How many more WH breach will it take for this brother to be safe?

White House Lockdown Lifted After Suspicious Object Thrown Over Fence

Anybody with a brain know its white people making the family's life a living here we go again, more breaches...what's it gonna take, for these over paid worthless SS agents to make this family safe, a real attempt on their lives? isn't......there was an author who did a book on the Secret Service and I heard him interviewed....obama appointed a guy he liked as head of the Secret Service and the guy isn't fixing the problems....he is letting the problems get bigger...obama could have appointed someone who knew what they were doing, but chose not to...that is the problem....
White House Lockdown Lifted After Suspicious Object Thrown Over Fence

Anybody with a brain know its white people making the family's life a living here we go again, more breaches...what's it gonna take, for these over paid worthless SS agents to make this family safe, a real attempt on their lives? isn't......there was an author who did a book on the Secret Service and I heard him interviewed....obama appointed a guy he liked as head of the Secret Service and the guy isn't fixing the problems....he is letting the problems get bigger...obama could have appointed someone who knew what they were doing, but chose not to...that is the problem....
. So its possible that Obama will be assassinated because he is putting his life into the hands of his friend and not in the hands of possibly a white guy who is experienced.

Amazing stupidity.
White House Lockdown Lifted After Suspicious Object Thrown Over Fence

Anybody with a brain know its white people making the family's life a living here we go again, more breaches...what's it gonna take, for these over paid worthless SS agents to make this family safe, a real attempt on their lives? isn't......there was an author who did a book on the Secret Service and I heard him interviewed....obama appointed a guy he liked as head of the Secret Service and the guy isn't fixing the problems....he is letting the problems get bigger...obama could have appointed someone who knew what they were doing, but chose not to...that is the problem....
. So its possible that Obama will be assassinated because he is putting his life into the hands of his friend and not in the hands of possibly a white guy who is experienced.

Amazing stupidity.
obama should stand by his friend no matter what.
White House Lockdown Lifted After Suspicious Object Thrown Over Fence

Anybody with a brain know its white people making the family's life a living here we go again, more breaches...what's it gonna take, for these over paid worthless SS agents to make this family safe, a real attempt on their lives?
You do realize that stuff like this has been going on far longer than Obama has been president, right?
Why does Obama need a wall and security in the first place? If it's good enough for our southern border it should be good enough for Macaca Joe
The sad part is, golf courses don't have enough grassy knolls.
I'm sure if anything happens President Biden would send them a harsh memo and a case of Scotch.
Then announce that he was running for reelection.

And that is exactly what has kept Obama safe all these years. Trump should name Biden VP for him also. Great life insurance.
Great white life insurance.....let a white mf bring harm to this brother, you fucks talk'll get it and curse the day you wished for it.
Holy shit... who is this jackass? -------- ^
The sad part is, golf courses don't have enough grassy knolls.
I'm sure if anything happens President Biden would send them a harsh memo and a case of Scotch.
Then announce that he was running for reelection.
I'm sure the memo would be very sternly worded that it was NOT to happen again.
Yeah, he should have drawn one of his infamous red lines around the WH perimeter.
The sad part is, golf courses don't have enough grassy knolls.
I'm sure if anything happens President Biden would send them a harsh memo and a case of Scotch.
Then announce that he was running for reelection.

And that is exactly what has kept Obama safe all these years. Trump should name Biden VP for him also. Great life insurance.
Great white life insurance.....let a white mf bring harm to this brother, you fucks talk'll get it and curse the day you wished for it.
Holy shit... who is this jackass? -------- ^
A female socialist/communist Negro.
So what your saying is that something like this has never happened in the past because the other Presidents have all been white?

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