CDZ How the Dems can win the WH in 2020. Hyper anti-NAFTA and anti-China


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I hope Trump can deliver a strong recovery of the American economy. I believe if he keeps his promises this will occur. The Democrats would have a very steep hill to climb if he succeeds, and all of the foreign donations in the world wouldn't help them if this is the case.

There is however, one angle I imagine the Democrats will exploit, and that is unfulfilled promises. Some of these will not be achieved in a timely manner because of Democratic obstruction, others because of his own inability to do so. Without question, the Dems can exploit any promises not kept. There is another angle too though which although probably wouldn't be explored because the Democrats are far too entrenched in their ways.

This would be quite a change for the Democrats, but, if they went even further than Trump by suggesting it's time to get out of NAFTA and a full renegotiation from scratch, based on an effort to save jobs, AND, pushed for a tariff against China, I believe any party; even an Independent, would have a shot at the WH. That is how much NAFTA and China has harmed the average American worker. This is how unpopular these deals are with anyone outside of Washington, Cali or New York.

The process would be "oh, Trmp renegotiated NAFTA, but American workers are still being screwed, especially auto industry, oil industry etc" Specifics always grab votes. Then, they suggest a full withdrawal and a desire to renegotiate bi-laterally. In effect, what Trump had suggested ont he campaign (it's the righ approach in my opinion). They then say "we will confront China with a tariff, deem them a currency manipulator" All of this, while putting this language and directives into a legally binding contract, signed by Schumer and other Democratic bigwigs. This would force them to act on their promises without retreat.

So, in short, the Democrats do have a path to the WhiteHouse. It's a narrow path that would require as much of a chnage as the GOP had to accept when Trump took over the party and it would have to be non-negotiable and binding. Agree or disagree?
Your political system serves the donor class alone, no one represents the people.
If things continue as they are and Trump continues to fail to deliver then all they have to do is show up.

Show up and not put another Hillary on the ballot that is.
If things continue as they are and Trump continues to fail to deliver then all they have to do is show up.

Show up and not put another Hillary on the ballot that is.

I don't agree. If they provide the same policies as Clinton and refuse to address the underlying problems impacting the average American and the American economy, than it is the GOP who could put anybody up and win. Libertarian values will win the day, not socialism or crony-capitalism.

It's the reason Trump won in the first place, people were fed up and willing to roll the dice rather than continue in the same direction. It will require a drastic shift in policy for the Democrats to have a shot, the two of which I believe are NAFTA and dealing with the Chinese government abuses.
The Ds are and have always been the political arm of organized crime and often members of organized crime as with Tammany Hall, Chicago, New Orleans and San Francisco. An honest Democrat is less common than a virgin brothel madam.
The Ds are and have always been the political arm of organized crime and often members of organized crime as with Tammany Hall, Chicago, New Orleans and San Francisco. An honest Democrat is less common than a virgin brothel madam.

Oh wow, in the CDZ none the less. You trying to get this thread locked? Do the Mods go here ever?

On the subject at hand I believe Trump can fail humorously or just get old, he will be 70...74? Next time around? Gotta remember, Trump won not by getting more votes but by getting "the right" votes.

So right or wrong (a political pun?) don't take the next election lightly.
I think the base rounding up the Party leadership and the 'Super delegates' and beheading them ISIS style and tossing the corpses on campfires would go a long way toward regaining some semblance of credibility.
If things continue as they are and Trump continues to fail to deliver then all they have to do is show up.

Show up and not put another Hillary on the ballot that is.

I don't agree. If they provide the same policies as Clinton and refuse to address the underlying problems impacting the average American and the American economy, than it is the GOP who could put anybody up and win. Libertarian values will win the day, not socialism or crony-capitalism.

It's the reason Trump won in the first place, people were fed up and willing to roll the dice rather than continue in the same direction. It will require a drastic shift in policy for the Democrats to have a shot, the two of which I believe are NAFTA and dealing with the Chinese government abuses.
Then why do we see wild shifts between the R's and the D's every cycle?

Because the people have not woken up - the dems can continue their rants and take back the white house easily if Trump fails to deliver - and he is failing to deliver.
Wild shifts....the shifts in Congress amaze me. Presidentially, seems like a toss up based on who gets out to vote. I blame the two party lock on power. By plan or an effect of denocratic elections, each does a fine job of catering and shifting their platform to about half the voting block even if it modifies their party olatform to hypocrisy.
Then why do we see wild shifts between the R's and the D's every cycle?

Because the people have not woken up - the dems can continue their rants and take back the white house easily if Trump fails to deliver - and he is failing to deliver.

You dont (see wild swings) really though it seems as though you do. Democrats are now a small bi coastal party despised by Americans. BUT they control the news media, Hollywood, internet platforms, academia and the deep state. All the places they have ensconced themselves in and cant easily be dislodged. That can make it seem like they are winning at times. For instance they have lost four special elections since last November they swore they would win. Then claimed victory because they didnt lose as bad as they feared they would.
We are all victims of propaganda.

I do agree this is Trumps to lose if he doesnt keep his heel on their faces and I will go one step may as well elect Democrats if Republicans are going to be co opted. "We lost so you have to do what we say" is what we hear the democrats snarl after every election. Seems ridiculous. But what Republican Congresscritters hear is "we still control the media and will destroy you so dont go acting like you won too much"

It is a matter of ignoring them and moving ahead. If Trump tries to appease the Marxists he is toast. And the Republicans need to know, as evidenced by trump, that we dont care what the media or the elites say anymore. If they stand firm we wont let them be destyroyed for a slip of the tounge or wearing the wrong shoes or whatever.

And I will also say Trump must keep his promises about stopping the invasion of foreigners Democrats have brought in to overthrow America. If he fails to do so, besides the demographic consequences, he faces the old democrat catch-22. After they do everything they can to stop him they will turn around next election and say "see he didnt stop immigration like he said he would".
We can only continue winning by treating marxists as the enemies to decency they are.

GOP now controls the House, Senate, White House and one short of a supermajority of states. Not to mention the Supreme Court. The people are screaming for a change. We give them larger and larger majorities. But in the end we dont win until we forget about government and begin purging them from their non-governmental institutional positions of power. Until then even when we win they can tell us we lost.

Here is what the trend really looks like.

Then why do we see wild shifts between the R's and the D's every cycle?

Because the people have not woken up - the dems can continue their rants and take back the white house easily if Trump fails to deliver - and he is failing to deliver.

You dont (see wild swings) really though it seems as though you do. Democrats are now a small bi coastal party despised by Americans. BUT they control the news media, Hollywood, internet platforms, academia and the deep state. All the places they have ensconced themselves in and cant easily be dislodged. That can make it seem like they are winning at times. For instance they have lost four special elections since last November they swore they would win. Then claimed victory because they didnt lose as bad as they feared they would.
We are all victims of propaganda.

I do agree this is Trumps to lose if he doesnt keep his heel on their faces and I will go one step may as well elect Democrats if Republicans are going to be co opted. "We lost so you have to do what we say" is what we hear the democrats snarl after every election. Seems ridiculous. But what Republican Congresscritters hear is "we still control the media and will destroy you so dont go acting like you won too much"

It is a matter of ignoring them and moving ahead. If Trump tries to appease the Marxists he is toast. And the Republicans need to know, as evidenced by trump, that we dont care what the media or the elites say anymore. If they stand firm we wont let them be destyroyed for a slip of the tounge or wearing the wrong shoes or whatever.

And I will also say Trump must keep his promises about stopping the invasion of foreigners Democrats have brought in to overthrow America. If he fails to do so, besides the demographic consequences, he faces the old democrat catch-22. After they do everything they can to stop him they will turn around next election and say "see he didnt stop immigration like he said he would".
We can only continue winning by treating marxists as the enemies to decency they are.

GOP now controls the House, Senate, White House and one short of a supermajority of states. Not to mention the Supreme Court. The people are screaming for a change. We give them larger and larger majorities. But in the end we dont win until we forget about government and begin purging them from their non-governmental institutional positions of power. Until then even when we win they can tell us we lost.

Here is what the trend really looks like.

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You don't see wild shifts? Seriously?

Bush 1 seen a complete R lock on congress. That changed to a D lock in term 2. Obama's 1st term started with a filibuster proof senate and a D lock on the house. Now the R's have all of them again.

That is wild swings.

The people are not giving them ever larger majorities - they are going back and fourth because neither side delivers anything but a shit sandwich blanketed in lies.

On the state level is another story altogether. IMHO, that is because the Republicans are not very good at national elections or controlling the dialogue but they are really good at local elections. The dems have utterly lost their minds when it comes to local elections. You heard it here all the time when Obama was president - dems claiming that the Republican party was dead because they were unable to win national elections just local ones. That is a rather hilariously misguided statement considering the MAJOR ramifications of the Republicans taking over the entire nation on a local level.

I am still not entirely sure if the DNC fully realizes how much of a mess they have placed themselves in by ignoring those local elections. I think you can place overall R control on the federal level squarely on the fact that they have dominated so completely on the local one.

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