How does one PREVENT women and minorities from Voting?

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Women and minorities are poor in this country. They have to be resourceful to stay afloat. I know you think getting your name on the voters roll and getting an ID card are simple. Not when you don't have transportation, and the lux to take the day off if you need to. Even absentee ballots are hard to obtain. I got a form from the election commission and it needs to be made a doc to fill in the questions and email it back. Who approves what names come off the rolls? Are they elected officials? Simple matters to you are mountains they have to overcome. Why not have a voting place for 30 people if they are disadvantaged. Do elections cost a lot of money? Or do you think it's okay to leave women and minorities off the voting rolls?

My county does exactly that! They can vote in person at the county clerk's office BEFORE the election. If they need transportation, they can call our transit authority for door-to-door service.

You don't mind if I verify your info do you? What County are you talking about and what State.

I don't like stalkers. It's none of your damn business.

YOu can believe what I say, because for what reason would I make up such an elaborate lie? I leave making up elaborate lies to you!

And I don't like liars and it IS my damned business. You made the claim and I am demanding you back it up. That means you just pulled it out your ass.
He can't. Republicans only lie.
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that co only affects minorities not your word.

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election The election was stolen by a voter purge and poll closings.
Voter purges are MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW. As for consolidation it is no more a burden to minorities then to whites and it is needed to save money and shut down poll sites that attracted 20 people. only.
Shutting down polls in minority areas is voter suppression. Vote by mail is the only way now. Republicans totally corrupted the system.
Liar. Provide EVIDENCE that with consolidation ONLY minority areas were effected.

The closure of the polling and voting place right down the street is in a high degree of Latino area as well as Handicap. Having to drive or transport 3 miles to the nearest polling place does discourage voters and it just so happens this is a minority and handicapped area who are more likely to vote Democrat. You don't have to believe it. You don't live here and your opinion means zippo. The people here use mailin ballots instead. That somewhat negated the shinanigans of closing the polling and voting place just down the street.
People like you seem to think the government paying for survival is a right. It is not. It is a gift from the taxpayer. And to many times it is not even appreciated. Some have earned it. Most are living of of the pity of others. Frankly, there is some truth for most of us all to some extent. You are a harbinger of your own demise. And the demise of a part of our nation that is not healthy. There is empathy and compassion. However there are tens of millions of people and tens of million more struggling to provide not only for themselves, but their families. We will see how this pandemic goes. Hopefully things will not change much. But you can sense we will lose more rights. Making it easier to deny people what you crave. Or worse, people who who do not agree with the new stringent rules and laws.

Wrong. Voting is a RIGHT, not something you can manipulate, take away at to your pleasure. And the manipulation of the Voting has nothing to do with the Pandemic. It's been going on long before that critter showed up. You just pulled your usual stunt of "Hey, look over there". Sorry, won't do that.

Hey Daryl, didn't the Democrats just try to nullify the 2016 election using phony 'Russia' propaganda? Talk about taking one's rights away.
Our intelligence agencies confirmed that Russian propaganda was working for Trump. Please provide documented counter evidence, or you are.
Our intel agencies were using unverified, Russian generated propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally secure a FISA warrant to spy on Trump how can you rely on them? Remember too, Adam Schiff was head of the House Select Intelligence Committee and openly lied many times the most recent incident is when he supposedly read a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and made up what it said. Sorry, at that time, the intelligence community was run by corrupt Obama appointees.

So we bagged the Russians for sticking their fingers into the 2016 election. Good.

And now we show they are still doing it and you Party of the Rumpers are still eating that crap of a cracker like there is no tomarrow.
They are traitors for working with an adversary to cheat in an election.
And YET you can not provide a SINGLE piece of evidence or provide a source for that claim, BUT we can provide a sworn statement that at NO time did the Trump campaign collude with the Russians.
Fact check: Breaking down Adam Schiff's account of Trump's Ukraine call And by the way, multiple Trump officials testified against Trump, solidifying his guilt.

And I think it is hilarious that you actually think Trump did not collude with the Russians. The evidence is there that he did.
Mueller found nothing and the so called 'evidence' was all hearsay. What is hilarious is that your CNN link also states: "At some points, Schiff's words strayed quite far from what the rough transcript showed Trump saying." :auiqs.jpg: Ha Ha....Not even CNN really believes Schiff. What's really funny is when they quote Schiff as saying he was relaying the 'essence' of the transcript. If you ask me Schiff's 'essence' stinks pretty badly.
The most important part solidifying the truthfulness in Schiffs readings, is the simple fact it went unchallenged. No one from the Right on the committee were more exposed and flat footed, that they never presented any factual defense for Trump.
And yet Mueller says unproven. A 2 year investigation found no compelling facts to support the claim.
Mueller testified that Trump could be criminally indicted for obstruction of justice when he leaves office.
No he did not, provide a link to that statement. Be very specific and show where Mueller either wrote that or said that and No I won't take 2nd hand reference.
Apples and Oranges. You aren't talking about whether mailin ballots are good or bad.

Of course i am.. For it to be UNIVERSAL and the MAJORITY of ballots would be a bigger disaster than hanging chad...

If you have a universal mailin system that has no checks and balances (Audits before, during and after) you are right. But introduce the Audits and things change. With the system we have in Colorado Mailin ballots are acctually better than even voting in person. The states that are the hardest battling the mailin ballots are also the ones without the Audits in place. ALL the states should have the audits in place regardless because they remove the dishonesty from the voting. But it ends up that no matter how the voting is done, without the audits a degree of fraud voting will occur. Common sense says that Universal Mailin Ballots also will be accompanied with the Audits and the hardest fraud voting states just can't have that in their Boss Hawg systems.

Now, let's see you do that for about 150 million voters.

Considering most of it is done by computers and scanners, it can be done much better than a human sitting there counting each ballot and recording it. The Human only gets involved when there is a problem. If the State hires the right people to setup the computer system like we did then it works. It works just find for our 5 million people. The only glitches in the system have been human created and the Audits have corrected those. IF it works for 5 million, hire the same people to do the 10 mil or 50 mil or more instead of the computer hacks that run around getting hired by states like California.

For mail-in ballots, what is to prevent someone else taking your ballot, completing it, and mailing it in with their choices?
So why is it good for Trump then?
And yet Mueller says unproven. A 2 year investigation found no compelling facts to support the claim.
Mueller testified that Trump could be criminally indicted for obstruction of justice when he leaves office.
No he did not, provide a link to that statement. Be very specific and show where Mueller either wrote that or said that and No I won't take 2nd hand reference.
As always, you lose again; And I don't care about your reference requirements by the way; I mean seriously boss, do you live in a closet?Mueller says Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office
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Look dumb ass he was not asked if the evidence supported that he was asked if a President could be charged after he left office. The follow on question was never asked, Now either find me a statement from Mueller that says the President committed obstruction or go away. The AG determined NO OBSTRUCTION OCCURRED. And Mueller did NOT dispute that at any time.
Look dumb ass he was not asked if the evidence supported that he was asked if a President could be charged after he left office. The follow on question was never asked, Now either find me a statement from Mueller that says the President committed obstruction or go away. The AG determined NO OBSTRUCTION OCCURRED. And Mueller did NOT dispute that at any time.
In Mueller's own words, he said that Trump could be prosecuted for obstruction after he left office, on video. The follow up question was asked in the video. The whole world watched him say it. Are you blind and deaf? Or are you just a liar?
Look dumb ass he was not asked if the evidence supported that he was asked if a President could be charged after he left office. The follow on question was never asked, Now either find me a statement from Mueller that says the President committed obstruction or go away. The AG determined NO OBSTRUCTION OCCURRED. And Mueller did NOT dispute that at any time.
There are really only two options. You are either blind and deaf, or you are a liar ? And I could care less which one it is, but the evidence kicked you square in the nuts;
Apples and Oranges. You aren't talking about whether mailin ballots are good or bad.

Of course i am.. For it to be UNIVERSAL and the MAJORITY of ballots would be a bigger disaster than hanging chad...

If you have a universal mailin system that has no checks and balances (Audits before, during and after) you are right. But introduce the Audits and things change. With the system we have in Colorado Mailin ballots are acctually better than even voting in person. The states that are the hardest battling the mailin ballots are also the ones without the Audits in place. ALL the states should have the audits in place regardless because they remove the dishonesty from the voting. But it ends up that no matter how the voting is done, without the audits a degree of fraud voting will occur. Common sense says that Universal Mailin Ballots also will be accompanied with the Audits and the hardest fraud voting states just can't have that in their Boss Hawg systems.

Now, let's see you do that for about 150 million voters.

Considering most of it is done by computers and scanners, it can be done much better than a human sitting there counting each ballot and recording it. The Human only gets involved when there is a problem. If the State hires the right people to setup the computer system like we did then it works. It works just find for our 5 million people. The only glitches in the system have been human created and the Audits have corrected those. IF it works for 5 million, hire the same people to do the 10 mil or 50 mil or more instead of the computer hacks that run around getting hired by states like California.

For mail-in ballots, what is to prevent someone else taking your ballot, completing it, and mailing it in with their choices?

Not a thing. Except if you vote your vote will show up twice and both are disgarded. You really should have been more careful with your ballot, shouldn't you. Then they have the After Election Audit. What happens? You should ask the old State Republican Chairman that question. He's doing prison time for doing just that with his Ex Wifes ballot. She moved after the divorce and voted in another state where she established legal residency. There was one other in 2018 and He was a Republican as well where he used someone else's mailin ballot. It's taken very, very serious around these her parts. Where you are, they might just sweep it under the rug but here, it's a full blown prison bound felony.

The commission is made up of both Democrats and Republicans appointed by the Governor's office.

What if you just didn't complete it at all? Someone else can complete the ballot and submit it. There is no check for that?

Then you should have destroyed it. Had you torn it up, I am quite sure that a mailin ballot held together with scotch tape and super glue would get caught in the Election Audit and be investigated.

Libtards are not smart enough to do that. They will also just wait for the local Democrat precinct official to come collect the unused ballot so they can ensure that it is used to their benefit.

Are you really this stupid? Yes, you must be. With the Audits in place I doubt if the Republicans are going to sit idly by and allow that. Vice Versa for the other way around. That is, unless the Republicans are that stupid and I give Republicans more credit than that. Although the only two recorded mailin voter frauds for 2018 were both Republicans.
Women and minorities are poor in this country. They have to be resourceful to stay afloat. I know you think getting your name on the voters roll and getting an ID card are simple. Not when you don't have transportation, and the lux to take the day off if you need to. Even absentee ballots are hard to obtain. I got a form from the election commission and it needs to be made a doc to fill in the questions and email it back. Who approves what names come off the rolls? Are they elected officials? Simple matters to you are mountains they have to overcome. Why not have a voting place for 30 people if they are disadvantaged. Do elections cost a lot of money? Or do you think it's okay to leave women and minorities off the voting rolls?

My county does exactly that! They can vote in person at the county clerk's office BEFORE the election. If they need transportation, they can call our transit authority for door-to-door service.

You don't mind if I verify your info do you? What County are you talking about and what State.

I don't like stalkers. It's none of your damn business.

YOu can believe what I say, because for what reason would I make up such an elaborate lie? I leave making up elaborate lies to you!

And I don't like liars and it IS my damned business. You made the claim and I am demanding you back it up. That means you just pulled it out your ass.
He can't. Republicans only lie.

They are Republicans. They are "The Party of the Rump". Republicans want the whole lot thrown out worse than you Democrats do.
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that co only affects minorities not your word.

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election The election was stolen by a voter purge and poll closings.
Voter purges are MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW. As for consolidation it is no more a burden to minorities then to whites and it is needed to save money and shut down poll sites that attracted 20 people. only.
Shutting down polls in minority areas is voter suppression. Vote by mail is the only way now. Republicans totally corrupted the system.
Liar. Provide EVIDENCE that with consolidation ONLY minority areas were effected.

The closure of the polling and voting place right down the street is in a high degree of Latino area as well as Handicap. Having to drive or transport 3 miles to the nearest polling place does discourage voters and it just so happens this is a minority and handicapped area who are more likely to vote Democrat. You don't have to believe it. You don't live here and your opinion means zippo. The people here use mailin ballots instead. That somewhat negated the shinanigans of closing the polling and voting place just down the street.
People like you seem to think the government paying for survival is a right. It is not. It is a gift from the taxpayer. And to many times it is not even appreciated. Some have earned it. Most are living of of the pity of others. Frankly, there is some truth for most of us all to some extent. You are a harbinger of your own demise. And the demise of a part of our nation that is not healthy. There is empathy and compassion. However there are tens of millions of people and tens of million more struggling to provide not only for themselves, but their families. We will see how this pandemic goes. Hopefully things will not change much. But you can sense we will lose more rights. Making it easier to deny people what you crave. Or worse, people who who do not agree with the new stringent rules and laws.

Wrong. Voting is a RIGHT, not something you can manipulate, take away at to your pleasure. And the manipulation of the Voting has nothing to do with the Pandemic. It's been going on long before that critter showed up. You just pulled your usual stunt of "Hey, look over there". Sorry, won't do that.

Hey Daryl, didn't the Democrats just try to nullify the 2016 election using phony 'Russia' propaganda? Talk about taking one's rights away.
Our intelligence agencies confirmed that Russian propaganda was working for Trump. Please provide documented counter evidence, or you are.
Our intel agencies were using unverified, Russian generated propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally secure a FISA warrant to spy on Trump how can you rely on them? Remember too, Adam Schiff was head of the House Select Intelligence Committee and openly lied many times the most recent incident is when he supposedly read a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and made up what it said. Sorry, at that time, the intelligence community was run by corrupt Obama appointees.
There is no such thing as an illegal FISA warrant. You are a liar, because you cannot provide evidence the warrant was illegal.

There is also no evidence Schiff made up a transcript of the Ukraine call, because the Republicans on committee had zero defense or documentation to counter Schiffs reading of the call. You are a liar again. You keep walking into the fire on purpose, and you leave yourself with no way out.
LOL Schiff did NOT read the call he made up what it said, you ARE the lying MORON.
You didn't show documentation of that. You are the liar. And calling me a Moron, only proves I'm right, because the truth wins, and your lies lose.
LOL you deny that Schiff paraphrased and did not read the call? It was on National News.

Thank you for suing the word "paraphrase". That is exactly what he did. But he didn't lie. He took the known facts and paraphrased them to make it sound as bad it really was.
And yet Mueller says unproven. A 2 year investigation found no compelling facts to support the claim.
Mueller testified that Trump could be criminally indicted for obstruction of justice when he leaves office.
No he did not, provide a link to that statement. Be very specific and show where Mueller either wrote that or said that and No I won't take 2nd hand reference.
As always, you lose again; And I don't care about your reference requirements by the way; I mean seriously boss, do you live in a closet?Mueller says Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office

Ha Ha.....A video of Mueller mewling, stuttering and making statements he can't ethically back. From MSNBC no less!! Man, you guys sure like sucking up Democrat propaganda!!!

"The New York Times recently unearthed a thorough legal memo, prepared twenty years ago for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, that advances the view that a sitting president can be indicted while still in office. For those keeping score, this new memo sharpens an internal divide within the Department of Justice on this important question. Two memos authored by the Office of Legal Counsel—one in 1973, in the midst of the Nixon impeachment saga, the other in 2000, on the heels of the Clinton impeachment saga—take the view that a sitting president is immune from indictment. By contrast, two different memos—authored by the Office of Special Counsel investigating Nixon, and the Office of Independent Counsel investigating Clinton—reach the opposite conclusion."

So, it appears that the truth is a casualty once again to Muller and sheeple like you who would follow him of a cliff it meant getting Trump. No wonder Mueller was babbling and stumbling like a drunken sailor in that video..... :auiqs.jpg:
And yet Mueller says unproven. A 2 year investigation found no compelling facts to support the claim.
Mueller testified that Trump could be criminally indicted for obstruction of justice when he leaves office.

Rump opened up a can of worms. NEVER has a previous President been indicted. The closest in my lifetime has been Nixon and Clinton. Both times, the incoming President cut a deal where they didn't get off scott free and pardoned them. Rump is trying to lock up the last administration. Biden won public support when he stated that there would be no Pardon for Rump. And that goes for whomever is the Democrat President in 2025. The Party of the Rump Orange Individual 1 just sunk his own boat which is his typical way of operating
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that co only affects minorities not your word.

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election The election was stolen by a voter purge and poll closings.
Voter purges are MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW. As for consolidation it is no more a burden to minorities then to whites and it is needed to save money and shut down poll sites that attracted 20 people. only.
Shutting down polls in minority areas is voter suppression. Vote by mail is the only way now. Republicans totally corrupted the system.
Liar. Provide EVIDENCE that with consolidation ONLY minority areas were effected.

The closure of the polling and voting place right down the street is in a high degree of Latino area as well as Handicap. Having to drive or transport 3 miles to the nearest polling place does discourage voters and it just so happens this is a minority and handicapped area who are more likely to vote Democrat. You don't have to believe it. You don't live here and your opinion means zippo. The people here use mailin ballots instead. That somewhat negated the shinanigans of closing the polling and voting place just down the street.
People like you seem to think the government paying for survival is a right. It is not. It is a gift from the taxpayer. And to many times it is not even appreciated. Some have earned it. Most are living of of the pity of others. Frankly, there is some truth for most of us all to some extent. You are a harbinger of your own demise. And the demise of a part of our nation that is not healthy. There is empathy and compassion. However there are tens of millions of people and tens of million more struggling to provide not only for themselves, but their families. We will see how this pandemic goes. Hopefully things will not change much. But you can sense we will lose more rights. Making it easier to deny people what you crave. Or worse, people who who do not agree with the new stringent rules and laws.

Wrong. Voting is a RIGHT, not something you can manipulate, take away at to your pleasure. And the manipulation of the Voting has nothing to do with the Pandemic. It's been going on long before that critter showed up. You just pulled your usual stunt of "Hey, look over there". Sorry, won't do that.

Hey Daryl, didn't the Democrats just try to nullify the 2016 election using phony 'Russia' propaganda? Talk about taking one's rights away.
Our intelligence agencies confirmed that Russian propaganda was working for Trump. Please provide documented counter evidence, or you are.
Our intel agencies were using unverified, Russian generated propaganda (Steele Dossier) to illegally secure a FISA warrant to spy on Trump how can you rely on them? Remember too, Adam Schiff was head of the House Select Intelligence Committee and openly lied many times the most recent incident is when he supposedly read a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and made up what it said. Sorry, at that time, the intelligence community was run by corrupt Obama appointees.
There is no such thing as an illegal FISA warrant. You are a liar, because you cannot provide evidence the warrant was illegal.

There is also no evidence Schiff made up a transcript of the Ukraine call, because the Republicans on committee had zero defense or documentation to counter Schiffs reading of the call. You are a liar again. You keep walking into the fire on purpose, and you leave yourself with no way out.
LOL Schiff did NOT read the call he made up what it said, you ARE the lying MORON.
You didn't show documentation of that. You are the liar. And calling me a Moron, only proves I'm right, because the truth wins, and your lies lose.
LOL you deny that Schiff paraphrased and did not read the call? It was on National News.

Thank you for suing the word "paraphrase". That is exactly what he did. But he didn't lie. He took the known facts and paraphrased them to make it sound as bad it really was.
And yet Mueller says unproven. A 2 year investigation found no compelling facts to support the claim.
Mueller testified that Trump could be criminally indicted for obstruction of justice when he leaves office.
No he did not, provide a link to that statement. Be very specific and show where Mueller either wrote that or said that and No I won't take 2nd hand reference.
As always, you lose again; And I don't care about your reference requirements by the way; I mean seriously boss, do you live in a closet?Mueller says Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office

Ha Ha.....A video of Mueller mewling, stuttering and making statements he can't ethically back. From MSNBC no less!! Man, you guys sure like sucking up Democrat propaganda!!!

"The New York Times recently unearthed a thorough legal memo, prepared twenty years ago for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, that advances the view that a sitting president can be indicted while still in office. For those keeping score, this new memo sharpens an internal divide within the Department of Justice on this important question. Two memos authored by the Office of Legal Counsel—one in 1973, in the midst of the Nixon impeachment saga, the other in 2000, on the heels of the Clinton impeachment saga—take the view that a sitting president is immune from indictment. By contrast, two different memos—authored by the Office of Special Counsel investigating Nixon, and the Office of Independent Counsel investigating Clinton—reach the opposite conclusion."

So, it appears that the truth is a casualty once again to Muller and sheeple like you who would follow him of a cliff it meant getting Trump. No wonder Mueller was babbling and stumbling like a drunken sailor in that video..... :auiqs.jpg:

I don't think either of them should apply. I do think we need a President that will do what is Good for the Nation much like Nixon did by resigning. There wasn't enough support in the Senate to remove him from office. It's for the good of the Nation not for the Good of the Rump. This is why I was against the Senate removing Rump. But they should have given him a really bad tongue lashing and started ignoring by voting by at least 2/3s on every bill. And rebuked him and over road him of any and all Executive Orders. Rump would have lasted about a month after that. Pence would do a better job.
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that consolidation only affects minorities not your word.

I live here. You don't. The Polling Place used to be within 100 feet of a lot of retired people who can't drive. You don't like what I say, you come here and prove me wrong. Of course, you would have to drive 3 miles from here to the nearest voting place. There is nothing to prove. No cite needed. Firsthand observation trumps your Rump logic.
If they have no way to the voting booth (that's a LIE), they have absentee voting. In Michigan ANYONE can vote absentee without a reason (I strongly oppose that)
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that consolidation only affects minorities not your word.

I live here. You don't. The Polling Place used to be within 100 feet of a lot of retired people who can't drive. You don't like what I say, you come here and prove me wrong. Of course, you would have to drive 3 miles from here to the nearest voting place. There is nothing to prove. No cite needed. Firsthand observation trumps your Rump logic.
If they have no way to the voting booth (that's a LIE), they have absentee voting. In Michigan ANYONE can vote absentee without a reason (I strongly oppose that)

If the State has a decent Audit System in place then it's actually more secure than voting in person. The Fake ID can't be used for same day registration. If they don't have the audits in place then the elections are "Boss Hawg" Specials and the ruling party can cheat it's little ol heart out.
Mueller said the President is immune from prosecution and that is why he did not pursue. He claimed to have evidence, he had none so he lied about the OLC saying that Trump was immune from prosecution as President. The truth is the OLC is split on this and, if Mueller had anything at all he would have pursued. What a fucking liar and what stupid sheep the leftists on this Forum are. Hey BWK.....Yeah that's you. Where did you go 'boss?'
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