"How Is It Conservative To Add A Trillion Dollars In Military Spending?"

How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?
Find jobs for these able bodied parasites and we can talk

They can find their own jobs....south of the border.
That makes no sense at all, not even nonsense.

Makes total sense for those of us with a brain.
No, sense is sense.You want to send Americans south of the border where there are no jobs.

Nope....just the wetbacks.
We need to put the government assistance folks in the fields and in the parks and in the government buildings doing public works for their money.

People like IlarMeilyr and tyroneweaver would at least be giving back.
If Bush Jr. is any indication, and I believe that he is, we'll see the Neo-Cons rise to prominence if a Marco Rubio or any one of them somehow manages to steal, yet another, election.

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Too many people show up to vote in General Election Years. Add to that the potential for a first women President? OMG it is going to be historic. But expect it to be close. How close? That depends on who the GOP nominates. If it's Rubio or Jeb, I suspect it'll be like 2000 when Gore actually won but this time Jeb isn't the Governor of Florida. BUT, I'm sure Rubio is heavily connected in Florida. So is Jeb. Shoot! Hope they don't steal Florida again.

All this talk about Fiorino and Carson is a joke. Why even bother discussing them? The GOP are only using them as their token women/blacks.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
So why are you trying so hard to convince me that Trump can't win? I would think you would keep quiet while I make such a big mistake in your favor.
There is a slim chance that Trump might win the presidency and that would be a disaster for the nation. Have you heard his latest insane rant in which he compares Carson to a child molester and declares that he knows more about ISIS than our generals. His supporters see his egotism, bluster, and temper as assets. I believe Trump would likely lead the nation into a direct military confrontation with Russia because as he says, compromise is not an option.
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Too many people show up to vote in General Election Years. Add to that the potential for a first women President? OMG it is going to be historic. But expect it to be close. How close? That depends on who the GOP nominates. If it's Rubio or Jeb, I suspect it'll be like 2000 when Gore actually won but this time Jeb isn't the Governor of Florida. BUT, I'm sure Rubio is heavily connected in Florida. So is Jeb. Shoot! Hope they don't steal Florida again.

All this talk about Fiorino and Carson is a joke. Why even bother discussing them? The GOP are only using them as their token women/blacks.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
So why are you trying so hard to convince me that Trump can't win? I would think you would keep quiet while I make such a big mistake in your favor.
There is a slim chance that Trump might win the presidency and that would be a disaster for the nation. Have you heard his latest insane rant in which he compares Carson to a child molester and declares that he knows more about ISIS than our generals. His supporters see his egotism, bluster, and temper as assets. I believe Trump would likely lead the nation into a direct military confrontation with Russia because as he says, compromise is not an option.
Yeah, he's liable to do something stupid, like send 50 special ops to Syria and drop them in the middle of a bombing campaign by Russian jets. :eusa_whistle:

I thought the millitary was already well funded.

How about closing down half these bases scattered all around the world and refocus energies onto more important tasks?

I thought the millitary was already well funded.

How about closing down half these bases scattered all around the world and refocus energies onto more important tasks?
They want to maintain our presence in the world, but I get what you're saying.

Republicans don't realize private for profit capitalistic military contractors only customer is the government. Sucking off uncle Sam's tit.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
So why are you trying so hard to convince me that Trump can't win? I would think you would keep quiet while I make such a big mistake in your favor.
There is a slim chance that Trump might win the presidency and that would be a disaster for the nation. Have you heard his latest insane rant in which he compares Carson to a child molester and declares that he knows more about ISIS than our generals. His supporters see his egotism, bluster, and temper as assets. I believe Trump would likely lead the nation into a direct military confrontation with Russia because as he says, compromise is not an option.
Yeah, he's liable to do something stupid, like send 50 special ops to Syria and drop them in the middle of a bombing campaign by Russian jets. :eusa_whistle:
No, I would say he is more likely to get into a dispute with Putin and drag the nation into a war
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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This from a far left drone that does not care how much the government spends or how high the debt gets..
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
So why are you trying so hard to convince me that Trump can't win? I would think you would keep quiet while I make such a big mistake in your favor.
There is a slim chance that Trump might win the presidency and that would be a disaster for the nation. Have you heard his latest insane rant in which he compares Carson to a child molester and declares that he knows more about ISIS than our generals. His supporters see his egotism, bluster, and temper as assets. I believe Trump would likely lead the nation into a direct military confrontation with Russia because as he says, compromise is not an option.
Yeah, he's liable to do something stupid, like send 50 special ops to Syria and drop them in the middle of a bombing campaign by Russian jets. :eusa_whistle:
No, I would say he is more likely to get into a dispute with Putin and drag the nation into a war
You should be praying we don't get into a war with Russia BEFORE Obama leaves office.
The fact is fact: $1 Trillion more in spending is not conservative.

I have been telling you guys that the GOP is a Progressive Statist party.

And you are merely mouthing your Democrat Parody propaganda. Seriously, Fakey. You might as well give it up.

You are NEVER taken seriously since every facet of your presence here is KNOWN to be buttressed by what a phony you are.
You are talking to yourself in the mirror, not me, old buddy.

1 trillion more is now conservative in your mind. You are a strange duck.


I was talking solely to and about you.

And everybody knew your attempt at a rejoinder would be the old "mirror" commentary, since you are, after all, reflexively dishonest, and a hack.

What we spend on the military is not validly defined by silly commentary such as you endorse "oh it's socialist," or "it's not 'conservative.'"

It might be wise or unwise policy. It comes either properly funded or as a component part of an unbalanced budget.

But in the end, those questions pale compared to the REASON for a strong military and how it is justified by the need for it in the light of the conditions in the world.

I know liberal Democratics such as you like to pretend that the world is all safe and secure. But what just happened in Paris constitutes further evidence of just how narrow your vision is and how unwise is your counsel.

You are not a strange duck. You are a poseur and a fraud. But you are also forever unpersuasive and quite a stupid asshole.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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This from a far left drone that does not care how much the government spends or how high the debt gets..
How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in new programs that you are not going to pay for Kosh?

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"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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This from a far left drone that does not care how much the government spends or how high the debt gets..
How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in new programs that you are not going to pay for Kosh?

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When libs worry about the thing they do often and massively as not being "conservative," is that a form of praise?

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