Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain – Activi


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The government knows damn well that illegal aliens have been stealing identities for years. In recent years, the thieves got smarter and started stealing social security numbers and identities from young children because they knew it would be years before the crime was discovered.

Sheriff Joe has been arresting illegal aliens who are using other people's identities to obtain jobs illegally. Groups are whining that it's not fair. Scores of illegal aliens have been let off the hook for stealing identities, claiming they didn't know the identity actually belonged to another person. Yea, right. Using a fake identity is already illegal, but that is always excused.

With the oppressive Obamacare on the horizon, this is going to be a giant clusterfuck when all those illegals start getting healthcare under those stolen identities. The rightful owner of the identity will likely get the bill. Right now, millions suffer the consequences of identity theft with poor credit, tax bills being sent for income they didn't earn, inability to get loans for school and mortgages and some have been accused of being a thief for using their own identity.

Of course, the government is fully aware of who these people are. The IRS knows damn well that returns are filed using the same identities multiple times. The social security admin knows this as well. The recent poll showing the number of illegals who will, or already do, vote for Dems is further proof that they know where all these folks are and they know they are using stolen names and numbers to look legit. The government refuses to address this problem and it's the citizens who pay the price. It can take years for people to correct the problem and restore their credit. The liberals have yet to express any concern over the hardships that the little people endure just so the illegals can stay and support Dems.

The left will get all mad at Sheriff Joe again and start calling the usual names, like racist. All because he cares more for the people of this country and strives to save them from enduring the hardship of having their identity stolen and their life ruined.

Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain – Activists Enraged
Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain ? Activists Enraged | Stand With Arizona
Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain – Activists Enraged
Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain ? Activists Enraged | Stand With Arizona

And i'm sure Obozo will see to it these criminals get their green cards and, of course, Holder will come out and call Sherrif Joe a "racist" who is "abusing his authority".

That's what LaRaza and other pro-illegal immigration groups are already doing. We know whose side Obama is on. He called people enemies for being against people routinely breaking our immigration laws.

Meanwhile, the government watches quietly as more and more illegals steal the identities of citizens and they simply don't care. They don't want any illegal prosecuted no matter what they do. Hell, they released criminals back into the population after they stopped their pending deportations.

It looks like we all have to deal with the hardships since we have no recourse. I would recommend getting some kind of identity protection. Once your identity is stolen, no one will pay for the damage done and you have to live with it. It's best to prevent illegals and other criminals from successfully using your identity in the first place.
The government knows damn well that illegal aliens have been stealing identities for years. In recent years, the thieves got smarter and started stealing social security numbers and identities from young children because they knew it would be years before the crime was discovered.

Sheriff Joe has been arresting illegal aliens who are using other people's identities to obtain jobs illegally. Groups are whining that it's not fair. Scores of illegal aliens have been let off the hook for stealing identities, claiming they didn't know the identity actually belonged to another person. Yea, right. Using a fake identity is already illegal, but that is always excused.

With the oppressive Obamacare on the horizon, this is going to be a giant clusterfuck when all those illegals start getting healthcare under those stolen identities. The rightful owner of the identity will likely get the bill. Right now, millions suffer the consequences of identity theft with poor credit, tax bills being sent for income they didn't earn, inability to get loans for school and mortgages and some have been accused of being a thief for using their own identity.

Of course, the government is fully aware of who these people are. The IRS knows damn well that returns are filed using the same identities multiple times. The social security admin knows this as well. The recent poll showing the number of illegals who will, or already do, vote for Dems is further proof that they know where all these folks are and they know they are using stolen names and numbers to look legit. The government refuses to address this problem and it's the citizens who pay the price. It can take years for people to correct the problem and restore their credit. The liberals have yet to express any concern over the hardships that the little people endure just so the illegals can stay and support Dems.

The left will get all mad at Sheriff Joe again and start calling the usual names, like racist. All because he cares more for the people of this country and strives to save them from enduring the hardship of having their identity stolen and their life ruined.

Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain – Activists Enraged
Sheriff Joe Nails Illegal Alien Identity Thieves at Popular Restaurant Chain ? Activists Enraged | Stand With Arizona

Come on now...Obabble said there would be bumps in the road.
It is so sad to see so many strawmen in the Opening Post.

Here is a Democratic bill to fight identity theft: Durbin, Gillibrand Introduce Bill to Protect Medicare Card Holders from Identity Theft

“Nearly 11.6 million people were victims of identity theft in 2011 – many after their Social Security numbers were stolen – and these crimes accounted for more than $37 billion in fraudulent charges,” said Durbin. “Instead of leading by example, the federal government is lagging behind private health insurers and other public agencies in protecting Medicare recipients from identity theft. CMS’s continued use of Social Security numbers on Medicare cards needlessly places people at risk. This bill would ensure that a premium is placed on security and that personal information is protected.”

“Listing Social Security numbers on Medicare cards needlessly leaves millions of Americans susceptible to identity theft,” said Senator Gillibrand. “We must protect Medicare beneficiaries by deterring identity theft. Removing Social Security numbers from Medicare cards is simple step to help keep our seniors personal information secure.”
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It is so sad to see so many strawmen in the Opening Post.

Here is a Democratic bill to fight identity theft: Durbin, Gillibrand Introduce Bill to Protect Medicare Card Holders from Identity Theft

“Nearly 11.6 million people were victims of identity theft in 2011 – many after their Social Security numbers were stolen – and these crimes accounted for more than $37 billion in fraudulent charges,” said Durbin. “Instead of leading by example, the federal government is lagging behind private health insurers and other public agencies in protecting Medicare recipients from identity theft. CMS’s continued use of Social Security numbers on Medicare cards needlessly places people at risk. This bill would ensure that a premium is placed on security and that personal information is protected.”

“Listing Social Security numbers on Medicare cards needlessly leaves millions of Americans susceptible to identity theft,” said Senator Gillibrand. “We must protect Medicare beneficiaries by deterring identity theft. Removing Social Security numbers from Medicare cards is simple step to help keep our seniors personal information secure.”

So sad to see so many non sequiturs in one post. No need to remind you that our government has already stolen our identities, through one means or another.
Text of S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013

Mr. NELSON (for himself, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. CARDIN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance

I do not see any Republican bills to prevent identity theft.

I don't see any Democratic bills to prevent illegal immigration.

GOP Blocks Cybersecurity Bill with Filibuster

A lengthy filibuster by Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Senate led to a delay in the passing of the long-anticipated Cybersecurity Bill.

He noted opponents of the bill, along with the U.S. Chamber of Congress, believe such legislation would be too burdensome for businesses across the country.

Ondrej Krehel, the chief information security officer for Identity Theft 911, has a blog about the importance of cybersecurity in the U.S. for consumers and companies alike.
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Text of S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013

Mr. NELSON (for himself, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. CARDIN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance

I do not see any Republican bills to prevent identity theft.

I don't see any Democratic bills to prevent illegal immigration.


S. 744 was sponsored by Republicans and Democrats alike. So checkmate yourself, idiot.
Republicans are already trying to backpedal away from immigration reform as fast as they can because that would take away one of their bogeyman scare tactics for 2014. Gotta keep the rubes in fear of the darkies. Thus, topics like this one.
OMG! They have discovered our liberal conspiracy!!!!!! Everybody switch to Plan B! Adopt an illegal, and then take down to the voter registration office!!!
I suspect the cyber security bill is more or less another intrusion of privacy more than anything. Government agencies have been worse than anyone when it comes to being irresponsible with sensitive personal information.

Identity theft has been going on forever. Many stole snail mail or dishonest company workers steal credit card numbers. Thieves have been discovered working for the DMV, Social Security Admin and other agencies. They sell personal info to other thieves.

If there were punishment for committing the crime of identity theft, it might have deterred some from doing it. Many illegals were let off the hook simply because they claimed they didn't know they were using a real identity. I guess using a fake one to gain employment is legal since they aren't punished for that, either.
Text of S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013

Mr. NELSON (for himself, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. CARDIN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance

I do not see any Republican bills to prevent identity theft.

Because their constituents are the one hiring illegals.
It is so sad to see so many strawmen in the Opening Post.

Here is a Democratic bill to fight identity theft: Durbin, Gillibrand Introduce Bill to Protect Medicare Card Holders from Identity Theft

“Nearly 11.6 million people were victims of identity theft in 2011 – many after their Social Security numbers were stolen – and these crimes accounted for more than $37 billion in fraudulent charges,” said Durbin. “Instead of leading by example, the federal government is lagging behind private health insurers and other public agencies in protecting Medicare recipients from identity theft. CMS’s continued use of Social Security numbers on Medicare cards needlessly places people at risk. This bill would ensure that a premium is placed on security and that personal information is protected.”

“Listing Social Security numbers on Medicare cards needlessly leaves millions of Americans susceptible to identity theft,” said Senator Gillibrand. “We must protect Medicare beneficiaries by deterring identity theft. Removing Social Security numbers from Medicare cards is simple step to help keep our seniors personal information secure.”

So sad to see so many non sequiturs in one post. No need to remind you that our government has already stolen our identities, through one means or another.

Make the statement, now back it up.
Text of S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -

S. 676: Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013

Mr. NELSON (for himself, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. CARDIN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance

I do not see any Republican bills to prevent identity theft.

I don't see any Democratic bills to prevent illegal immigration.


How would you prevent illegal immigration?
I suspect the cyber security bill is more or less another intrusion of privacy more than anything. Government agencies have been worse than anyone when it comes to being irresponsible with sensitive personal information.

Identity theft has been going on forever. Many stole snail mail or dishonest company workers steal credit card numbers. Thieves have been discovered working for the DMV, Social Security Admin and other agencies. They sell personal info to other thieves.

If there were punishment for committing the crime of identity theft, it might have deterred some from doing it. Many illegals were let off the hook simply because they claimed they didn't know they were using a real identity. I guess using a fake one to gain employment is legal since they aren't punished for that, either.

Wrong. Your biggest concern is, and always has been private companies. Banks, credit card companies, social media.

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