“How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...by anti-Trump partisans?”

Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.

The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.”

The disclosure follows confirmation that another Mueller investigator, FBI official Peter Strzok, was fired over the summer after allegedly sending anti-Trump texts to an FBI lawyer with whom he was romantically involved.

His alleged actions revived concerns about the objectivity of the FBI probes of both Hillary Clinton’s email setup and Russia election meddling.

Andrew Weisman, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump,” he said in a statement. “How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans?”
We knew all along that Mueller had stacked his investigation with democrat operatives and donors. Now we see the result of what that caused.
I personally think that if you are going to create an Unconstitutional Special Counsel, that Mueller's "Team" needs to be vetted by Congress with hearings similar to what you'd see for The Supreme Court. If someone like Mueller has conflicts of interest, he cannot be The Special Counsel.

In my opinion, this whole thing was whipped up by The Establishment to slow down The President's Agenda.
This is why btw, John McCain was for it, because McCain has accepted Russian money, and also was FOR the Crooked Uranium One Deal that Mueller and Comey allowed to occur neglecting to inform Congress and The American People about the Criminal Activities associated with such a deal.
There is a ton of internet chatter going on that arrests are imminent and the net is closing in on these deep state operatives. The purging in Saudi Arabia was part of it . Those that were arrested have been singing like birds and they were complicit in the Vegas shooting which was a weapons deal gone awry. There is allegedly over 4,300 sealed indictments with more to come. Allegedly, the planning of this takedown started 20 years ago by the white hats While there are some doing victory laps already that this takedown is done deal? I remain skeptical but cautiously optimistic because all the signs point that this is under way....from the purge in Saudi Arabia, the revelations of the pedophile problem in Hollywood and those that are involved and tied to high level politicians and the movers and shakers of the D.C beltway. We also have the outing of the perverts and sexual predators in the media that have had the protection of the CIA. Once and IF this takes place, it's very possible that a state of martial law may have to be declared for a couple of weeks, but don't worry. You will need some extra food and water on hand. I have been hearing that this could happen for over five years now but I thought it was a pipe dream but now I am not so sure. We do indeed live in very interesting times.
...by anti-Trump partisans?”

Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.

The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.”

The disclosure follows confirmation that another Mueller investigator, FBI official Peter Strzok, was fired over the summer after allegedly sending anti-Trump texts to an FBI lawyer with whom he was romantically involved.

His alleged actions revived concerns about the objectivity of the FBI probes of both Hillary Clinton’s email setup and Russia election meddling.

Andrew Weisman, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump,” he said in a statement. “How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans?”

So you demand that only partisan Trump-o supporters are acceptable?
...by anti-Trump partisans?”

Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.

The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.”

The disclosure follows confirmation that another Mueller investigator, FBI official Peter Strzok, was fired over the summer after allegedly sending anti-Trump texts to an FBI lawyer with whom he was romantically involved.

His alleged actions revived concerns about the objectivity of the FBI probes of both Hillary Clinton’s email setup and Russia election meddling.

Andrew Weisman, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump,” he said in a statement. “How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans?”

How much more evidence?

Well, you could start 10 more threads on the same exact topic, maybe that's the ticket.
Lies lies and more lies...Mueller/Comey should be the ones being investigated...
...by anti-Trump partisans?”

Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.

The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.”

The disclosure follows confirmation that another Mueller investigator, FBI official Peter Strzok, was fired over the summer after allegedly sending anti-Trump texts to an FBI lawyer with whom he was romantically involved.

His alleged actions revived concerns about the objectivity of the FBI probes of both Hillary Clinton’s email setup and Russia election meddling.

Andrew Weisman, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump,” he said in a statement. “How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans?”
It’s always been about partisan politics...

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