How is Obama qualified?

He actually did things while he was a governor. And governor trumps senator every time.

Particularly senators who don't actually DO anything. It's a simple question. What the hell has the kid done in his life? Anywhere, anything? What major accomplishments can he claim....aside from winning an election. Has he backed any successful ventures? Has he broken new ground on some issue? What has he done?

And I get a resounding NOTHING. Your insistence that a person needn't do anything to be president does nothing except support the premise that he hasn't really done anything.

So, why do you like him? Because he's black? At least I have reasons besides color for supporting candidates.

Like I said, it's always the libs who end up being the most racist.

And to tell you the truth, until this thread, I thought the guy must have SOMETHING going for him. But now I'm fairly certain he doesn't. And before this thread, I assumed there was something besides color behind his support...but now I believe differently, thanks to the self-incriminating declarations of the lefties here, and the obsession of the same with his color.
is that any more impressive than Obama's community organizing in Chicago?


No, not especially.

My point is merely that anyone of us is qualified to be President based on the criteria layed out in the Constitution, which you yourself pointed out. If you are born in the states and meet the age requirements, you are qualified. Without doing any research, I would guess that it has only been within the last one hundred years that people, politicians in particular, have been attaching so much emphasis on the "qualifications" issue.
No, not especially.

My point is merely that anyone of us is qualified to be President based on the criteria layed out in the Constitution, which you yourself pointed out. If you are born in the states and meet the age requirements, you are qualified. Without doing any research, I would guess that it has only been within the last one hundred years that people, politicians in particular, have been attaching so much emphasis on the "qualifications" issue.

See, i totally agree with that. In fact, i wonder if small government conservatives would be MORE impressed with non-pocketted joe everyman politicans or those who obviously have affiliations to nurture and feed.
LOL. I don't race bait.
Absolutely you did, suggesting that the entire topic was created because of Obama's skin color.

And clearly you didn't read who I think are the most qualified candidates.
You're confusing not addressing your post with not reading your post.
When you post them in a topic that has something to do with them, I'll do something other than ignore them.

Man, you make me laugh. Comic relief good. :eusa_clap:
You're just easily amused - usually, any bright shiny object will do. :lol:
Oh, the unions didn't like him.

I'd say that's a pro, not a con.

And Obama's done what? Oh, that's right. Nothing.

So Rudy's morality doesn't trouble you? How about him being pro choice? Pro gay rights? Cross dressing?

I'm not campaigning for Obama. But I figure he'd do better than any one of the guys y'all have running. *shrug*
He actually did things while he was a governor. And governor trumps senator every time.

Particularly senators who don't actually DO anything. It's a simple question. What the hell has the kid done in his life? Anywhere, anything? What major accomplishments can he claim....aside from winning an election. Has he backed any successful ventures? Has he broken new ground on some issue? What has he done?

And I get a resounding NOTHING. Your insistence that a person needn't do anything to be president does nothing except support the premise that he hasn't really done anything.

So, why do you like him? Because he's black? At least I have reasons besides color for supporting candidates.

Like I said, it's always the libs who end up being the most racist.

And to tell you the truth, until this thread, I thought the guy must have SOMETHING going for him. But now I'm fairly certain he doesn't. And before this thread, I assumed there was something besides color behind his support...but now I believe differently, thanks to the self-incriminating declarations of the lefties here, and the obsession of the same with his color.

I hate to break it to you but a STATE governor does not trump a FEDERAL senator every time.

And Barak did enough to be elected by the people in his constituency.. Perhaps they have different mores than increasing the frequency of the death penalty and and installing faith based crap.

fortunately, no one cares if a gal who had no intention of voting for him anyway is automatically critical inlight of the total fucking joke of pre-presidential bush and ray gun himself.

LORD FUCKING KNOWS how backing ventures is the standard by which our civil servants are judged! Indeed, if it's not CEO then it's an obvious failure, right?

speaking of failure.. why don't you tell us about the success of bush's attempt at the oil industry.. yes, I'm warming my hnds on the flames of SUCCESS there, lemme tellya!

And I get a resounding NOTHING. Your insistence that a person needn't do anything to be president does nothing except support the premise that he hasn't really done anything.

No, my standard is what is found in the constitution. If you have a problem with that then go cry to your elected officials and have them install a prerequisite the demands a candidate be a CEO of a gift from daddy.

I suggest you read ben franklins autobiography. Maybe then youll keep from thinking a pre-revolutionary gentrified upper class is automatically great because they inherited their positions of authority.

indeed, your disaproval is PAINFUL! oh NOOOO! THE AGONY!

Actually, I wasn't reacting to your attempt to hijack the thread and turn it into a constitutional issue. I simply jumped on the question, what are the qualifications? And I further simplified it to, what are Obama's accomplishments.

Which apparently don't exist.

You might be okay with backing a candidate based upon nothing but the fact that he's been elected before, but I like a little more meat in my gravy. I like to actually know what he's done.

I never said he shouldn't be running. I don't care if he runs or not. But obviously, he hasn't actually done anything. So how did he get there?
Actually, I wasn't reacting to your attempt to hijack the thread and turn it into a constitutional issue. I simply jumped on the question, what are the qualifications? And I further simplified it to, what are Obama's accomplishments.

Which apparently don't exist.

You might be okay with backing a candidate based upon nothing but the fact that he's been elected before, but I like a little more meat in my gravy. I like to actually know what he's done.

I never said he shouldn't be running. I don't care if he runs or not. But obviously, he hasn't actually done anything. So how did he get there?

As Maineman mentioned, how about getting off your butt and doing some research if you are that interested in what Obama has done? You just want others to do your work for you. Hope that isn't the case in real life too..

Took me 30 seconds to find this:

As a state legislator, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans in drafting successful legislation on ethics and health care reform.[34] He sponsored a law enhancing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for child care.[35] Obama also led the passage of legislation mandating videotaping of homicide interrogations, and a law to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they stopped
Actually, I wasn't reacting to your attempt to hijack the thread and turn it into a constitutional issue. I simply jumped on the question, what are the qualifications? And I further simplified it to, what are Obama's accomplishments.

Which apparently don't exist.

You might be okay with backing a candidate based upon nothing but the fact that he's been elected before, but I like a little more meat in my gravy. I like to actually know what he's done.

I never said he shouldn't be running. I don't care if he runs or not. But obviously, he hasn't actually done anything. So how did he get there?

Presidential qualifications IS a constitutional issue. Sorry if thats the standard by which this nation operates.

indeed, the meat in your 00 and 04 gravy speaks VOLUMES.

thankfully, impressing your partisan opinion just isn't a constitutional standard.

I take it you are shying away from the whole foudning fthers example then?
Actually, I commented on your idiotic founding fathers line.

I'd say Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams all had pretty lengthy resumes of accomplishments OFF the campaign trail prior to being elected.
See, i totally agree with that. In fact, i wonder if small government conservatives would be MORE impressed with non-pocketted joe everyman politicans or those who obviously have affiliations to nurture and feed.

Great minds and all that.

The unfortunate reality is that a person with no party affiliation winning the Presidency is a long way off, if ever. As long as the two party system dominates the political realm and as long as it requires millions of dollars to garner a nomination, we as a country will continue to be burdened with rich, priviliged, elitist representation in the White House.

It will take someone or something extraordinary to change the system and the way people vote.
and how, exactly, were they in the position to achieve anything, allie?

and how, exactly, were they in the position to achieve anything, allie?


So you agree they had major accomplishments.
The issue isn't WHY they were able to accomplish before they were president, but the fact that they actually did. At least, that wasn't what the topic was.

Nothing irritates me more than someone who can't stick to an argument, and uses diversionary tactics to switch subjects midstream, then uses the ensuing confusion to claim victory.

Stick to the topic.
Great minds and all that.

The unfortunate reality is that a person with no party affiliation winning the Presidency is a long way off, if ever. As long as the two party system dominates the political realm and as long as it requires millions of dollars to garner a nomination, we as a country will continue to be burdened with rich, priviliged, elitist representation in the White House.

It will take someone or something extraordinary to change the system and the way people vote.

perhaps... It's funny how we all bitch about politicans for sale and how dirty our government is... but have no will to see that CEOs /= good leaders. The fouding fathers were the product of a gentrified class that had the opportunity to benefit from the age of enlightenment. Sure, they had great minds that chewed up heavy material... but they didn't get to that point by achieving anything besides dropping out of the vagina of the upper class. That lesson should be of interest to those looking for supermen for public office. Hell, looking at the personal lives of a lot of them exposes few heroes outside of the drama of the revolution.

Read Ben Franklin, Allie. He, hands down, achieved the greatest class ascention but never served a federal term outside of appointments. You might enjoy reading about his opinions and treatment by the silver spooners you seem to be falling to your knees for.
perhaps... It's funny how we all bitch about politicans for sale and how dirty our government is... but have no will to see that CEOs /= good leaders. The fouding fathers were the product of a gentrified class that had the opportunity to benefit from the age of enlightenment. Sure, they had great minds that chewed up heavy material... but they didn't get to that point by achieving anything besides dropping out of the vagina of the upper class. That lesson should be of interest to those looking for supermen for public office. Hell, looking at the personal lives of a lot of them exposes few heroes outside of the drama of the revolution.

Read Ben Franklin, Allie. He, hands down, achieved the greatest class ascention but never served a federal term outside of appointments. You might enjoy reading about his opinions and treatment by the silver spooners you seem to be falling to your knees for.

Ben Franklin was the ultimate self made man.
So you agree they had major accomplishments.
The issue isn't WHY they were able to accomplish before they were president, but the fact that they actually did. At least, that wasn't what the topic was.

Nothing irritates me more than someone who can't stick to an argument, and uses diversionary tactics to switch subjects midstream, then uses the ensuing confusion to claim victory.

Stick to the topic.

No, I agree that they were capable of their positions with the SOLE fact of their birthright. I AM sticking to the topic. Im the one slapping you with the Constitution, remember? This IS the sole standard by which candidates qualify to run for president. I'm pretty sure your vote won't be missed.
perhaps... It's funny how we all bitch about politicans for sale and how dirty our government is... but have no will to see that CEOs /= good leaders. The fouding fathers were the product of a gentrified class that had the opportunity to benefit from the age of enlightenment. Sure, they had great minds that chewed up heavy material... but they didn't get to that point by achieving anything besides dropping out of the vagina of the upper class. That lesson should be of interest to those looking for supermen for public office. Hell, looking at the personal lives of a lot of them exposes few heroes outside of the drama of the revolution.

Read Ben Franklin, Allie. He, hands down, achieved the greatest class ascention but never served a federal term outside of appointments. You might enjoy reading about his opinions and treatment by the silver spooners you seem to be falling to your knees for.

Well, if you count class ascencion as a big accomplishment. I don't. When I think of accomplishment, I think of leading a demoralized and destitute army against the greatest power in the world...and winning. I think of writing the Declaration of Independence..and risking your life to get it out to the people.
And you can try to minimize their accomplishments by referring to them as "silver spooners", which is what I think you're doing...but the point remains. They accomplished things before they became presidents. And when we started down this track, you said you were going to blow the idea that they had accomplished anything prior to their presidencies out of the water..and attacking their social standing really does nothing to accomplish that end.

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