How many want the Amnesty bill for illegal aliens to pass?


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009

Your Senators need to be hearing the public's deep objections to the S. 744 immigration bill that will get a vote of the full Senate on June 10.

The word from various Senate staffers is that if they are not hearing the phones ring with objections EVERY day, the Senators and their top advisors assume that opposition is dying down. We can't let let the Senators and staffs thinking they can get by with voting FOR this bill.

EVEN IF YOU HAVE SENATORS WHO MAY BE PRO-AMNESTY.......what do you have to lose by e-mailing them? Would taking 5 minutes out of your time complaining on internet kill you? Do it just to irritate them.

Call your 2 Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744 the Amnesty bill. (Here's a toll-free number: 888-978-3094). You can leave a message after hours with most Senators 24 hours a day.

If you're nervous about making that first call to a Senate receptionists, just say your name and where you are from and ask them to tell the Senator that he/she should vote NO on S.744 because it puts amnesty before enforcement.

Here's how to find out who your reps are and their e-mail addresses:
Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

But if you want to say a few more words, use any or all of these talking points, and as they are written or (better) in your own words.


*Vote NO on S. 744 which moves all promises of immigration enforcement to after it gives work permits to 11 million illegal aliens. It is not enforcement-first but amnesty-first.

*All the polls this week show that most Americans are opposed to anything that isn't enforcement-first.

*The Judiciary Committee had many chances to change the bill and every time voted against enforcement-first. KILL THE BILL.

Your Senators need to be hearing the public's deep objections to the S. 744 immigration bill that will get a vote of the full Senate on June 10.

The word from various Senate staffers is that if they are not hearing the phones ring with objections EVERY day, the Senators and their top advisors assume that opposition is dying down. We can't let let the Senators and staffs thinking they can get by with voting FOR this bill.

EVEN IF YOU HAVE SENATORS WHO MAY BE PRO-AMNESTY.......what do you have to lose by e-mailing them? Would taking 5 minutes out of your time complaining on internet kill you? Do it just to irritate them.

Call your 2 Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744 the Amnesty bill. (Here's a toll-free number: 888-978-3094). You can leave a message after hours with most Senators 24 hours a day.

If you're nervous about making that first call to a Senate receptionists, just say your name and where you are from and ask them to tell the Senator that he/she should vote NO on S.744 because it puts amnesty before enforcement.

Here's how to find out who your reps are and their e-mail addresses:
Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

But if you want to say a few more words, use any or all of these talking points, and as they are written or (better) in your own words.


*Vote NO on S. 744 which moves all promises of immigration enforcement to after it gives work permits to 11 million illegal aliens. It is not enforcement-first but amnesty-first.

*All the polls this week show that most Americans are opposed to anything that isn't enforcement-first.

*The Judiciary Committee had many chances to change the bill and every time voted against enforcement-first. KILL THE BILL.

I read Rubio's executive summary and FAQ on the bill, and I don't see how the bill grants "amnesty." A temporary work permit is not "amnesty." The bill is not everything I would like, but it looks like it would be a substantial improvement over what we have now:

The reality is that we are not going to deport 12 million people. We're just not going to do it. Many of these folks have kids here who have known no other country. Most of these folks have not broken any laws since crossing the border and they work a lot of the jobs that lazy, spoiled, entitlement-mentality Americans won't work.

The border security provisions of the bill don't take effect as quickly as I would like, but they are tough provisions that will eventually secure the border. You know, nobody cared about illegal immigration until Republicans began to make an issue of it as the economy began to slow down. A dirty little secret is that corporate America likes illegal immigration because illegals provide a cheap source of labor.

Don't we want people who were so determined to improve their lives that they left everything behind and traveled thousands of miles to start over? Frankly, I would take an illegal immigrant over some spoiled, lazy, entitlement-minded Americans. But, yes, we must secure the border and implement e-verify.

Another helpful step would be to stop this crazy anchor baby policy. The Constitution does not require us to give citizenship to babies born to illegals on American soil. That is nuts. Canada and England don't do that. Many other nations don't do it either.
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Your Senators need to be hearing the public's deep objections to the S. 744 immigration bill that will get a vote of the full Senate on June 10.

The word from various Senate staffers is that if they are not hearing the phones ring with objections EVERY day, the Senators and their top advisors assume that opposition is dying down. We can't let let the Senators and staffs thinking they can get by with voting FOR this bill.

EVEN IF YOU HAVE SENATORS WHO MAY BE PRO-AMNESTY.......what do you have to lose by e-mailing them? Would taking 5 minutes out of your time complaining on internet kill you? Do it just to irritate them.

Call your 2 Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744 the Amnesty bill. (Here's a toll-free number: 888-978-3094). You can leave a message after hours with most Senators 24 hours a day.

If you're nervous about making that first call to a Senate receptionists, just say your name and where you are from and ask them to tell the Senator that he/she should vote NO on S.744 because it puts amnesty before enforcement.

Here's how to find out who your reps are and their e-mail addresses:
Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

But if you want to say a few more words, use any or all of these talking points, and as they are written or (better) in your own words.


*Vote NO on S. 744 which moves all promises of immigration enforcement to after it gives work permits to 11 million illegal aliens. It is not enforcement-first but amnesty-first.

*All the polls this week show that most Americans are opposed to anything that isn't enforcement-first.

*The Judiciary Committee had many chances to change the bill and every time voted against enforcement-first. KILL THE BILL.

Didn't you already post this?

Again, we need a Reagan-style amnesty. Living in a country where people want to come to live is not a "problem" in my opinion. I agree with them all that living in America is better than living elsewhere.

And yes, if all these illegals were from Northern Europe, people like you would agree with me. It's ethnic anxieties that motivate conservatives on this issue. Get over them.

Your Senators need to be hearing the public's deep objections to the S. 744 immigration bill that will get a vote of the full Senate on June 10.

The word from various Senate staffers is that if they are not hearing the phones ring with objections EVERY day, the Senators and their top advisors assume that opposition is dying down. We can't let let the Senators and staffs thinking they can get by with voting FOR this bill.

EVEN IF YOU HAVE SENATORS WHO MAY BE PRO-AMNESTY.......what do you have to lose by e-mailing them? Would taking 5 minutes out of your time complaining on internet kill you? Do it just to irritate them.

Call your 2 Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744 the Amnesty bill. (Here's a toll-free number: 888-978-3094). You can leave a message after hours with most Senators 24 hours a day.

If you're nervous about making that first call to a Senate receptionists, just say your name and where you are from and ask them to tell the Senator that he/she should vote NO on S.744 because it puts amnesty before enforcement.

Here's how to find out who your reps are and their e-mail addresses:
Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

But if you want to say a few more words, use any or all of these talking points, and as they are written or (better) in your own words.


*Vote NO on S. 744 which moves all promises of immigration enforcement to after it gives work permits to 11 million illegal aliens. It is not enforcement-first but amnesty-first.

*All the polls this week show that most Americans are opposed to anything that isn't enforcement-first.

*The Judiciary Committee had many chances to change the bill and every time voted against enforcement-first. KILL THE BILL.

Didn't you already post this?

Again, we need a Reagan-style amnesty. Living in a country where people want to come to live is not a "problem" in my opinion. I agree with them all that living in America is better than living elsewhere.

And yes, if all these illegals were from Northern Europe, people like you would agree with me. It's ethnic anxieties that motivate conservatives on this issue. Get over them.

Even when their existence is a undeniable detriment to the indigenous population?

By what right should a government of the people, by the people, for the people get to deliberately burden the people with the welfare of millions foreign people whom are not even supposed to be here?

By what right does said government have to tax me in order provide welfare for someone that came here illegally in order for them to send their money back home they garnered from a job that they stole from an American?

By what right does said government have to say it is ok for their children to overcrowd my children's school force them teach bi-lingual classes inhibiting learning for all involved while I pay more and they contribute next to nothing?

If we don't put America and Americans first and foremost, every time all the time, just like Mexico puts Mexico and Mexicans first and foremost for example then we are no longer going to have a country.
The reality.

S.744 does not secure the border or strengthen national security. Instead, the bill
rewards law-breaking and encourages more illegal immigration:

1. S.744 allows DHS to grant legal status (registered provision immigrant, or RPI status) in
6 months, before any measure to secure the border has been taken. (Sec. 3, p. 10; Sec.
5, p. 24)

2. S.744 includes the DREAM Act, which puts illegal aliens who entered the U.S. before 16
on a 5-year path to citizenship. However, unlike previous versions of the bill, there is no
age limit and DHS may waive the work/study requirement. (Sec. 2103, p. 112)

3. S.744 grants amnesty to illegal farm workers and gives them green cards in five years.
(Sec. 2211, p. 155; Sec. 2212, p. 177)

4. S.744 does not require a biometric exit system at all land, air and sea ports of entry to
track aliens who enter and leave the U.S., per current law. Instead, Section 3303
requires only a biographic exit system only at air and sea ports that merely collects
information on a form or scans your identification document. (Sec. 3303, p. 556)

5. S.744 does not require any additional border fencing or completion of current border
fence requirements. Instead, it requires DHS to submit to Congress a fencing “strategy,”
in which DHS recommends what additional fencing is needed along the U.S.-Mexico
border, if any. (Sec. 5, p. 24)

6. S.744 does not require illegal aliens to pay back taxes before getting legal status (RPI
status). It only requires RPI applicants to pay back taxes “assessed” at the time of
application. (Sec. 2101, p. 70)

7. S.744 does not require illegal aliens to learn English before receiving amnesty or even a
green card. Under Section 2101, an RPI alien who applies for a green card that the
alien is satisfactorily pursuing a course of study "to achieve an understanding of English
and knowledge and understanding" of civics (Sec. 2101, p. 105)

8. S.744 allows illegal aliens who have been deported (for any reason) and/or who have reentered illegally to apply for RPI status if they have certain family members in the U.S.
(Sec. 2101, p. 73)

9. S.744 does not add any additional Border Patrol agents, who patrol the vast territory
between ports of entry. Instead, S.744 adds 3,500 Customs and Border Protection
officers, many of whom do only customs work, and are stationed at official ports of entry.

10. S.744 does not require any border security measures be taken on the northern border or
along the coasts where more illegal aliens are arriving to avoid border patrol agents and
drug cartels. Instead, it only requires that DHS prepare a border security strategy for the
U.S.-Mexico border.

11. S.744 allows states to grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens—not the aliens who receive
amnesty, but all illegal aliens who arrive in the future. (Sec. 2103, p. 119)

12. S.744 does not end abuse of prosecutorial discretion or administrative amnesty by the
Obama administration. Instead, it leaves in place policies direct immigration agents to
release illegal aliens the Administration deems “low priority.”
S.744 does not improve immigration enforcement or public safety. Instead, the bill
undermines immigration enforcement and is riddled with waivers and loopholes:

13. S.744 allows DHS to waive multiple misdemeanor convictions when granting amnesty,
so an alien with three or more misdemeanors still may be eligible for legal status (RPI
status). (Sec. 2101, pp. 64-67)

14. S.744 also authorizes DHS to waive a broad array of unlawful behavior for the purpose
of determining whether illegal aliens are admissible, including:
 Gang-related crimes and gang membership;
 Three or more drunk driving offenses;
 Domestic violence, stalking, child abuse, and violation of protective orders;
 Committing crimes of moral turpitude;
 Violating federal or state drug laws;
 Trafficking in passports;
 Providing fraudulent immigration services;
 Trafficking immigration documents, including document fraud;
 Prostitution;
 Misrepresenting a material fact to procure visas or other immigration benefits (if
done for any purpose other than submitting an amnesty application);
 Violating student visas;
 Falsely claiming citizenship; and
 Illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation (which is a felony); (Sec. 2101, p.
 All other grounds not specifically listed in the bill. (Sec. 2101 INA245B(b)(3)(i), p.

15. S.744 is not tough on employers who hire illegal aliens. In fact, the bill exempts certain
employers from existing penalties for hiring illegal workers. These include persons or
entities that hire individuals for employment “that is not casual, sporadic, irregular or
intermittent (as defined by the Secretary).” This will exempt employers who hire day
laborers or other temporary workers, giving employers an incentive to hire cheaper,
illegal workers instead of legal residents or citizens. (Sec. 3101, p. 415)

16. S.744 also delays implementation of E-Verify to appease big business and illegal
workers. The bill provides that mandatory E-Verify won’t go into effect for all employers
until four years after DHS issues regulations implementing the mandatory program. That
means (based on the amnesty timeframe) it could be at least a decade before E-Verify
becomes mandatory for large companies and 14 years before all employers are phased
into the program. (Sec. 3101, p. 437)

17. S.744 voids state and local E-Verify laws. (Sec. 3101, p. 511)

18. S.744 prohibits the enforcement of immigration laws against any illegal alien
apprehended between the time of enactment and the end of the application period.
Under Section 2101, DHS may not detain or remove an alien – for any reason – if the
alien is “prima facie eligible,” or at first sight appears to be eligible, for RPI status until
DHS has made a decision on the alien’s application. (Sec. 2101, p. 72)

19. S.744 prohibits immigration enforcement actions, including arrests, surveillance,
searches, or even interviews by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
agents or Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in “sensitive locations.”
Sensitive locations include hospitals and health clinics; public and private schools of all
educational levels including vocational and trade schools; organizations assisting
children, pregnant women, victims of crime or abuse, or individuals with mental or
physical disabilities; churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship;
and such other locations as the DHS Secretary determines.
The reality.

S.744 does not secure the border or strengthen national security. Instead, the bill
rewards law-breaking and encourages more illegal immigration:

1. S.744 allows DHS to grant legal status (registered provision immigrant, or RPI status) in
6 months, before any measure to secure the border has been taken. (Sec. 3, p. 10; Sec.
5, p. 24)

2. S.744 includes the DREAM Act, which puts illegal aliens who entered the U.S. before 16
on a 5-year path to citizenship. However, unlike previous versions of the bill, there is no
age limit and DHS may waive the work/study requirement. (Sec. 2103, p. 112)

3. S.744 grants amnesty to illegal farm workers and gives them green cards in five years.
(Sec. 2211, p. 155; Sec. 2212, p. 177)

4. S.744 does not require a biometric exit system at all land, air and sea ports of entry to
track aliens who enter and leave the U.S., per current law. Instead, Section 3303
requires only a biographic exit system only at air and sea ports that merely collects
information on a form or scans your identification document. (Sec. 3303, p. 556)

5. S.744 does not require any additional border fencing or completion of current border
fence requirements. Instead, it requires DHS to submit to Congress a fencing “strategy,”
in which DHS recommends what additional fencing is needed along the U.S.-Mexico
border, if any. (Sec. 5, p. 24)

6. S.744 does not require illegal aliens to pay back taxes before getting legal status (RPI
status). It only requires RPI applicants to pay back taxes “assessed” at the time of
application. (Sec. 2101, p. 70)

7. S.744 does not require illegal aliens to learn English before receiving amnesty or even a
green card. Under Section 2101, an RPI alien who applies for a green card that the
alien is satisfactorily pursuing a course of study "to achieve an understanding of English
and knowledge and understanding" of civics (Sec. 2101, p. 105)

8. S.744 allows illegal aliens who have been deported (for any reason) and/or who have reentered illegally to apply for RPI status if they have certain family members in the U.S.
(Sec. 2101, p. 73)

9. S.744 does not add any additional Border Patrol agents, who patrol the vast territory
between ports of entry. Instead, S.744 adds 3,500 Customs and Border Protection
officers, many of whom do only customs work, and are stationed at official ports of entry.

10. S.744 does not require any border security measures be taken on the northern border or
along the coasts where more illegal aliens are arriving to avoid border patrol agents and
drug cartels. Instead, it only requires that DHS prepare a border security strategy for the
U.S.-Mexico border.

11. S.744 allows states to grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens—not the aliens who receive
amnesty, but all illegal aliens who arrive in the future. (Sec. 2103, p. 119)

12. S.744 does not end abuse of prosecutorial discretion or administrative amnesty by the
Obama administration. Instead, it leaves in place policies direct immigration agents to
release illegal aliens the Administration deems “low priority.”
S.744 does not improve immigration enforcement or public safety. Instead, the bill
undermines immigration enforcement and is riddled with waivers and loopholes:

13. S.744 allows DHS to waive multiple misdemeanor convictions when granting amnesty,
so an alien with three or more misdemeanors still may be eligible for legal status (RPI
status). (Sec. 2101, pp. 64-67)

14. S.744 also authorizes DHS to waive a broad array of unlawful behavior for the purpose
of determining whether illegal aliens are admissible, including:
 Gang-related crimes and gang membership;
 Three or more drunk driving offenses;
 Domestic violence, stalking, child abuse, and violation of protective orders;
 Committing crimes of moral turpitude;
 Violating federal or state drug laws;
 Trafficking in passports;
 Providing fraudulent immigration services;
 Trafficking immigration documents, including document fraud;
 Prostitution;
 Misrepresenting a material fact to procure visas or other immigration benefits (if
done for any purpose other than submitting an amnesty application);
 Violating student visas;
 Falsely claiming citizenship; and
 Illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation (which is a felony); (Sec. 2101, p.
 All other grounds not specifically listed in the bill. (Sec. 2101 INA245B(b)(3)(i), p.

15. S.744 is not tough on employers who hire illegal aliens. In fact, the bill exempts certain
employers from existing penalties for hiring illegal workers. These include persons or
entities that hire individuals for employment “that is not casual, sporadic, irregular or
intermittent (as defined by the Secretary).” This will exempt employers who hire day
laborers or other temporary workers, giving employers an incentive to hire cheaper,
illegal workers instead of legal residents or citizens. (Sec. 3101, p. 415)

16. S.744 also delays implementation of E-Verify to appease big business and illegal
workers. The bill provides that mandatory E-Verify won’t go into effect for all employers
until four years after DHS issues regulations implementing the mandatory program. That
means (based on the amnesty timeframe) it could be at least a decade before E-Verify
becomes mandatory for large companies and 14 years before all employers are phased
into the program. (Sec. 3101, p. 437)

17. S.744 voids state and local E-Verify laws. (Sec. 3101, p. 511)

18. S.744 prohibits the enforcement of immigration laws against any illegal alien
apprehended between the time of enactment and the end of the application period.
Under Section 2101, DHS may not detain or remove an alien – for any reason – if the
alien is “prima facie eligible,” or at first sight appears to be eligible, for RPI status until
DHS has made a decision on the alien’s application. (Sec. 2101, p. 72)

19. S.744 prohibits immigration enforcement actions, including arrests, surveillance,
searches, or even interviews by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
agents or Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in “sensitive locations.”
Sensitive locations include hospitals and health clinics; public and private schools of all
educational levels including vocational and trade schools; organizations assisting
children, pregnant women, victims of crime or abuse, or individuals with mental or
physical disabilities; churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship;
and such other locations as the DHS Secretary determines.

Truly is a disgusting piece of anti-America legislation.
The reform bill will pass and the disgusting types of so-called Americans who oppose it will pass into history as do all nativists: losers.
20. S.744 does not expressly punish or require the deportation of any alien who makes false
statements in an RPI application. However, it does create criminal penalties and a
$10,000 fine for any federal official who discloses information found in RPI applications
in violation of the law. (Sec. 2105, p. 133)

21. S.744 does not require the deportation of a single illegal alien. DHS is never required to
deport an alien whose RPI application is denied—for any reason.

22. S.744 allows immigration judges to ignore U.S. immigration law. Section 2313 authorizes
immigration judges to “exercise discretion” to decline to order the alien deported AND
terminate proceedings if the judge determines deporting the alien “is against the public
interest or would result in hardship to the alien’s U.S. citizen or LPR parent spouse or
child…” (Sec. 2313, p. 341)

23. S.744 allows the Secretary of DHS to ignore U.S. immigration law. Section 2313
provides that DHS may “exercise discretion to waive a ground of inadmissibility or FAIR’s Top 40 Reasons to Oppose the Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill
Page 4
deportability of the Secretary determines that such removal or refusal of admission is
against the public interest” or would result in “hardship” to the alien’s U.S. citizen or LPR
parent spouse or child. (Sec. 2313, p. 343)

24. S.744 grants DHS sole discretion in making asylum decisions, taking the process out of
the hands of an immigration judge. (Sec. 3404, p. 571)

25. S.744 allows DHS to contract out the screening, supervision and custody of illegal
aliens to community-based organizations. (Sec. 3715. p. 660)

26. S.744 authorizes illegal aliens to bring class action lawsuits against the government for a
denial of RPI status. (Sec. 2104, p. 131)

27. S.744 allows the Department of Homeland Security to appoint counsel to illegal aliens
fighting deportation at taxpayer expense. (Sec. 3502, p. 583)

28. S.744 creates a new bureaucracy, the Office of Legal Access Programs, to provide
illegal aliens with "legal orientation programs" that help fight deportation. The bill
requires DHS to make these programs available to the aliens within 5 days of being
taken into custody. Section 3503 also authorizes the Office of Legal Access
Programs to provide services, including legal services, to aliens in deportation
hearings. (Sec. 3503, p. 585)
S.744 does not prioritize the American worker at a time when 22 million Americans are
unemployed or underemployed. Instead, S.744 hurts the American worker:

29. S.744 doubles legal immigration within a decade after enactment—and triples it if you
include the 12 million amnestied illegal aliens. This is the equivalent of adding the
population of Canada – nearly 34 million people, virtually all of whom will need jobs—in
a decade. Moreover, this estimate relates to legal permanent residents only, not
temporary workers. (See FAIR's estimate by category of admission)

30. S.744 increases the number of guest workers by 50 percent over the decade after
enactment. (See FAIR's estimate by category of admission)

31. S.744 creates a new unskilled guest worker program, through a new W visa, to bring in
up to 200,000 additional workers each year. (Sec. 4703, p. 834)

32. S.744 triples the number of so-called skilled (H-1B) guest workers who may enter the
U.S. annually. (Sec. 4101, p. 674)

33. S.744 also grants work authorization to the spouses of H-1B and W visa holders.

34. S.744 exempts immigrants (green card holders) with advanced degrees in science,
technology, engineering and math, also referred to as STEM fields, from the cap on
employment-based immigration. This will dramatically increase competition for
Americans entering or working in those fields. (Sec. 2307, p. 315-16)

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