How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.
It causes unemployment by taking money from the job creators, and giving it to politicians who simply redirect it to their political clients, most of whom are drones of one species or another who produce nothing of value for the country.
The wealthy are the job creators . This is why they are not hiring due to Obamacare and now the threat of new taxes. If I was a business owner in these times I would not be hiring for fear if I did I could lose my business due to these new laws and new taxes and other expenses.
It causes unemployment by taking money from the job creators, and giving it to politicians who simply redirect it to their political clients, most of whom are drones of one species or another who produce nothing of value for the country.

ok fine but not the answer I was looking for. I want a defender of raising taxes to step nup.
It gives us money to do projects we need like infrastructure fwhich also creates lots of jobs
The wealthy are the job creators . This is why they are not hiring due to Obamacare and now the threat of new taxes. If I was a business owner in these times I would not be hiring for fear if I did I could lose my business due to these new laws and new taxes and other expenses.

OK but this thread was posted to those who think raising taxes is a good thing I would like to hear from them.

So far I agree with both you and Patrick.
why have these "job creators" you people keep giving tax cuts to not created any jobs?
why have these "job creators" you people keep giving tax cuts to not created any jobs?

Uncertainty from the government will as always make those who have money take it some where else.
Why is it that some of the highest taxed states are losing jobs to States who aren't as high?
The government levies taxes in order to support spending. When the government uses spending to create jobs for people (police, air traffic controllers, soldiers, etc.) who otherwise wouldn't have had them, those people, in turn, use their salaries to buy goods and services.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people.
Your favorite Americans ( the top wealthiest) have not created many jobs in the Decade they have had these tax cuts.

Why do you people want to do more of what hasnt worked?
The government levies taxes in order to support spending. When the government uses spending to create jobs for people (police, air traffic controllers, soldiers, etc.) who otherwise wouldn't have had them, those people, in turn, use their salaries to buy goods and services.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people.

The government levies taxes in order to support spending.

Spending as in creation of a bigger welfare state. That we can agree on.
Paying off lobbist is not actually creating jobs just paying whats due to your handlers.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.
Here's the cold hard facts the government only deals with a select few they always have, and most of thiose on the selected list are unions. which the works don't actually see the meat of the benifits the bosses do.
Try again.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people

So you either work for the government or you work for a poor person.
If you work for a poor person I can understand why you're so bitter.
And if you work for the government I also can see why you're bitter now. You have come to the realization that the gravy train wagon is about to lose it's wheels.
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Your favorite Americans ( the top wealthiest) have not created many jobs in the Decade they have had these tax cuts.

Why do you people want to do more of what hasnt worked?

Last time I checked we got this far on what you think hasn't worked. Now in the brief time obama has been at the wheel he drove us off the cliff.
ok let me cleaify one thing Please do not bring the same old worn out talking point and the same old worn out bullshit like this

Your favorite Americans ( the top wealthiest) have not created many jobs in the Decade they have had these tax cuts.

Why do you people want to do more of what hasnt worked

Everybody knows that isn't a political hack hat lowering taxes on the wealthy has created jobs and a stronger economy
First off it adds parity to the unequal distribution of government services. The wealthy use government services far more then anyone else in this country to accumulate wealth. They SHOULD be paying more in taxes.

Second, what IT SHOULD be discouraging the whacked out salaries we see. There is no reason that anyone should be making in a year..what it would take several lifetimes to accrue in the same company.

And third..of that's the way government makes money. Like it or not. Taxes.
It causes unemployment by taking money from the job creators, and giving it to politicians who simply redirect it to their political clients, most of whom are drones of one species or another who produce nothing of value for the country.

ok fine but not the answer I was looking for. I want a defender of raising taxes to step nup.

Suggesting you really thought about this issue is not apparent. Targeted tax breaks can and will create jobs. It is my opinion - and not mine alone - that the Republicans in Congress doesn't want to create jobs at this time. A weak economy benefits their effort (their primary effort) to regain power.

Explain how many jobs are created by a rich 24 year old pitcher, running back or point guard? Not all of the rich are job creators within the context of impacting high unemployment. In fact many of the rich who can create jobs have already moved their business and our jobs overseas.

The tax code does need to be reformed, but the reform of reducing the individual tax brackets is pure demagoguery. Better to return them to the higher rates before Reagan and provide tax relief to the industries which have fled our shores.

Cut the corporated tax rate to be competitive with the rest of the world and raise the personal rates on those who earn more than (for example) over $500,000 per year. Provide targeted tax breaks then to those corporations who create jobs, and who engage in R&D and manufacturing in our country.

That's a start both D's & R's might agree upon, except both are focused on winning elections not fixing problems.
It gives us money to do projects we need like infrastructure fwhich also creates lots of jobs

What a howler! The "infrastructure" obama's porkulus went to is mostly state governments which had been nearly bankrupted by paying exorbitant salaries to government "workers", so they could keep paying the princely salareies - that's your "infrastucture". :lol:

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