How Racist Are We Americans?


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Mar 11, 2015
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
It's surprising that it was as low, but it's no secret that southern whites are very good at keeping their racism hidden.

Interviewers would need to be well verse in the code words the racists use to say they're racists but leave some little bit of deniability.

A good thread to keep open for the sake of exposing the tactics used to inflame and then deny.
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
I consider myself pretty liberal and don't believe there is any genetic basis for bias against any race. If you ask me if Blacks as a race are somehow dumber or more prone to criminality than other groups I'd answer no. Simple, but I think the reality here and everywhere is more nuanced.

I grew up in a white neighborhood in a big NE city. I never really had any issues with my white neighbors but I was mugged and threatened a few times and in each case it was either a young Black or Latino man. I don't think it was genetics but culture that was the issue. I have a few Black neighbors co-workers and I think of them the same way as my White neighbors and co-workers. However, when I away from my middle class neighborhood and see a young Black or Latino man I can't help but recall the problems I had many years back and that colors my interactions with them. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
we know how these guys feel about blacks .
It's surprising that it was as low, but it's no secret that southern whites are very good at keeping their racism hidden.

Interviewers would need to be well verse in the code words the racists use to say they're racists but leave some little bit of deniability.

A good thread to keep open for the sake of exposing the tactics used to inflame and then deny.
That's the best thing about all this rampaging racism- you have to really dig in & then twist some words to find it :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I consider myself pretty liberal and don't believe there is any genetic basis for bias against any race. If you ask me if Blacks as a race are somehow dumber or more prone to criminality than other groups I'd answer no. Simple, but I think the reality here and everywhere is more nuanced.

I grew up in a white neighborhood in a big NE city. I never really had any issues with my white neighbors but I was mugged and threatened a few times and in each case it was either a young Black or Latino man. I don't think it was genetics but culture that was the issue. I have a few Black neighbors co-workers and I think of them the same way as my White neighbors and co-workers. However, when I away from my middle class neighborhood and see a young Black or Latino man I can't help but recall the problems I had many years back and that colors my interactions with them. If that makes me a racist, so be it.

You never had any problems with whites? You talk about culture? So now you say this but blacks have faced nearly 246 years of racism from whites since this officially became a country and for 403 since it started as a colony. So how are we supposed to feel?
What are you disagreeing with Halftawaite?
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
Nice try with some fake & biased poll. The actual facts & statistics tell the truth. Stop the gaslighting and come back with facts 'cuz nobody cares about your feelings

City Journal also reports that according to Justice Department data, blacks in 2018 were overrepresented among the perpetrators of offenses classified as “hate crimes” by a whopping 50 percent—while whites were underrepresented by 24 percent.

On average, black Americans commit hate crimes at a rate that is three times higher than whites per 100,000 according to FBI crime data from the five previous years.
Furthermore, despite making up only 13.4% of the American population, black Americans commit more than double the amount of interracial homicides on white Americans, who make up 60.4% of the American population.

I consider myself pretty liberal and don't believe there is any genetic basis for bias against any race. If you ask me if Blacks as a race are somehow dumber or more prone to criminality than other groups I'd answer no. Simple, but I think the reality here and everywhere is more nuanced.

I grew up in a white neighborhood in a big NE city. I never really had any issues with my white neighbors but I was mugged and threatened a few times and in each case it was either a young Black or Latino man. I don't think it was genetics but culture that was the issue. I have a few Black neighbors co-workers and I think of them the same way as my White neighbors and co-workers. However, when I away from my middle class neighborhood and see a young Black or Latino man I can't help but recall the problems I had many years back and that colors my interactions with them. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
That which makes you a racist is seeing all black and Latino men as the same.

At the least you're not hiding it very well, but now you know one other way in which racism is defined. You say there is no genetic basis for bias against any race, then turn around and conclude that is't due to culture.

Learn the talking points or keep quiet until you do.

That is, assuming that you weren't talking the code of the Klan.
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.

Now do the crime stats.
You never had any problems with whites? You talk about culture?
I've never been physically threatened by Whites. Just a fact.

So now you say this but blacks have faced nearly 246 years of racism from whites since this officially became a country and for 403 since it started as a colony. So how are we supposed to feel?
I would never presume to tell anyone how to feel, I only related my personal story and how I feel. Take it for what it is worth.
That which makes you a racist is seeing all black and Latino men as the same.
I don't think I said that and don't believe it.

At the least you're not hiding it very well, but now you know one other way in which racism is defined. You say there is no genetic basis for bias against any race, then turn around and conclude that is't due to culture
I think it is entirely due to the culture I was brought up in.
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
Board's most racist poster makes a post - on race


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