How long before jihadis among the refugees go operational and start attacking their host countries?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So....since the majority of the refugees flooding Europe are military age males and more than likely long before they start operations against their new host countries....a year...two figure they will have to get settled in first, get the contacts to get their military hardware, select how long before the massive screw up the Europeans just made really sticks it to them?
So....since the majority of the refugees flooding Europe are military age males and more than likely long before they start operations against their new host countries....a year...two figure they will have to get settled in first, get the contacts to get their military hardware, select how long before the massive screw up the Europeans just made really sticks it to them?

I don't know. I'd say whenever these gays start hitting on them, there's going to be heads rolling in the streets.
These refugees go through months of screenings.

You derp. did the guy on the train...and he guys who shot up Charlie hebdo........those guys were on actual government terrorist watch lists, and one of them was a convicted felon...and they easily got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades and a rocket propelled grenade in a country with extreme gun control....

so yeah....I am sure the jihadis will be vetted before they are allowed into these countries.....
It won't be too long!

That's why YOU need to stock up on your guns and ammo.

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