How long would it take for Putin to surrender if the United states declared war on Russia?


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
How long would it take for Putin to surrender if the United states declared war on Russia? Not just arming Ukraine but full out war. War as in massing our entire military at the borders of russia(at least 500k troops), tens of thousands of our tanks, 3-4 of our naval battle groups either in the black sea or off their pacific coast and our entire fleet of nuclear bombers in the air.

I'd bet within 24 hours Putin would surrender and beg for peace. He only does what he does because Ukraine is weak and he can bully it. Russia's entire economy is smaller than italy's for fucks sake! I don't think he wants to die along with his entire country.

Also remember China is also a nuclear power so I guess we won't come to the aid of Taiwan if the meat hits the road,.
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US would be obliterated to all intent and Russia between 55% and 65% .

Top expert assessment .Not my opinion .

Sure pal, sur, lol! Why are the Rusks still stuck in Eastern Ukraine if they're so great, eh? America has the best tanks, best planes, best ships, best guns, best soldiers, and a loathing for Russians. Our nukes are better, more up to date, and can reach farther than the majority of Rusk supply.

We've already gone through that, Stormlover:

Originally posted by Stormlover
Why not send our military in?

Originally posted by José
Because the mere thought of fighting a nuclear power causes a violent case of explosive diarrhea.

I mean, no country, not even America, is able to shit and fight at the same time.
How long would it take for Putin to surrender if the United states declared war on Russia?

What if D.C's Superman and Marvel's Beyonder got into a fight, who would win?

Since the US isn't going to declare war on Russia, what is the point of the speculation?
It would depend on the scenario, limitations (nukes, no nukes etc). There is so much to consider, with powers this large, others will take sides as well which should bode very well for the U.S, but again, it's all dependent on the scenario.

There is a youtuber with some interesting content, "Binkovs Battleground" or something. I bet he has covered this topic but I'm too lazy to check.
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How long would it take for Putin to surrender if the United states declared war on Russia?
10 minutes .

Moscow horde´s war record :-
1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan
1917 defeated by Germany
1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states
1939 defeated by Finland
1969 defeated by China
1989 defeated by Afghanistan
1989 defeated in the Cold War.
1996 defeated by Chechnya
2022 defeated by Ukraine
WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn
Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-
a) Hungary 1956
b) Czechoslovakia 1968
c) Moldova 1992
d) Georgia 2008
Originally posted by Litwin
10 minutes .

So what's America waiting for?

Almost 365 days of war... America could have defeat it Russia a gazillion times by your own calculations.
No matter how you cut it... it all comes down to the diarrhea caused by facing a nuclear power.

Why do you think China has an extremely small nuclear arsenal (about 200 nukes)??

Because that's all they need to induce a bad case of mud butt in all the other nuclear powers.
How long would it take for Putin to surrender if the United states declared war on Russia? Not just arming Ukraine but full out war. War as in massing our entire military at the borders of russia(at least 500k troops), tens of thousands of our tanks, 3-4 of our naval battle groups either in the black sea or off their pacific coast and our entire fleet of nuclear bombers in the air.

I'd bet within 24 hours Putin would surrender and beg for peace. He only does what he does because Ukraine is weak and he can bully it. Russia's entire economy is smaller than italy's for fucks sake! I don't think he wants to die along with his entire country.

Also remember China is also a nuclear power so I guess we won't come to the aid of Taiwan if the meat hits the road,.
You would squash the Russians just like how the Taliban and Vietnamese were squashed.
People seem to forget....
Russia and the US are neighbors separated by maybe 10 miles of ocean.

Both have huge nuclear arsenals and other weapons of mass destruction. Even trying to Nuke them would result in both Canada and the US getting the fallout from such an attack.

There are peaceful resolutions to this conflict but Ukraine and especially Russia didn't want to. Russia tried to be a bully with its desires but now is stuck trying to back up their claims. (Bullying is How they control their neighbors)

So if we even tried to begin a troop and equipment buildup of that sort it would instantly cause Russia and PRC to fire off its nukes like cornered animals.

Now in truth we have no quarrel with Russian people themselves...just their government. And now that most of their military personnel are conscripts...we really don't want to hurt them either....they are just pawns in this battle. Their only desire is to just survive this mess. The Russian soldiers could care less about Ukraine and its stuff. (They are thought of by the Russians as stupid farmers without manners and marrying their cousins too often)

But if Russia pulls out without some sort of a "win" they will have lost much of their bullying power in the area. And that is not a good thing either.
It would depend on the scenario, limitations (nukes, no nukes etc). There is so much to consider, with powers this large, others will take sides as well which should bode very well for the U.S, but again, it's all dependent on the scenario.

There is a youtuber with some interesting content, "Binkovs Battleground" or something. I bet he has covered this topic but I'm too lazy to check.
IMO... anyone who is willing to risk the NATION based on their assumptions about what Russians would do when facing the loss of their country, is a mental case waiting to be diagnosed.
So what's America waiting for?

Almost 365 days of war... America could have defeat it Russia a gazillion times by your own calculations.
Likely because even the grifters in DC fear nuclear annihilation. They sure don't have a problem watching tens of thousands of Ukrainians dying so they can enrich themselves though.
We couldn't even defeat a bunch of fucking terrorist goat farmers and effectively handed the country right back to the very people we spent twenty years, American lives and a shitload of money to get rid of, building a so called model of democracy in the middle east.

We will bail on the Ukrainians the exact same way after billions magically disappear there too.
Originally posted by Esdraelon
Likely because even the grifters in DC fear nuclear annihilation. They sure don't have a problem watching tens of thousands of Ukrainians dying so they can enrich themselves though.

I wonder what kind of defective mental process leads people to type these pearls:

Stormlover: Russia's entire economy is smaller than italy's for fucks sake!

Confederate Soldier: America has the best tanks, best planes, best ships, best guns, best soldiers

Since when GDP, an economic indicator, for Christ's sake, has any effect on the outcome of a nuclear war!! If America attacks Russia as the OP desires the size of the russian economy and the quality of Russia's conventional weapons will the last of America's worries.
Originally posted by petro
We couldn't even defeat a bunch of fucking terrorist goat farmers and effectively handed the country right back to the very people we spent twenty years, American lives and a shitload of money to get rid of, building a so called model of democracy in the middle east.

If America had any vital interest in Afghanistan after Bin Laden was killed and Al Qaeda was thrown in disarray she would still be there, petro.

Ukraine is Russia's Canada and Mexico, meaning it is infinitely more important to Russia than to America and western Europe. It's the country where vital russian interests are. That's why it's highly unlikely it will be entirely defeated (hopefully it won't be entirely victorious either, at least this is what those who don't want to see Ukraine subjugated by Russia hope).

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