How ordinary people come to embrace the cruelty

The first thing a cult does is tell you everyone else is lying to you.

think of that the next time you watch your dose of Fox
Once upon a time in America there was a living baby born out of a botched partial birth abortion and barrrrrrack voted NOT to let a doctor give it medical care. I cannot think of anything more cruel than that. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.

so partial birth abortions are all Obamas fault?

do you understand you are proving the studies correct?

why would he deny a living breathing child medical care? Because he's a cruel son of a bitch that's why.

The first thing a cult does is tell you everyone else is lying to you.

think of that the next time you watch your dose of Fox

The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

The differences between liberals and conservatives run wide and deep, and a new study suggests they may even be reflected in the very structure of their brains.

In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex — a comma-shaped region near the front of the brain that is involved in decision-making. By contrast, those who identified as conservatives had larger amygdalas — almond-shaped structures that are linked with emotional learning and the processing of fear.

Read more: Liberal vs. Conservative: Does the Difference Lie in the Brain? | Healthland |

Ironic, liberals knew this over 150 years ago...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

these brain scans were all faked?
In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex — a comma-shaped region near the front of the brain that is involved in decision-making. By contrast, those who identified as conservatives had larger amygdalas — almond-shaped structures that are linked with emotional learning and the processing of fear

Read more: Liberal vs. Conservative: Does the Difference Lie in the Brain? | Healthland |
denying these studies are real is right in line with the findings
what good are facts to a brain that refuses to process them and only sees them as an emotional attack?

Asks the woman who uses emotional attacks disguised as science.
A Liberal crafting a "scientific study" crafted to produce predetermined results is not science, it is fraud.

where is your proof (you know facts) that these are "liberal" studies?
what good are facts to a brain that refuses to process them and only sees them as an emotional attack?

Asks the woman who uses emotional attacks disguised as science.
A Liberal crafting a "scientific study" crafted to produce predetermined results is not science, it is fraud.

where is your proof (you know facts) that these are "liberal" studies?
Because you support them. Also proof they must be false.
completely emotional response and not any examination of the facts
Why is it sceince is begining to map the politcal brain and cons are not coming off very well in all the studies?

I think even you are not stupid enough to be unable to figure that out.

Liberal "psychologists" are doing the studies.

So their findings are all just lies because their brains work on facts instead of emotion like your brain?

No. Their findings are lies because they dug up data to support a predetermined result. They let their emotions cloud their judgment as Liberals are wont to do.
Emotions are not science any more than fudging data to support AWG is science. If you want an in depth scientific analysis of global warming emotional exaggeration, see here.
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

Ryan is the only person really concerned about the budget I see and its laughable you say his plan won't balance the budget for X number of years when no Democrat has ever in my lifetime gave one damn about spending. You Dems have illegally not produced a budget for 3.5 years. Everytime you liberals post something its a laugh fest and total hypocrisy
Study: academia really does discriminate against conservatives | The Daily Caller
It’s no secret that academia is overwhelmingly liberal; so much so that many conservative professors may feel like they are in enemy territory. But a new study suggests that conservatives may have good reason to feel uneasy. Between a quarter and a third of liberal social psychologists indicated in survey responses that they would discriminate against conservatives in hiring decisions and grant proposals.

Scientists...which TM says are always correct... say that liberals openly discriminate against conservatives.

How about THOSE scientific facts, TM?
Confirmed: Conservatives understand liberal positions better than liberals understand conservative positions

[University of Virginia professor Jonathan] Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Hmmm... scientists, who TM says are always correct, say that conservatives understand liberals more than liberals understand conservatives.

More facts for you to chew on, TM.
I don't know which of TM's logical fallacies is funnier, her Appeal to Authority or her Affirming the Consequent.

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