How many thousands more auto jobs moving to Mexico and China?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.

general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


In other words, democrat labor unions are killing US manufacturing
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


Better question for you should be is why haven't any these states offered any incentives to those companies to stay?

You do understand how it works or maybe not seeing you believe on man controls it all...
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.

why not equalize wages through tariffs? there is no reason to reward first world firms with third world labor costs.
Wow, so gm is going to restructure for electric and driverless cars instead. I would think you’d be thrilled. By the way. They said nothing about moving it to Mexico or China.-

The company is closing several plants as part of a restructuring to focus on electric and driverless cars.
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


It depends. Depends on the Unions, and labor laws. If the Unions keep screwing with the company, they'll keep moving jobs away from the Unions.

If they keep jacking up the minimum wage, then they'll keep moving jobs away from the minimum wage.

One of the problems I have with the minimum wage debate, is that individual states have minimum wages, and Trump has no control over that. Those minimum wages have an economic effect. Ohio's minimum wage is $8.55.

This is one of the mindless things about politics. Not everything the happens in the universe is all due to Trump. Crazy as that seems... Obama was responsible for every stubbed toe in the world, and Trump is not responsible for every cloudy day. Some of you people need to grow up.
US based firms should not be allowed to leave merely for cheap labor. It must be excised to promote and provide for the general welfare.

General welfare of what?

What a dumbass statement.
typical right winger. why blame others for Your ignorance.

Our Constitution is Express not Implied.

No private entity exists in any country to provide for your general welfare. The constitution does not state that.
Only in your needy ass mind does that exist.
US based firms should not be allowed to leave merely for cheap labor. It must be excised to promote and provide for the general welfare.

General welfare of what?

What a dumbass statement.
typical right winger. why blame others for Your ignorance.

Our Constitution is Express not Implied.

No private entity exists in any country to provide for your general welfare. The constitution does not state that.
Only in your needy ass mind does that exist.
who cares what You say. I actually read our Constitution. there is no reason to not excise the difference in wages to help Labor afford our first world economy.
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


In other words, democrat labor unions are killing US manufacturing
No one is complaining about Labor Unions in Mexico. Why is that?
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.

Trump's family will make plenty of money so there's no reason for him to care. He could have outsourced the jobs himself and his sheep would have celebrated.
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


Better question for you should be is why haven't any these states offered any incentives to those companies to stay?

You do understand how it works or maybe not seeing you believe on man controls it all...

Isn't that what Trump said? He said he could negotiate keeping our jobs here. He also said he was the only one who could do it. Remember what he claimed to do for GE workers just before they lost all those jobs? Was that just more lies?
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


Better question for you should be is why haven't any these states offered any incentives to those companies to stay?

You do understand how it works or maybe not seeing you believe on man controls it all...

Isn't that what Trump said? He said he could negotiate keeping our jobs here. He also said he was the only one who could do it. Remember what he claimed to do for GE workers just before they lost all those jobs? Was that just more lies?

You do realize Trump is full of shit like many politicians, right?
general motors closing ohio plant

GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15 percent and will also cut 6,000 hourly positions, CNN reported.

'It's gut-wrenching': Last car rolls off assembly line at GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio

The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.

Tracking GM's manufacturing move to Mexico

The longer-term trend among global automakers — including Japan- and Germany-based manufacturers — has been to locate new production in Mexico. Low wages, generous government incentives and favourable trade agreements have helped turn Mexico into an auto-industry powerhouse, said Charlotte Yates, the director of the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

“It’s not just because their [Mexico’s] unions are more collaborative. There’s a huge wage advantage,” Yates said. “And they have access to the U.S. market from Mexico.”

I saw a guy on TV explain that with all the jobs leaving, another 17,000 support jobs will be lost.

During the last two years, we found out that Trump not only lies, but he's the worlds worst negotiator.

You don't need to negotiate with Trump. Just tell him what you want. It worked for the Russians. All you have to do is bring a few people to his hotel.


Better question for you should be is why haven't any these states offered any incentives to those companies to stay?

You do understand how it works or maybe not seeing you believe on man controls it all...

Isn't that what Trump said? He said he could negotiate keeping our jobs here. He also said he was the only one who could do it. Remember what he claimed to do for GE workers just before they lost all those jobs? Was that just more lies?

You do realize Trump is full of shit like many politicians, right?

Trump is full of shit but not like other politicians. He takes being full of shit to a whole nuther level.
The plant closings are part of a major restructuring for GM, which plans to shed as many as 14,000 workers and shift its focus to making trucks, SUVs and electric and autonomous vehicles.
It's a business decision by GM management, and has nothing to do with Trump. .. :cool:

According to Trump:

"Let me tell you folks in Ohio and in this area, don’t sell your house, we’re going to get those jobs coming back, and we’re going to fill up those factories or rip them down and build brand-new ones. It’s going to happen.”

“Those jobs that have left Ohio, they’re coming back.”

“we’re going to fill those factories back up.”

"If I'm elected, you won't lose one plant, you'll have plants coming into this country. You're going to have jobs again. YOU WONT LOSE ONE PLANT, I PROMISE YOU THAT"

So just a lie. He had no control over that in reality?
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