest and all those other meaningless "spiritual" values ?

you are ruining this country sir and we awnt u to leave.

BTW nice post above, second stop being nice and teaching people.

take it from teh blue man group


which turned into this:

Blue Man Group School Scrutinized As Parents Say Kids Can't Read

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