How much further left can Dems go


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
How much further left can Dems go before the rank and file realizes its dream of living in the Workers Paradise of Socialism/Communism/Redistribution Utopia? We're close, right?

Are we there yet?

What steps are we missing?

Universal Healthcare?

Living Wage for all?

No one allowed to own any property

Workers controlling the means of production

Jake, can you tell us?
until they change the country to North Korean regime
How much further left can Dems go before the rank and file realizes its dream of living in the Workers Paradise of Socialism/Communism/Redistribution Utopia? We're close, right?

Are we there yet?

What steps are we missing?

Universal Healthcare?

Living Wage for all?

No one allowed to own any property

Workers controlling the means of production

Jake, can you tell us?

Living wages--what a concept! Did you know the American middle class has declined to the 27th or 28th position among other industrialized nations in terms of net worth? It's true! Thanks a lot, right wing economic policies! Boy, Reagan's "supply side" economic taxation policies have been GREAT!

What are the great left wing policies that Obama has implemented? By your standards Ike would be a communist.
They keep going left until they do a complete circle, and repeat their stupidity all over again.

unfortunately it does not work this way. Once it gets to the point of a regime it won't come to the other point peacefully
How much further left can Dems go before the rank and file realizes its dream of living in the Workers Paradise of Socialism/Communism/Redistribution Utopia? We're close, right?

Are we there yet?

What steps are we missing?

Universal Healthcare?

Living Wage for all?

No one allowed to own any property

Workers controlling the means of production

Jake, can you tell us?

It's laughable that those who think the U.S. has gone the way of socialism have never lived anywhere else, but just buy into some kind of John Birch Society bullshit.
How much further left can Dems go before the rank and file realizes its dream of living in the Workers Paradise of Socialism/Communism/Redistribution Utopia? We're close, right?

Are we there yet?

What steps are we missing?

Universal Healthcare?

Living Wage for all?

No one allowed to own any property

Workers controlling the means of production

Jake, can you tell us?

Living wages--what a concept! Did you know the American middle class has declined to the 27th or 28th position among other industrialized nations in terms of net worth? It's true! Thanks a lot, right wing economic policies! Boy, Reagan's "supply side" economic taxation policies have been GREAT!


Reagan is still in the White House?



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