How Senator Cruz And RNC Failed The GOP Completely: Evading Answering Questions


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Mostly RNC apparently tried to scuttle the poor showing of their contenders for the Presidential Nomination, following the CNBC debate. Trump had been questioned abut his regard for other people. Carson was challenged about the arithmetic of his tax and other proposals. Others have called for the resignation of Senator Rubio, one on stage. Bush has most recently fired a lot of people. So what's to discuss?!?

Interviewer Quintanilla tried to ask Senator Cruz a substantive question about his own famous record, and so Senator Cruz charged on with no attempt to provide an answer.

RNC would later on, seem to be supportive: RNC would be said to have criticized the liberal media, below, for protecting the concept of "Equal Time" in political presentations. Cruz and RNC are noted to have thought the time allotted was better spent discussing something else, and not one at a time!
QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.

Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

(APPLAUSE) This is not a cage match. And, you look at the questions -- "Donald Trump, are you a comic-book villain?" "Ben Carson, can you do math?" "John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?" "Marco Rubio, why don't you resign?" "Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?"

How about talking about the substantive issues the people care about?
QUINTANILLA: (inaudible) do we get credit (inaudible)?
CRUZ: And Carl -- Carl, I'm not finished yet.
CRUZ: The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was, "Which of you is more handsome and why?"
And let me be clear.
QUINTANILLA: So, this is a question about (inaudible), which you have 30 seconds left to answer, should you choose to do so.
CRUZ: Let me be clear. The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.
And nobody watching at home believed that any of the moderators had any intention of voting in a Republican primary. The questions that are being asked shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other. It should be what are your substantive positions...
QUINTANILLA: OK. (inaudible) I asked you about the debt limit and I got no answer.
CRUZ: You want me to answer that question? I'm happy to answer the question...
CRUZ: Let me tell you how that question...
CRUZ: Let me tell you how that question...
HARWOOD: Senator Paul, I've got a question for you on the same subject.
CRUZ: ... so you don't actually want to hear the answer, John?
HARWOOD: Senator Paul?
CRUZ: You don't want to hear the answer. You just want to...
HARWOOD: You used your time on something else.
Senator Paul?
CRUZ: You're not interested in an answer.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Senator of Cuban heritage know maybe much about Communists, and how to shut down USA(?)!
I can not for the love of christ understand how people actually support these sorry mother's...the entire GOP lineup is perhaps the second worst crop of shit the country has to offer, that last round with Mit was perhaps the worst...God, please please please save us from a conservative mind, you people are insane.
Following Lakhota poster, on the insanity: That would mean that Kasich won!
HARWOOD: Well, let's just get more pointed about it. You said yesterday that you were hearing proposals that were just crazy from your colleagues.
Who were you talking about?
KASICH: Well, I mean right here. To talk about we're just gonna have a 10 percent tithe and that's how we're gonna fund the government? And we're going to just fix everything with waste, fraud, and abuse? Or that we're just going to be great? Or we're going to ship 10 million Americans -- or 10 million people out of this country, leaving their children here in this country and dividing families?

Folks, we've got to wake up. We cannot elect somebody that doesn't know how to do the job. You have got to pick somebody who has experience, somebody that has the know-how, the discipline.

And I spent my entire lifetime balancing federal budgets, growing jobs, the same in Ohio. And I will go back to Washington with my plan.
QUINTANILLA: Governor -- Governor. thank you, Governor.
KASICH: And I will have done it within 100 days, and it will pass. And we will be strong again. Thank you.

RNC seems to have a lot to hide, so they don't want too many questions, asked!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Party of Lincoln still more concerned about Secretary Clinton emailing her kid, and not once mentioning Santa Claus--eternally lashing reindeer, even in the sky: And on to even more speed(?)! Clintons maybe not very Christian(?)!)
lets see evading. would that be like Bernie wailing at the top of his lungs how people were sick to death to hear about Shrillarys emails?
I think Republican voters know how to re-search their candidates without needing some Kabuki stage show we saw with the Democrats or this one last night to make up their minds on their candidates. Now the Democrats they probably do need the stage shows

all last night showed is the station Cnbc and the low level talking heads on it, proved how much left leaning people are jerks
Actually, the entire Republican Party would be said to be evading any kind of even a label. New York Times / CBS 10/15 had 63% of respondents unable to completely decide on which of the people they would actually vote for. The number went up to 73% in the 10/25 polling.

One thing is decided. No more Bush(?)! "Our Long National Nightmare Is Finally Over!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many are called, Few are Chosen, (Then comes the complete disintegration!))

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