How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

Well if working with you guys makes them "Racists & "Terrorists",why would they work with you guys again in the future? You haven't exactly given any incentive for compromise huh? I guess they'll just have to move on and fix the Country without you. You've left them no choice.

So, wanting to fix the country for the sake of fixing the country isn't enough incentive for the GOP to work with Dems? And how exactly are they going to fix the country on their own when they only control one house of congress?

Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

The government does not create jobs, the private sector does, the best fix the government can do is to get off our backs and out of our wallets.
Calling your fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" and then demanding they compromise with you really is a ludicrous expectation. Why would Republicans want to work with and compromise with Democrats again in the future? The Democrats haven't left them with much incentive. If you're already labeled a "Racist & "Terrorist",there is no need to move forward and compromise. The Democrats blew it. And now it's time for them to go.
It gives them more money to spend....they are addicted to spending...More money for unions,more money
for their liberal agenda.

It really is that obvious...
They'll pack their shit and head overseas. They can hire 10 guys ( that will work HARD) for the same money as one murkin, that has to take his aunts Pomeranian to the vet twice a week.
Is his expensive Taxpayer-Funded Bus Tour going to create Jobs? The same answer goes for this OP's question...HELL NO!!!
So they got their feelings hurt and now they want to take their toys and go home? And I'm supposed to be impressed by the Tea Party how? Like I said, that's no excuse. If they can't work with the Senate to craft legislation that can be agreed upon by both sides and signed by the POTUS, then they have no business being in DC. If they just want to be partisan ideologues, they can do so easily enough by being Faux News contributors or sitting in front of their computer calling Dems socialists on some political forum.

And BTW, the debt ceiling deal was no compromise. It was the GOP holding the economy hostage until they got their way. According to Boehner, he got 98% of what he wanted. I don't call that a compromise.

Well if working with you guys makes them "Racists & "Terrorists",why would they work with you guys again in the future? You haven't exactly given any incentive for compromise huh? I guess they'll just have to move on and fix the Country without you. You've left them no choice.

So, wanting to fix the country for the sake of fixing the country isn't enough incentive for the GOP to work with Dems? And how exactly are they going to fix the country on their own when they only control one house of congress?

The only fix they can use right now is not fund any of obama;'s wacko spending bills then after the 2012 the will fix will begin, if it's even possible to fix 16 trillions in debt.
Prosperity through lower wages! The rich are unhappy! Give them what they want!

Which shows you as well as obama know nothing of how the work force works, unhappy unemployees do not produce up to expectation. Give them what they want or they will move on to someone who will. unless you do not like making a profit.
Well if working with you guys makes them "Racists & "Terrorists",why would they work with you guys again in the future? You haven't exactly given any incentive for compromise huh? I guess they'll just have to move on and fix the Country without you. You've left them no choice.

So, wanting to fix the country for the sake of fixing the country isn't enough incentive for the GOP to work with Dems? And how exactly are they going to fix the country on their own when they only control one house of congress?

Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

So, the GOP is only interested in fixing the country's problems if they're fully in charge? In other words, they have no intewrest in working with the other side, and would rather see the country go down in flames before they'll work with Dems? That's not a very good sales pitch. Boy, you cons sure are a delusional bunch. You do realize that congressional Repubs are less popular than both Dems and Obama, right? And the Tea Party is extremely unpopular. Keep dreaming, pal.
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So, wanting to fix the country for the sake of fixing the country isn't enough incentive for the GOP to work with Dems? And how exactly are they going to fix the country on their own when they only control one house of congress?

Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

So, the GOP is only interested in fixing the country's problems if they're fully in charge? In other words, they have no intewrest in working with the other side, and would rather see the country go down in flames before they'll work with Dems? That's not a very good sales pitch. Boy, you cons sure are a delusional bunch. You do realize that congressional Repubs are less popular than both Dems and Obama, right? And the Tea Party is extremely unpopular. Keep dreaming, pal.

So, the GOP is only interested in fixing the country's problems if they're fully in charge? In other words, they have no intewrest in working with the other side,

You cannot compromise with people you have nothing in common with. What the democrats want will not fix the economy Thery don't want to work with the republicans unless the republicans agree with no cuts and more taxes. Which is thew exact reason the democrats lost in 2010
Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

So, the GOP is only interested in fixing the country's problems if they're fully in charge? In other words, they have no intewrest in working with the other side, and would rather see the country go down in flames before they'll work with Dems? That's not a very good sales pitch. Boy, you cons sure are a delusional bunch. You do realize that congressional Repubs are less popular than both Dems and Obama, right? And the Tea Party is extremely unpopular. Keep dreaming, pal.

So, the GOP is only interested in fixing the country's problems if they're fully in charge? In other words, they have no intewrest in working with the other side,

You cannot compromise with people you have nothing in common with. What the democrats want will not fix the economy Thery don't want to work with the republicans unless the republicans agree with no cuts and more taxes. Which is thew exact reason the democrats lost in 2010

Yeah, sure buddy. The only thing wrong with that statement is everything. Dems just got through working with Repubs, and guess what? Dems got no taxes and Repubs got no revenue increases. In other words, you're so full of shit you don't even know which way is up. Put down the Limbaugh. You're clueless.
You cannot compromise with people you have nothing in common with.
That'll be a great slogan for the GOP in 2012. I'm sure Americans are just dying to vote for a party that's completely unwilling to compromise. Good luck in 2012. The GOP's overreach will be their downfall.
"How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?"

It isn't. Obama is just trying to keep his base happy and knows what they want to hear. The only job he cares about, is his own, and the extension thereof....
So, wanting to fix the country for the sake of fixing the country isn't enough incentive for the GOP to work with Dems? And how exactly are they going to fix the country on their own when they only control one house of congress?

Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

The government does not create jobs, the private sector does, the best fix the government can do is to get off our backs and out of our wallets.

The government can and does create private sector jobs. Only an ignoramous or a liar posts otherwise.
"How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?"

It isn't. Obama is just trying to keep his base happy and knows what they want to hear. The only job he cares about, is his own, and the extension thereof....

I swear I will never understand some of you guys. Obama wants to keep his base happy? That's why extended the Bush cuts. To make his base happy, right?
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

The answer to your question is this:

We know that raising taxes causes job creation because the historical data says so. When taxes are high GDP growth is high and unemployment goes down. Quality jobs are created, not McJobs.

This is very anti-intuitive, but it's the facts. Why it happens that way I can only guess.

This is a matter of using the scientific method, rather than shallow theories.

Sure, I agree that it sounds sensible to say that if you cut taxes the wealthy will have more money to invest and will create jobs. But the historical data - especially from the last 10 years, says otherwise. If it were true, we'd be at an all time unemployment low right now.

My GUESS is that higher taxes forces that wealthy to invest in higher risk - growth oriented investments, in order to achieve their profit goals. It creates a 'use it or lose it' environment.

I'd also GUESS that the more government jobs there are, the more competitive employer's job offerings have to be. That's just simple supply and demand.

Basically, supply-side economics has been tried and tried again and it's failed time and again. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work.

It's really a matter of rational, scientific thinking vs. blind faith.

The same is true for regulation. We've had boom times with lots of regulation, and disasters on many levels with deregulation.

I guess the real question is:

Would you rather pay low taxes on your present income, or pay some small percentage higher taxes on double that income?

The '90s were pretty good times for all!

Sometimes I think that the wingnuts are so obstinate that they'd rather be broke than lose an argument.
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Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

The government does not create jobs, the private sector does, the best fix the government can do is to get off our backs and out of our wallets.

The government can and does create private sector jobs. Only an ignoramous or a liar posts otherwise.

Just to continue that thought...

Not only does the governement directly cretae jobs, but indirectly millions of jobs are created by government spending.

Government contratcts, especially in the military industry, creates many jobs, both for people directly hired by the contractors, but for all the suppliers that sell to the contractors.

It's also true that the vast majority of the technogical advancements in America, since WWII have been due to government funded R&D. Thinkgs like the INTERNET and LASER technology. Cell phones, GPS systems, all micro-chip technology...etc..etc...were all a product of government funded R&D.

The only industries that the government is not responsible for technological advances are the chemical and pharmcuedical industries. The government decided to stay out of those industries years ago. (But most of the people working in those industries cut their teeth in government work).

Note: People & Corps that are involved in government contracting are legally obligated to keep their work secret, so the general public doesn't have a clue to how many major corps are really government contractors at thier core.
Prosperity through lower wages! The rich are unhappy! Give them what they want!

Which shows you as well as obama know nothing of how the work force works, unhappy unemployees do not produce up to expectation. Give them what they want or they will move on to someone who will. unless you do not like making a profit.

So you admit the government is being held hostage by big business? :eusa_eh:

And anyway, I always think when I hear this kind of rhetoric - Just where do you think they're going to move? The entire world is either a.) More socialist than we are, or b.) a 3rd world shit hole.
Prosperity through lower wages! The rich are unhappy! Give them what they want!

Which shows you as well as obama know nothing of how the work force works, unhappy unemployees do not produce up to expectation. Give them what they want or they will move on to someone who will. unless you do not like making a profit.

So you admit the government is being held hostage by big business? :eusa_eh:

And anyway, I always think when I hear this kind of rhetoric - Just where do you think they're going to move? The entire world is either a.) More socialist than we are, or b.) a 3rd world shit hole.

Did you hurt yourself when you spinned this

Which shows you as well as obama know nothing of how the work force works, unhappy unemployees do not produce up to expectation. Give them what they want or they will move on to someone who will. unless you do not like making a profit.

Into this?
So you admit the government is being held hostage by big business?

And anyway, I always think when I hear this kind of rhetoric - Just where do you think they're going to move? The entire world is either a.) More socialist than we are, or b.) a 3rd world shit hole

I can go to any company I please after all this is still a free America.

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