How many of you republicans are rich?

I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
You're mistaken AND this is a lame troll thread.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.
I’m more then willing to protect my self lol hahah hehehjeejjene
Democrats be like: I give political support to illegal aliens! (take jobs disrupt the culture). Republicans be like: I push for immigration enforcement and raise you, call your sanctuary city bluff, lets see where the constituency lay...Trump Wins, because Democrats are pandering tone deaf idiots, Democrats lose. The magic 8 ball says: try again.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.
I’m more then willing to protect my self lol hahah hehehjeejjene
Total non Sequitur.

Try again
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
How many democraps would really rather work then collect welfare
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

So let me pose the same question back at you: How many of you Democrats are dirt poor? I'm assuming you're all dirt poor because you don't believe in capitalism, and do believe in socialism.

I'm also assuming that because you're dirt poor, you live in crappy little one-bedroom apartments in run-down neighborhoods. You can't afford decent furniture and everything you own came from Goodwill. I'm also assuming that your clothes are pretty shabby with holes in them and ragged muddy pants cuffs.

I'm assuming that since you're a dirt-poor Democrat, you eat ramen noodles every night for supper. Sometimes you're lucky enough to have some meat or vegetable to put in it but when the welfare check comes in, you get to have pizza.

You can't afford a car because those are for "rich" people. Besides, you no longer have a driver's license because you got toked up on pot and drank a half bottle of cheap vodka. You do have a bicycle, but since you live in a crappy neighborhood, the pavement apes keep stealing the tires off it.

You feel envy for those who have things you don't, and wish for a system that punishes the haves, and redistributes their wealth to the have-nots.

Is this because you're poor or am I mistaken?
I’m more then willing to protect my self lol hahah hehehjeejjene

What is it that you want to say but feel you can’t?

C’mon man, don’t be a pussy, get it off your chest right here, right now.
I want a 1st and 2nd amendment rally in Boston this summer, I want shit in democrats yards, and piss in your plants and shoot rounds in air.. hehe YEEEEHAWWWWW
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.
I’m more then willing to protect my self lol hahah hehehjeejjene
Total non Sequitur.

Try again
I’m more then willing to protect my self lol hahah hehehjeejjene

What is it that you want to say but feel you can’t?

C’mon man, don’t be a pussy, get it off your chest right here, right now.
I want a 1st and 2nd amendment rally in Boston this summer, I want shit in democrats yards, and piss in your plants and shoot rounds in air.. hehe YEEEEHAWWWWW

Move out in the country. We do those things every day.

How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
Im not a Republican but i am against that stuff because it is unconstitutional.
What does it matter if someone is rich? How much of anothers labor do you think you are entitled to?

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