How romney paid for college


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Andrew Sabl quotes a 1994 interview with Ann Romney in the Boston Globe wherein she explains the material deprivation she and Mitt undertook in their student days, when both were so poor and jobless they had to support themselves by selling shares of stock that Mitt had been given by his dad:
Romney Sold Stock To Pay for College

So he did not build it all by himself after all. Daddy gave him a start with a “hand out.”
Poor and jobless with stocks to sell?
Obama and Michele paid for college with college loans and just paid them off 8 years ago.
Unlike my college days when I worked full time with three small kids and single and my baby sitter were the 12 year old son. NO college loans or grants or scholarships or Indian help.
Andrew Sabl quotes a 1994 interview with Ann Romney in the Boston Globe wherein she explains the material deprivation she and Mitt undertook in their student days, when both were so poor and jobless they had to support themselves by selling shares of stock that Mitt had been given by his dad:
Romney Sold Stock To Pay for College

So he did not build it all by himself after all. Daddy gave him a start with a “hand out.”
Poor and jobless with stocks to sell?
Obama and Michele paid for college with college loans and just paid them off 8 years ago.

So fucking what?
this thread

Could you call this trickle down government help? George father got a hand out when they exodus from mexico and collected on a suit against Mexico which he gave part to George to give him a hand out to start his business and then Mitt collected with stock his father gave him to go to college that helped him?
Shit I wish I had been as poor as Romney and Ann when they were in college.
I wish I had the money obama spent on pot and cocaine when he was in college.
I am helping out my two sons right now in college. One's a junior - the other is a freshman.

I'm as guilty as Romney's father.

I feel horrible.

OP = fucking inbred idiot.
Could you call this trickle down government help? George father got a hand out when they exodus from mexico and collected on a suit against Mexico which he gave part to George to give him a hand out to start his business and then Mitt collected with stock his father gave him to go to college that helped him?
Shit I wish I had been as poor as Romney and Ann when they were in college.

your trying to discuss this issue with people who place no value on education seems to be falling on deaf ears.

don't you know kids are supposed to do what romney said and go borrow money from their mommies and daddies. then they, too, can struggle through college by selling shares from their stock portfolios.

Could you call this trickle down government help? George father got a hand out when they exodus from mexico and collected on a suit against Mexico which he gave part to George to give him a hand out to start his business and then Mitt collected with stock his father gave him to go to college that helped him?
Shit I wish I had been as poor as Romney and Ann when they were in college.

your trying to discuss this issue with people who place no value on education seems to be falling on deaf ears.

don't you know kids are supposed to do what romney said and go borrow money from their mommies and daddies. then they, too, can struggle through college by selling shares from their stock portfolios.


We're trying to discuss this issue with people who have no education and the point seems to be falling on deaf ears. Mirror, Matlock?

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obama sold drugs.

yep, and sponged off his wealthy grandparents

Lying ass wipe. You people will scrape the bottom of the cesspool to find excuses for Mitt.
Selling drugs? No evidence of that, but so what? You do what you have to do when you are a black man. He had student loans and he worked a at baskin and Robbins and he grand parents were not wealthy. THEY lived in an apartment in Hawaii. Romney did nothing but sit on his ass and ****

Ass wipe, why would he have to sell drugs if he had wealthy grand parent to fund his college?

Yeah, Obama's grandparents were real rich. His grandad had this super-lucrative job managing a furniture store and his grandmom worked at a bank. She did work her way up to VP eventually, so they were decently middle class.
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Another destitute, deprived stock holder. Or he could have "Borrowed from your parents"
obama sold drugs.

yep, and sponged off his wealthy grandparents

Lying ass wipe. You people will scrape the bottom of the cesspool to find excuses for Mitt.
Selling drugs? No evidence of that, but so what? You do what you have to do when you are a black man. He had student loans and he worked a at baskin and Robbins and he grand parents were not wealthy. THEY lived in an apartment in Hawaii. Romney did nothing but sit on his ass and ****

Ass wipe, why would he have to sell drugs if he had wealthy grand parent to fund his college?

Yeah, Obama's grandparents were real rich. His grandad had this super-lucrative job managing a furniture store and his grandmom worked at a bank. She did work her way up to VP eventually, so they were decently middle class.

He sold them because it made him cool...why else:lol:
Andrew Sabl quotes a 1994 interview with Ann Romney in the Boston Globe wherein she explains the material deprivation she and Mitt undertook in their student days, when both were so poor and jobless they had to support themselves by selling shares of stock that Mitt had been given by his dad:
Romney Sold Stock To Pay for College

So he did not build it all by himself after all. Daddy gave him a start with a “hand out.”
Poor and jobless with stocks to sell?
Obama and Michele paid for college with college loans and just paid them off 8 years ago.

Liberals are a trip, I thought the candidates college years were none of our buisness? Now since you want to try to make romney look bad it's okay? Well that's fine lets open all of both candidates college transcripts today. Is that okay with you liberal ole lady?
Unlike my college days when I worked full time with three small kids and single and my baby sitter were the 12 year old son. NO college loans or grants or scholarships or Indian help.

And? Who asked for your biography?

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