How ordinary people come to embrace the cruelty

To believe science is correct is small minded. Dimwits are so idiotic.

yes those pesky sceintists who lie about all those facts that scare the hell out of you and prove your ideas are all fear and emotion based.

without sceince you would be forageing in the woods

So, all scientists are correct in everything they say?

much more so that people like you who are nothing but fear and hate based as opposed to fact based
Once upon a time in America there was a living baby born out of a botched partial birth abortion and barrrrrrack voted NOT to let a doctor give it medical care. I cannot think of anything more cruel than that. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.

so partial birth abortions are all Obamas fault?

do you understand you are proving the studies correct?

I don't see Willow saying that. Please, perhaps I missed it. Could you highlight the part of the post where Willow blamed Obama for ALL partial birth abortions???
Can these people change this pattern?

how can we ever progress if half the country is alergic to facts?
We on the better half understand that the libtards want to change this country into something other then what the founding fathers foresaw. You idiots on the left love socialism.

you cant even commment on the subject of the thread?

your emotions wont let you comprehend the sceince
I love how liberals try and try and try to prove their smarts.

Smacks of insecurity.

Funny to us on the right to hear how smart they are and then watch how they so easily fall for the stupidest things.

The majority of Obama's most ardent and loyal base never graduated from high school.
Once upon a time in America there was a living baby born out of a botched partial birth abortion and barrrrrrack voted NOT to let a doctor give it medical care. I cannot think of anything more cruel than that. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.

so partial birth abortions are all Obamas fault?

do you understand you are proving the studies correct?
Do you understand that you missed the point? Idiot, obamaturd is the cruel pos.
Once upon a time in America there was a living baby born out of a botched partial birth abortion and barrrrrrack voted NOT to let a doctor give it medical care. I cannot think of anything more cruel than that. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.

so partial birth abortions are all Obamas fault?

do you understand you are proving the studies correct?

why would he deny a living breathing child medical care? Because he's a cruel son of a bitch that's why.
yes those pesky sceintists who lie about all those facts that scare the hell out of you and prove your ideas are all fear and emotion based.

without sceince you would be forageing in the woods

So, all scientists are correct in everything they say?

much more so that people like you who are nothing but fear and hate based as opposed to fact based

So, we've established that you believe all scientists are correct in everything they say.

Now, let's go a little deeper. Is it ALL scientists, or just liberal ones? Or maybe, just the ones you agree with?
Can these people change this pattern?

how can we ever progress if half the country is alergic to facts?
We on the better half understand that the libtards want to change this country into something other then what the founding fathers foresaw. You idiots on the left love socialism.

you cant even commment on the subject of the thread?

your emotions wont let you comprehend the sceince
ou cannot comprehend the truth.
Why is it sceince is begining to map the politcal brain and cons are not coming off very well in all the studies?

I think even you are not stupid enough to be unable to figure that out.

Liberal "psychologists" are doing the studies.

So their findings are all just lies because their brains work on facts instead of emotion like your brain?

Thanks for showing up and proving that the left isn't too bright.
You keep responding to these findings in a way that just strengthens the findings
While a half-dozen analyses paint a sharp picture of the cruelty inherent in the Ryan plan, it is this process of motivated reasoning that allows conservatives to simply block out any details that contradict their ideas about the need to avoid fostering a “culture of dependency.”

And here, one of the apparent differences between conservative and liberal cognitive styles comes into play: the “backfire effect.” The term was coined by political scientists Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, who found that when conservatives' erroneous beliefs were confronted by factual rebuttals, they tended to double-down on those beliefs. The same dynamic wasn't observed with liberals (they weren't entirely swayed by the facts, but didn't show the same tendency to believe false information more strongly after being presented with them).

The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

your proving the study spot on guys
You can show me all the studies you want to, actual observation and deduction is REAL science. As long as there are posters like luddy, Truthmatters, Oohpoopahdoo, and their like, it will be obvious that those studies are meaningless.
This is why the right in this country HATES education and wants it defunded and tooo expensive for most to go to college.

education threatens their world veiw

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