CDZ Which, IYO, do MOST Americans do?

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Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
  • Live the lifestyle commensurate with their incomes. Why have you concluded this is the case?
  • Live the lifestyle they think they deserve. Why have you concluded this is the case?
What credible facts form the primary foundations for your opinion?

Since none of us is entitled to our own facts, for your convenience, I've presented the following information and linked-to information:
  • Live the lifestyle commensurate with their incomes. Why have you concluded this is the case?
  • Live the lifestyle they think they deserve. Why have you concluded this is the case?
What credible facts form the primary foundations for your opinion?

Since none of us is entitled to our own facts, for your convenience, I've presented the following information and linked-to information:

What I want to know is why is this fiat currency worth so much less and why it has lost so much purchasing power since it's the world's reserve currency due to the the petro dollar agreement?
One major reason is so much money is sucked right to the top, and doesn't recirculate back down, so more money needs to be printed just to put into circulation at the bottom of the food chain, and then there is the cash sucked out to pay for imports overseas, and then there is estimated 30% of the domestic GDP that gets sucked out by the tactic of transfer pricing, also most 'international trade' isn't real trade, just big multi-nationals shipping themselves their own stuff from their foreign plants, mines, whatever. That's a whole lot of cash sucked out that doesn't come back in, except to the pockets of a very small group who of course can't spend most it, and as a said it stays at the top without circulating back through.

This is a vicious cycle, and why govts. are so terrified of deflation and frantically fight to avoid it. Otherwise, the top 1% might have to actually do something productive to justify their wealth instead of just bleeding the planet dry. via financial manipulations and bribing politicians.
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  • Live the lifestyle commensurate with their incomes. Why have you concluded this is the case?
  • Live the lifestyle they think they deserve. Why have you concluded this is the case?
What credible facts form the primary foundations for your opinion?

Since none of us is entitled to our own facts, for your convenience, I've presented the following information and linked-to information:

What I want to know is why is this fiat currency worth so much less and why it has lost so much purchasing power since it's the world's reserve currency due to the the petro dollar agreement?

Gold, and to a lesser extent silver, are still the real currencies, which is why all of the central banks and big international firms are quietly building up stockpiles of it.
They're in debt because the inflationary cycles make it insane to save. that's a deliberate policy, designed to keep consumption at artificially high levels. Otherwise the cash cow for the top 10% disappears, sales tax revenues for the local govts. collapse, real estate tax revenues collapse, etc., etc.
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