How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

So what's the definition of "super rich" in this country? Anyone want to take a guess at what Barack Obama means when he is talking of "the evil" wealthy in this country--:cuckoo:

So what's the FIGURE?

His definition of "super rich" is any couple that makes more than $200,000. You couldn't even live on that it Manhatten.
Not true at all. Government contracts to build roads, bridges and yes even jet fighters go to the privage sector Suggesting others try to keep up is good advice, too many lies have been perpetrated by the right and are repeated thoughtlessly.

Building roads, bridges and fighter planes accounts for a very small fraction of what the federal government spends. The rest is welfare.
For starters we need to raise taxes to pay for Bush's 2 wars, His father's war, and Reagan's escalation of the Cold War,

all of which were done on borrowed money, before, during, or after tax CUTS that necessitated the borrowing.

Those are small potatoes compared to all the welfare programs the DemoRATs created. Reagan's defense buildup ended the Cold War, which allowed us to take the peace dividend during the Bush and Clinton adminisrations. The both cut defense spending drastically. On the other hand, the Dem turds have been jacking up social spending every year since the Roosevelt administration.
I realize you're pissed because Reagan defeated the russians but show a little pride in American exceptionalism.

I will agree to a tax hike if you give me control of the spending.
Is that a deal?

never agree to a tax increase. Anything Dims agree to will be rescinded after the next election. Dim promises aren't worth the paper they aren't written on.
That is what the Tea Party refused to do, littledebfascist, have you forgotten already. Yep, Iran Contra was American exceptionalism.

We know the refused to raise taxes. The deal the Dims offered was "tax increases now, spending cuts by another future Congress." Only a moron would take that deal.
I love America because good Americans will not allow America to go socialist and good Americans will not let it go fascist as you want it to. We will protect you against yourself. What a deal.

Cutting government down to size isn't fascism, you lying fake dipshit.
I love America because good Americans will not allow America to go socialist and good Americans will not let it go fascist as you want it to. We will protect you against yourself. What a deal.

you're contridicting every post you have made here with this one.

We will protect you against yourself

The collective state of mind socialism at it's best.

You are describing yourself, little one. Yes, the adults, with the majority vote, will protect you from the big bad tea party fascists.
Think of all the jobs of American workers that went overseas; think of all the new jobs of American businesses that are being created overseas! Yes, the rich are creating jobs - overseas.
Half the servants of the rich are aliens and half of those are "Undocumented" or illegal.
Sing the Bachmann song... "Praise the Lord and support the rich."
I love America because good Americans will not allow America to go socialist and good Americans will not let it go fascist as you want it to. We will protect you against yourself. What a deal.

you're contridicting every post you have made here with this one.

We will protect you against yourself

The collective state of mind socialism at it's best.

You are describing yourself, little one. Yes, the adults, with the majority vote, will protect you from the big bad tea party fascists.

here's a laugh for the funny troll boy

[ame=]Trololo - YouTube[/ame]
The government levies taxes in order to support spending. When the government uses spending to create jobs for people (police, air traffic controllers, soldiers, etc.) who otherwise wouldn't have had them, those people, in turn, use their salaries to buy goods and services.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people.

Government is always a net consumer of wealth and 'produces' nothing but debt and a generous amount of misery.
That is what the Tea Party refused to do, littledebfascist, have you forgotten already. Yep, Iran Contra was American exceptionalism.

We know the refused to raise taxes. The deal the Dims offered was "tax increases now, spending cuts by another future Congress." Only a moron would take that deal.

That's a lie. the president will make a ten for one deal after labor day, i bet, and we will see what you have to say then.
The government levies taxes in order to support spending. When the government uses spending to create jobs for people (police, air traffic controllers, soldiers, etc.) who otherwise wouldn't have had them, those people, in turn, use their salaries to buy goods and services.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people.

Government is always a net consumer of wealth and 'produces' nothing but debt and a generous amount of misery.

Were you allowed to graduate from high school with a demonstration above of your inability to think clearly?
How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

So Paying down the debt will not enable job growth?
Defaulting on the debt will not cause job losses?
The government levies taxes in order to support spending. When the government uses spending to create jobs for people (police, air traffic controllers, soldiers, etc.) who otherwise wouldn't have had them, those people, in turn, use their salaries to buy goods and services.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people.

Government is always a net consumer of wealth and 'produces' nothing but debt and a generous amount of misery.

Were you allowed to graduate from high school with a demonstration above of your inability to think clearly?

Talk about clueless jake your support of obama is telling.
It gives us money to do projects we need like infrastructure fwhich also creates lots of jobs

You mean more payoffs to union buddies that give money back to dems from dues and raffle money. Obama last 800 billion stimulus program was a total failure why try another when we know what the outcome will be!!!

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