How the Democrats Are Allowing The GOP Sexual Fundamentalists Control of OUR Politics

Popular question. I'll have to get back to you later.

I won't hold my breath waiting for a good reason for that to pop up. ;)

You sure? Your smilie is already blue in the face. :eusa_whistle:

There is a theory that is attracts other liberals to a message board and thus creates opposing views on which to engage in debate. Just a theory mind you.

Frankly, I think virtually every conservative on this board would be able to articulate the leftist viewpoint more intelligently and coherently than the leftists themselves do, so even if we DID suddenly feel the need to hear such nonsense, we'd be covered.
I won't hold my breath waiting for a good reason for that to pop up. ;)

You sure? Your smilie is already blue in the face. :eusa_whistle:

There is a theory that is attracts other liberals to a message board and thus creates opposing views on which to engage in debate. Just a theory mind you.

Frankly, I think virtually every conservative on this board would be able to articulate the leftist viewpoint more intelligently and coherently than the leftists themselves do, so even if we DID suddenly feel the need to hear such nonsense, we'd be covered.

That would just lead to more lliberal talk radio. It never makes money or sense.
Yes we are talking Gingrich,Santorum,Romney,Cain and just about every candidate the GOP has put forth. GW Bush is one. Jeb Bush also. Which provides an absolute perfect plan for the sexual fundamentalists to always win the nomination.

They talk economy,jobs, environment and new industry however these matters are irrelevant in real life to these sexual fundamentalists. In real life this powerful minority believe sex is evil and is somehow ruining the USA.

Their opposition to abortion is their backdoor approach to anti sex agenda. Which explains why they are anti contraception in spite of the fact that contraception will and does reduce abortions year after year.


It's the Sex, Stupid: An Interview With Author Nancy Cohen About How the Sexual Counterrevolution Is Polarizing America | Truthout

You think Democrats are idiots.

I have to agree.
The thing is, it's not just the GOP, it's society as a whole.

Compare how sex was portrayed in movies in the 1980's compared to how it is done now. You're going to see a lot less of it, aren't you. Not a Republican in site, these are all liberal Hollywood types.

We are becoming demographically older as a country, and not surprisingly, a bit more prudish. Our politics is only reflecting that.

Just my two cents.

Have you been drinking?
The thing is, it's not just the GOP, it's society as a whole.

Compare how sex was portrayed in movies in the 1980's compared to how it is done now. You're going to see a lot less of it, aren't you. Not a Republican in site, these are all liberal Hollywood types.

We are becoming demographically older as a country, and not surprisingly, a bit more prudish. Our politics is only reflecting that.

Just my two cents.

Have you been drinking?

Have you been sniffing glue?

Fact is, we have less sex in the movies than we had in the 1980's.

Give you an example, in 1986 they made a movie called "Manhunter" based on the Novel, Red Dragon. The movie contained a quite graphic scene where the murderer seduces a blind girl. It was the first movie that introduced the character of Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter, although he was not played by Sir Anthony Hopkins that time and he was only a bit player.

They remade this movie in 2002. Of course, they put a lot more Hannibal into the movie. But guess what they dropped? Yup. The Sex Scene. The blind girl goes back to the Killer's house and then they wake up the next day in bed partially clothed.

So in the prude world of the MPAA. Sex bad. Cannibalism Good.
Name them parrot......................

Auto recovery, economic recovery, 3 million jobs created, 23 months of job gains, killed Bin Laden, ended war in Iraq, ending war in Afghanistan, Dow Jones doubled since he took office, ended DADT, signed Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act...Oh, this is tiring. This is easier...

What the Fuck Has Obama Done So Far?

So you got nothing but blanket statements. WHY TF did you even respond. gays in the military.

BIG FUCKING DEAL.............

What a worthless response. hack!!! I was asked to list his legislative accomplishments and I did. How does that make me a hack? Refusing to acknowledge the legislative accomplishments of the President makes you a tool.
The thing is, it's not just the GOP, it's society as a whole.

Compare how sex was portrayed in movies in the 1980's compared to how it is done now. You're going to see a lot less of it, aren't you. Not a Republican in site, these are all liberal Hollywood types.

We are becoming demographically older as a country, and not surprisingly, a bit more prudish. Our politics is only reflecting that.

Just my two cents.

Have you been drinking?

Have you been sniffing glue?

Fact is, we have less sex in the movies than we had in the 1980's.

Give you an example, in 1986 they made a movie called "Manhunter" based on the Novel, Red Dragon. The movie contained a quite graphic scene where the murderer seduces a blind girl. It was the first movie that introduced the character of Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter, although he was not played by Sir Anthony Hopkins that time and he was only a bit player.

They remade this movie in 2002. Of course, they put a lot more Hannibal into the movie. But guess what they dropped? Yup. The Sex Scene. The blind girl goes back to the Killer's house and then they wake up the next day in bed partially clothed.

So in the prude world of the MPAA. Sex bad. Cannibalism Good.

Violence is much more acceptable on television than sex. I recall an episode of ER a few years back where they showed a man putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger. Brain matter all over the wall. In the same episode, a man came in with priapism and they danced around the word masturbation all episode, not able to say it. That's fucked up.
It does seem to me that the GOP has an inordinate number of people who are fearful of human sexuality.

Puritanism isn't really dead, I guess.
Auto recovery, economic recovery, 3 million jobs created, 23 months of job gains, killed Bin Laden, ended war in Iraq, ending war in Afghanistan, Dow Jones doubled since he took office, ended DADT, signed Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act...Oh, this is tiring. This is easier...

What the Fuck Has Obama Done So Far?

So you got nothing but blanket statements. WHY TF did you even respond. gays in the military.

BIG FUCKING DEAL.............

What a worthless response. hack!!! I was asked to list his legislative accomplishments and I did. How does that make me a hack? Refusing to acknowledge the legislative accomplishments of the President makes you a tool.

Get used to it. They are afraid to even read the L-O-N-G list of President Obama's accomplishments and run from my posts where I ask them to post a list of Republican accomplishments. Can't blame them ... The pubs haven't done a damn thing so there's nothing for them to post.

Okay, now watch - The rw's will post insults and name calling in response to this post because that's all they have.
Even if it were not true that the GOP is trying to take women's right to choose away, and it is true, but even if it were not true, why isn't the liberal media saying it?

Because it isn't true?

Fox News doesn't care if a story is true to run it.

People who say the media is liberal prove they are either lying or brainwashed.

Your stupidity is on display again.

You really should become familiar with the studies from liberal universities..

It does seem to me that the GOP has an inordinate number of people who are fearful of human sexuality.

Puritanism isn't really dead, I guess.

I don't think that's just Republicans, I think that's everyone.

But its only the Repubs who are trying to control what we do in our personal and private lives.

Sanatorium has said that 'contraception leads to (dare I say the word?) SEX' and has said he would 'outlaw contraception'. He is against family planning and further, wants all abortion banned even though 2/3 of all abortions are for medical reasons (DEFORMED OR DEAD FETUS), and, don't forget, he voted for the "family cap" and the "illegitimacy cap," which would have financially penalized low-income women for having children and penalized states for children born out of wedlock.

Didja all follow that? Read it again because what it really means is that Tricky Rick says that since he's not getting laid, no one else should either.

Santorum is not the only really crazy Republican. Most of them have said they want laws to control our sex lives and laws to circumvent our rights to marry whom we please.

All we ever hear from the R's is more laws, bigger government, higher taxes on the poor and working class, more tax cuts for the wealthy.
It does seem to me that the GOP has an inordinate number of people who are fearful of human sexuality.

Puritanism isn't really dead, I guess.

Uh, no.

You confuse sexuality with immorality and perversion. We don't like the sexualization of children, for example. Is that terror of human sexuality? Nope, that's concern over libs victimizing children and CALLING it "sexuality".

We fear the destruction of the family unit, the backbone of society...because when the family unit is denigrated, undermined, and disposed of, degradation, child abuse, and victimization of women and children follows.
It does seem to me that the GOP has an inordinate number of people who are fearful of human sexuality.

Puritanism isn't really dead, I guess.

I don't think that's just Republicans, I think that's everyone.

But its only the Repubs who are trying to control what we do in our personal and private lives.

Sanatorium has said that 'contraception leads to (dare I say the word?) SEX' and has said he would 'outlaw contraception'. He is against family planning and further, wants all abortion banned even though 2/3 of all abortions are for medical reasons (DEFORMED OR DEAD FETUS), and, don't forget, he voted for the "family cap" and the "illegitimacy cap," which would have financially penalized low-income women for having children and penalized states for children born out of wedlock.

Didja all follow that? Read it again because what it really means is that Tricky Rick says that since he's not getting laid, no one else should either.

Santorum is not the only really crazy Republican. Most of them have said they want laws to control our sex lives and laws to circumvent our rights to marry whom we please.

All we ever hear from the R's is more laws, bigger government, higher taxes on the poor and working class, more tax cuts for the wealthy.

Won't be happy until you can take your goat on a date to McDonalds will ya?
It does seem to me that the GOP has an inordinate number of people who are fearful of human sexuality.

Puritanism isn't really dead, I guess.

Uh, no.

You confuse sexuality with immorality and perversion. We don't like the sexualization of children, for example. Is that terror of human sexuality? Nope, that's concern over libs victimizing children and CALLING it "sexuality".

We fear the destruction of the family unit, the backbone of society...because when the family unit is denigrated, undermined, and disposed of, degradation, child abuse, and victimization of women and children follows.

We live longer and longer lives, yet want to rob the young of their innocence and youth. Very sad.
The thing is, it's not just the GOP, it's society as a whole.

Compare how sex was portrayed in movies in the 1980's compared to how it is done now. You're going to see a lot less of it, aren't you. Not a Republican in site, these are all liberal Hollywood types.

We are becoming demographically older as a country, and not surprisingly, a bit more prudish. Our politics is only reflecting that.

Just my two cents.

Have you been drinking?

Have you been sniffing glue?

Fact is, we have less sex in the movies than we had in the 1980's.

Give you an example, in 1986 they made a movie called "Manhunter" based on the Novel, Red Dragon. The movie contained a quite graphic scene where the murderer seduces a blind girl. It was the first movie that introduced the character of Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter, although he was not played by Sir Anthony Hopkins that time and he was only a bit player.

They remade this movie in 2002. Of course, they put a lot more Hannibal into the movie. But guess what they dropped? Yup. The Sex Scene. The blind girl goes back to the Killer's house and then they wake up the next day in bed partially clothed.

So in the prude world of the MPAA. Sex bad. Cannibalism Good.

Fact is, you are completely wrong. Just because one writer/director/producer/whoever decided to skip a scene does not mean the entire industry is doing the same thing. There are a lot of groups that dedicate themselves to actually tracking sex and violence in movies, and they all report an increase. In fact, it is now possible to watch movies that receive an R rating for sexual content on TV uncut.

Number of Sex Scenes on TV Nearly Double Since 1998 - Kaiser Family Foundation
Have you been drinking?

Have you been sniffing glue?

Fact is, we have less sex in the movies than we had in the 1980's.

Give you an example, in 1986 they made a movie called "Manhunter" based on the Novel, Red Dragon. The movie contained a quite graphic scene where the murderer seduces a blind girl. It was the first movie that introduced the character of Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter, although he was not played by Sir Anthony Hopkins that time and he was only a bit player.

They remade this movie in 2002. Of course, they put a lot more Hannibal into the movie. But guess what they dropped? Yup. The Sex Scene. The blind girl goes back to the Killer's house and then they wake up the next day in bed partially clothed.

So in the prude world of the MPAA. Sex bad. Cannibalism Good.

Violence is much more acceptable on television than sex. I recall an episode of ER a few years back where they showed a man putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger. Brain matter all over the wall. In the same episode, a man came in with priapism and they danced around the word masturbation all episode, not able to say it. That's fucked up.

You haven't watched TV lately, have you?

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