"How Is It Conservative To Add A Trillion Dollars In Military Spending?"

I was trying to be like a Republican. If the people don't want to buy or pay for it, then those defense companies should just go out of business.

I think we'd rather spend our money fixing roads than building bombs.

Yea, I was high when I wrote that yesterday. LOL.

YEA that makes sense you were high as your comment about "fixing roads" shows sense of priorities.
So if we had an EMP attack from IRAN what good is "fixing roads" if we have NO security that would have prevented the EMP attack?
Or say we decide "hell we don't need any military"... let's fix our roads... great incentive then for China/Russia/Iran/ you name the country to make an
effort to take our country over because after all we've "fixed our roads"... with the money that would have defended us....YEA our enemies are with you..."Fix the roads"!
That way we won't have to either!!!

I'm not against good military pork projects. But then I find articles from 2011 that say stuff like this: U.S. Department of Defense is now working to rebuild and restaff the agency, hoping to add 4,100 civilian staff members by 2015.

Those staff members aren't protecting us. This is just big government beaurocrats. Growing the government. You guys aren't conservatives. You are brainwashed by the rich to think you or they are. You're all just dummies. If a Republican wins the white house, expect the debt to double or more on their watch. And you'll forget what chicken hawks you were when a black man was in the White House.
If Bush Jr. is any indication, and I believe that he is, we'll see the Neo-Cons rise to prominence if a Marco Rubio or any one of them somehow manages to steal, yet another, election.

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Too many people show up to vote in General Election Years. Add to that the potential for a first women President? OMG it is going to be historic. But expect it to be close. How close? That depends on who the GOP nominates. If it's Rubio or Jeb, I suspect it'll be like 2000 when Gore actually won but this time Jeb isn't the Governor of Florida. BUT, I'm sure Rubio is heavily connected in Florida. So is Jeb. Shoot! Hope they don't steal Florida again.

All this talk about Fiorino and Carson is a joke. Why even bother discussing them? The GOP are only using them as their token women/blacks.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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Tell that to these people!

Russia Reveals Secret Nuclear-Armed Drone Sub
High-speed harbor buster shown on TV Russia Reveals Secret Nuclear-Armed Drone Sub

Chinese Scientists Unveil New Stealth Material Breakthrough
Planes and warships just got a lot harder to see with microwave radar.
A group of scientists from China may have created a stealth material that could make future fighter jets very difficult to detect by some of today’s most cutting-edge anti-stealth radars. Chinese Scientists Unveil New Stealth Material Breakthrough

ISIS-Linked Terror Cell Was Committed to Attack in Spain: Cops
An ISIS-linked group that was committed to carrying out a jihadist attack in Madrid was broken up on Tuesday, Spanish police said.

Should we greet them this way??? Think they'll just join arms and break out in "Kumbaya" ?
View attachment 54522

We have 5000 or however many nuclear weapons. Any country that tries to destroy us will disappear.

What more do you want?

The truth.
And what do you think this "truth" is exactly?

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Well, Marc, we can begin with the fact that it is not true that any country that tries to destroy us will disappear.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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I applauded Rand Paul for saying that. He seems to be the only one who can grasp the vast complexity of the economy and its relationship to military spending.
YEA that makes sense you were high as your comment about "fixing roads" shows sense of priorities.
So if we had an EMP attack from IRAN what good is "fixing roads" if we have NO security that would have prevented the EMP attack?
Or say we decide "hell we don't need any military"... let's fix our roads... great incentive then for China/Russia/Iran/ you name the country to make an
effort to take our country over because after all we've "fixed our roads"... with the money that would have defended us....YEA our enemies are with you..."Fix the roads"!
That way we won't have to either!!!

I'm not against good military pork projects. But then I find articles from 2011 that say stuff like this: U.S. Department of Defense is now working to rebuild and restaff the agency, hoping to add 4,100 civilian staff members by 2015.

Those staff members aren't protecting us. This is just big government beaurocrats. Growing the government. You guys aren't conservatives. You are brainwashed by the rich to think you or they are. You're all just dummies. If a Republican wins the white house, expect the debt to double or more on their watch. And you'll forget what chicken hawks you were when a black man was in the White House.
If Bush Jr. is any indication, and I believe that he is, we'll see the Neo-Cons rise to prominence if a Marco Rubio or any one of them somehow manages to steal, yet another, election.

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Too many people show up to vote in General Election Years. Add to that the potential for a first women President? OMG it is going to be historic. But expect it to be close. How close? That depends on who the GOP nominates. If it's Rubio or Jeb, I suspect it'll be like 2000 when Gore actually won but this time Jeb isn't the Governor of Florida. BUT, I'm sure Rubio is heavily connected in Florida. So is Jeb. Shoot! Hope they don't steal Florida again.

All this talk about Fiorino and Carson is a joke. Why even bother discussing them? The GOP are only using them as their token women/blacks.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
I'm not against good military pork projects. But then I find articles from 2011 that say stuff like this: U.S. Department of Defense is now working to rebuild and restaff the agency, hoping to add 4,100 civilian staff members by 2015.

Those staff members aren't protecting us. This is just big government beaurocrats. Growing the government. You guys aren't conservatives. You are brainwashed by the rich to think you or they are. You're all just dummies. If a Republican wins the white house, expect the debt to double or more on their watch. And you'll forget what chicken hawks you were when a black man was in the White House.
If Bush Jr. is any indication, and I believe that he is, we'll see the Neo-Cons rise to prominence if a Marco Rubio or any one of them somehow manages to steal, yet another, election.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Too many people show up to vote in General Election Years. Add to that the potential for a first women President? OMG it is going to be historic. But expect it to be close. How close? That depends on who the GOP nominates. If it's Rubio or Jeb, I suspect it'll be like 2000 when Gore actually won but this time Jeb isn't the Governor of Florida. BUT, I'm sure Rubio is heavily connected in Florida. So is Jeb. Shoot! Hope they don't steal Florida again.

All this talk about Fiorino and Carson is a joke. Why even bother discussing them? The GOP are only using them as their token women/blacks.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
So why are you trying so hard to convince me that Trump can't win? I would think you would keep quiet while I make such a big mistake in your favor.
How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?

Says the guy who has no idea how much of the budget military spending consists of...
I know what welfare spending consists of.
And your monthly check is?
Which one? I have man customers who send me a check every month.
If Bush Jr. is any indication, and I believe that he is, we'll see the Neo-Cons rise to prominence if a Marco Rubio or any one of them somehow manages to steal, yet another, election.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Too many people show up to vote in General Election Years. Add to that the potential for a first women President? OMG it is going to be historic. But expect it to be close. How close? That depends on who the GOP nominates. If it's Rubio or Jeb, I suspect it'll be like 2000 when Gore actually won but this time Jeb isn't the Governor of Florida. BUT, I'm sure Rubio is heavily connected in Florida. So is Jeb. Shoot! Hope they don't steal Florida again.

All this talk about Fiorino and Carson is a joke. Why even bother discussing them? The GOP are only using them as their token women/blacks.
After the last presidential election the GOP studied the results of the election to determine what the party needed to do to win the presidency. They concluded that you can not win the presidency with just white votes. You have to appeal to minorities. You have to appeal to more women voters. Now the leader in the primaries is Trump, a candidate who will lose black, Hispanics, and women voters.
That's what YOU think.
A Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of him. According to Gallup, 65% of Hispanic voters have an unfavorably view of Trump while only 25% have a favorable view. A CNN poll showed only 20% of Black voters had a favorable view of Trump. The bottom line is Trump supporters are predominately white males, the same demographic problem that defeated both McCain and Romney.
So why are you trying so hard to convince me that Trump can't win? I would think you would keep quiet while I make such a big mistake in your favor.
Honestly he'd be my first choice of all the Republicans.

I want you to be pissed when the GOP tells you rubio is your nominee. McCain Romney then rubio.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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we are at war, so making cuts to defense is ignorant and dangerous.

what we need to do is shut down all these foreign ports and bases. we got stuff everywhere, 'just in case'.
How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?
Find jobs for these able bodied parasites and we can talk

They can find their own jobs....south of the border.
That makes no sense at all, not even nonsense.

Makes total sense for those of us with a brain.
No, sense is sense.You want to send Americans south of the border where there are no jobs.
We need to realize, the neocon foreign policy model, is not only harmful to this country, it threatens the very existence of life on planet earth.

Because of neocons, we've spent over $6 trillion dollars on two bullshit wars and got nothing in return.

Because of neocons, we've been in a state of war for over a decade!

Because of neocons, we're the most hated country on the planet.

And because of neocons, if things escalate in Syria and the South China Sea, in which we have a nuclear exchange with Russia and China, there exists the possibility all life on planet earth would be extinguished.

We need to cut our defense budget in half.

We need to close the over 1000 bases around the world.

We need to end all these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years.

We need to get the fuck out of Africa.

And we need to stop all weapons shipments to Israel.

We also need to tell the neocons to go fuck themselves!
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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adding a trillion when they have cut more than that isnt adding.
The fact is fact: $1 Trillion more in spending is not conservative.

I have been telling you guys that the GOP is a Progressive Statist party.

And you are merely mouthing your Democrat Parody propaganda. Seriously, Fakey. You might as well give it up.

You are NEVER taken seriously since every facet of your presence here is KNOWN to be buttressed by what a phony you are.
You are talking to yourself in the mirror, not me, old buddy.

1 trillion more is now conservative in your mind. You are a strange duck.
The fact is fact: $1 Trillion more in spending is not conservative.

I have been telling you guys that the GOP is a Progressive Statist party.

And you are merely mouthing your Democrat Parody propaganda. Seriously, Fakey. You might as well give it up.

You are NEVER taken seriously since every facet of your presence here is KNOWN to be buttressed by what a phony you are.
You are talking to yourself in the mirror, not me, old buddy.

1 trillion more is now conservative in your mind. You are a strange duck.
All good conservatives know this.

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