How is Romney Different Than Bush?

I'm assuming anyone who is voting for Romney would vote for Bush if he were able to run again? Even the Ron Paul Republicans and tea baggers who distanced themselves from Bush would now go back to defending him? Or would you vote for Obama over Bush?
Romney is to the left of Bush, he is almost aligned with Bill Clinton politically. Democrats should love him...

Obama is way left of Clinton.
I'm assuming anyone who is voting for Romney would vote for Bush if he were able to run again? Even the Ron Paul Republicans and tea baggers who distanced themselves from Bush would now go back to defending him? Or would you vote for Obama over Bush?

Nope. He spent too much. I wont vote for Romney or Bush. Period.

These guys are digging us one mighty big hole and the eventual outcome is the destruction of our currency / economy.

The only saving grace is the entire world is in the same boat... So if they can time the spin down of the economy on a global scale it will ease the suffering.. But it's certain to be ugly no matter how you slice it.
He's got even MORE money, and his wife isn't a cold blooded murderess...yeah, so there.

How is Obama different from Bush? Both engaged in massive spending Obama has continued most of the anti terror measures from the Bush year's including the Patriot Act both engaged in bailouts expanded Government power they even used the same surge strategy one in Iraq the other in Afghanistan.
As a conservative, I dislike Romney even more than I dislike Bush. Both are better options than Obama, though.
Romney wants to raise taxes on the poor and give billionaires 10 times the tax cuts that Bush wanted. Romney also wants to eliminate Medicare as well
As a conservative, I dislike Romney even more than I dislike Bush. Both are better options than Obama, though.

Marginally.. If it weren't for the SCOTUS I wouldn't give a crap which one of them was in office.. Toe May Toe, Tuh Mah Toe, Poe Tay Toe...
Well, neither Romney and Bush can open their mouths without saying something really stupid. Neither of them were/are qualified to actually DO anything, both see the tax payer as their own private petty cash fund, both lie with almost every word. Neither have a political position, except plutocracy. They're just what they're told to be and that can and does change as often as they change their underwear. Romney will do as Rove and Norquist order him to do, just as Bush did ...

Okay, I give up.

How are they different?
Romney is to the left of Bush, he is almost aligned with Bill Clinton politically. Democrats should love him...

Obama is way left of Clinton.

Yet we don't love him. Please don't tell us what we should love, or that Romney is liberal. Just like you should stop saying the media is liberal. Makes you seem dumb when the fact is 7 corporations purchased all the media after the 1997 deregulations act. Is this too much info for you? Of course it is. Its more than a talking point.

And has Romney shaken up his etch a sketch already? He better wait until after the convention or they might not nominate him.

Romney is wherever the GOP tells him to be. And so far he's agreed with killing GM and doing away with collective bargaining and anti birth control so...

You have shown me no differences between Romney and Bush. Thanks. Strike one.
Neither Bush nor Romney are Neo-Marxists

Neither is Obama. But the guy who loves the word "******" has to say something. That lie is as good as your others.

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” -- Dem Civil Rights "Hero" LBJ on Thurgood Marshall Frank's signature. He loves that word. Just loves it.
He's got even MORE money, and his wife isn't a cold blooded murderess...yeah, so there.


This is great! Strike 3. Policy wise, economically, militarily, socially, righties can't find one thing that Romney disagrees with Bush on. And he's liberal? He's a mega millionaire so of course he agrees with whoever Bush and Chaney were agreeing with. The Robber Barons. The rich. The corporations.

Certainly not the middle class.
You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.

But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.

Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

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