How does one PREVENT women and minorities from Voting?

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Apples and Oranges. You aren't talking about whether mailin ballots are good or bad.

Of course i am.. For it to be UNIVERSAL and the MAJORITY of ballots would be a bigger disaster than hanging chad...

If you have a universal mailin system that has no checks and balances (Audits before, during and after) you are right. But introduce the Audits and things change. With the system we have in Colorado Mailin ballots are acctually better than even voting in person. The states that are the hardest battling the mailin ballots are also the ones without the Audits in place. ALL the states should have the audits in place regardless because they remove the dishonesty from the voting. But it ends up that no matter how the voting is done, without the audits a degree of fraud voting will occur. Common sense says that Universal Mailin Ballots also will be accompanied with the Audits and the hardest fraud voting states just can't have that in their Boss Hawg systems.
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I keep hearing this from retarded lefties that somehow voter ID or purging the rolls or consolidating voting stations prevents women and minorities from voting. Would one of you Morons please post SPECIFICALLY how it is more detrimental to these groups then say White Men?
Its not , the left just believe women and minorities are stupid.

Because you say so. Then it must be true. Damn, you are so brilliant.
I keep hearing this from retarded lefties that somehow voter ID or purging the rolls or consolidating voting stations prevents women and minorities from voting. Would one of you Morons please post SPECIFICALLY how it is more detrimental to these groups then say White Men?
Voter ID laws

The closing of election venues in minority communities

Refusing to allow early voting

Shelby County v. Holder

“Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.”

The reprehensible right is doing all it can to prevent voters perceived to be ‘Democratic’ voters from voting.
There are no 'Democratics' in the Democrat party. Hell, even what they call themselves is an obfuscation. The 'right' is trying to PREVENT dead Democrats from voting if you ask me. Now they want mail in voting....I guess because it's hard to pass of a dead body as a live voter at the polls.

Along with the mailin voting comes the Audits which should have been in place all along. The Party of the Rump (not the right) wants to prevent even live Democrats and even Republicans from voting.
No one is preventing anyone from voting. Especially Republicans who have a winning candidate in Trump. The whole 'mail in' garbage is an attempt by the Democrats to stuff the ballot box. That's all they have left.
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that co only affects minorities not your word.

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election The election was stolen by a voter purge and poll closings.
Voter purges are MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW. As for consolidation it is no more a burden to minorities then to whites and it is needed to save money and shut down poll sites that attracted 20 people. only.
Shutting down polls in minority areas is voter suppression. Vote by mail is the only way now. Republicans totally corrupted the system.
Liar. Provide EVIDENCE that with consolidation ONLY minority areas were effected.

The closure of the polling and voting place right down the street is in a high degree of Latino area as well as Handicap. Having to drive or transport 3 miles to the nearest polling place does discourage voters and it just so happens this is a minority and handicapped area who are more likely to vote Democrat. You don't have to believe it. You don't live here and your opinion means zippo. The people here use mailin ballots instead. That somewhat negated the shinanigans of closing the polling and voting place just down the street.
People like you seem to think the government paying for survival is a right. It is not. It is a gift from the taxpayer. And to many times it is not even appreciated. Some have earned it. Most are living of of the pity of others. Frankly, there is some truth for most of us all to some extent. You are a harbinger of your own demise. And the demise of a part of our nation that is not healthy. There is empathy and compassion. However there are tens of millions of people and tens of million more struggling to provide not only for themselves, but their families. We will see how this pandemic goes. Hopefully things will not change much. But you can sense we will lose more rights. Making it easier to deny people what you crave. Or worse, people who who do not agree with the new stringent rules and laws.

Wrong. Voting is a RIGHT, not something you can manipulate, take away at to your pleasure. And the manipulation of the Voting has nothing to do with the Pandemic. It's been going on long before that critter showed up. You just pulled your usual stunt of "Hey, look over there". Sorry, won't do that.

Hey Daryl, didn't the Democrats just try to nullify the 2016 election using phony 'Russia' propaganda? Talk about taking one's rights away.

Nope, when all the smoke cleared, the EC spoke and it was done and over. Yet another "Hey, look over there" routine coming from you.
Where ya been Daryl? They spent 3+ years trying to nullify the EC. Come on now.

Rump should have been thrown out on his ear. It has nothing to do with the EC. It has to do with his own actions and the actions of his criminal followers AFTER he got into office. No PResident in history has ever has misused his office that badly for his own personal gains. And what it's done is released him to do even worse. I mean, who's going to stop him?
Bullshit, Democrat talking points. No evidence, just hysterical blathering. ^^^^^^^^
prevents women and minorities from voting.
Women have had Constitutionally protected voting rights since women's suffrage was ratified in 1920. Minors aren't allowed to vote until they're 18. Good grief. The Dems in charge of the ballot box ain't that educated. They've always got the wimmuns & chilluns to vote the political machine in for the next term.
I keep hearing this from retarded lefties that somehow voter ID or purging the rolls or consolidating voting stations prevents women and minorities from voting. Would one of you Morons please post SPECIFICALLY how it is more detrimental to these groups then say White Men?
Its not , the left just believe women and minorities are stupid.

Because you say so. Then it must be true. Damn, you are so brilliant.
Smartest think you said in quite a while . Congrats.
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that consolidation only affects minorities not your word.

I live here. You don't. The Polling Place used to be within 100 feet of a lot of retired people who can't drive. You don't like what I say, you come here and prove me wrong. Of course, you would have to drive 3 miles from here to the nearest voting place. There is nothing to prove. No cite needed. Firsthand observation trumps your Rump logic.

3 miles is really close .

To a person in a wheel chair or a walker it just a well be on the other side of the Galaxy.

I laugh
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that consolidation only affects minorities not your word.

I live here. You don't. The Polling Place used to be within 100 feet of a lot of retired people who can't drive. You don't like what I say, you come here and prove me wrong. Of course, you would have to drive 3 miles from here to the nearest voting place. There is nothing to prove. No cite needed. Firsthand observation trumps your Rump logic.

3 miles is really close .

To a person in a wheel chair or a walker it just a well be on the other side of the Galaxy.

That is why they make absentee ballots or early voting.
Democrats want to mail ppl that don’t want to 1 million ballots every day for a year, with propaganda attached
Women and minorities are poor in this country. They have to be resourceful to stay afloat. I know you think getting your name on the voters roll and getting an ID card are simple. Not when you don't have transportation, and the lux to take the day off if you need to. Even absentee ballots are hard to obtain. I got a form from the election commission and it needs to be made a doc to fill in the questions and email it back. Who approves what names come off the rolls? Are they elected officials? Simple matters to you are mountains they have to overcome. Why not have a voting place for 30 people if they are disadvantaged. Do elections cost a lot of money? Or do you think it's okay to leave women and minorities off the voting rolls?

My county does exactly that! They can vote in person at the county clerk's office BEFORE the election. If they need transportation, they can call our transit authority for door-to-door service.
Apples and Oranges. You aren't talking about whether mailin ballots are good or bad.

Of course i am.. For it to be UNIVERSAL and the MAJORITY of ballots would be a bigger disaster than hanging chad...

If you have a universal mailin system that has no checks and balances (Audits before, during and after) you are right. But introduce the Audits and things change. With the system we have in Colorado Mailin ballots are acctually better than even voting in person. The states that are the hardest battling the mailin ballots are also the ones without the Audits in place. ALL the states should have the audits in place regardless because they remove the dishonesty from the voting. But it ends up that no matter how the voting is done, without the audits a degree of fraud voting will occur. Common sense says that Universal Mailin Ballots also will be accompanied with the Audits and the hardest fraud voting states just can't have that in their Boss Hawg systems.

Now, let's see you do that for about 150 million voters.
Red States generally have fewer polling locations. Thus the wait to vote is longer, getting to the location is more inconvenient, then the purge of voter rolls, to some, becomes a partisan affair. All the reason more we lengthy early voting in all states mandated by federal statute.

Complete Bullcrap.. Red states are generally more sparely populated.. So are the Post Offices and OTHER govt facilities... Might have to go to the next nearest town.. That's the way it is.. Lines are NOWHERE as long as they are in San Fran Bay Area...
All the more reason to mandate lengthy early voting.

So you lengthen the early voting periods, shut down more polling places in depressed areas and what then? The lines don't get any shorter. You just get fewer lines. OR......

You can save money on the excess voting areas by mailin ballots and setup an election audit and an after election audit. You can't get a mailin ballot unless you are already a registered voter so you have already met that criteria. But you can't have a mailin ballot system without the Audit systems otherwise you are going to be courting disaster. What is sounds to me is that some are more afraid of the two Audit Systems than the mailin ballot system as it will completely shut down the behind the scenes fraud or nearly so. I will admit that some are more creative in cheating than others but sooner or later, they get bagged.
Mail in ballots too. Another good idea.

Not if they are "HARVESTED" like the Dems proposed in legislation.. Creates an INDUSTRY of partisan "monkey wrenchers" handling mail-in ballots INSTEAD of the US Postal service.. Whoops!!! I lost the 25 ballots that didn't vote right????
Sorry you lost your ballots.

So the legislation says something is being harvested or are you just making crap up?

Mail in ballots are NOT secure,.. Traditionally you needed to check a box for a REASON to vote by mail.. This limited the number of ballots that would have to be SIGNATURE compared and pass muster on CHALLENGES to that signature.. In states like Cali, they've dropped those requirements making it easier to obtain and reroute those thru "vote harvesters"... Handling mail-in ballots NOT THRU THE MAIL, but by PAID operatives of either party.. Let the shenanigans begins.. And PART of those shenanigans is by making "mail in balotting more like Cali in that 1400 page communist manifesto that just past in the House...

In California, by contrast, Democrats exulted as they credited a quietly passed 2016 law legalizing ballot-harvesting with their recent sweep of House seats in the former Republican stronghold of Orange County, thereby helping them win control of the House. In that case, it was Republican eyebrows that were arched. House Speaker Paul Ryan said what happened in California “defies logic.”

In Orange County, an estimated 250,000 harvested ballots were reportedly dropped off on Election Day alone. County Republican Chairman Fred Whitaker claimed the 2016 law “directly caused the switch from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later.”

One interaction caught by a Santa Clarita family’s doorbell camera suggested how harvesting can work in practice. A harvester, identifying herself as Lulu, asks for Brandi, and says she is there to collect her ballot, explaining that there is “this new service, but only to, like, people who are supporting the Democratic Party.”

In fact, one TV station interviewed a harvester who claimed she was paid by Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., a local political operative, between $75 and $100 a week to pick up completed absentee ballots. Dowless has worked for numerous North Carolina politicians of both political parties.

Dowless’s connection to Harris’s campaign, which paid Harris’s employer $428,000 for administrative, staff and grassroots services, is prompting a national look at ballot harvesting, which is considered election fraud because North Carolina law specifically prohibits anyone from collecting ballots.

But evidence is emerging that Dowless wasn’t the only one harvesting in the Tar Heel State. WBTV, a Charlotte station, reviewed 796 official ballot envelopes of votes cast in Bladen County. The review identified 110 that were signed by two women who are listed as having been paid by a PAC connected to the North Carolina Democratic Party.

North Carolina is but one example of dubious ballot-harvesting nationwide. The practice is so common, harvesters even have their own region-specific names. In Florida, they’re known as “boleteros.” In Texas, they’re called “politiqueras.”
The military has been doing it for about 100 years
Red States generally have fewer polling locations. Thus the wait to vote is longer, getting to the location is more inconvenient, then the purge of voter rolls, to some, becomes a partisan affair. All the reason more we lengthy early voting in all states mandated by federal statute.

Complete Bullcrap.. Red states are generally more sparely populated.. So are the Post Offices and OTHER govt facilities... Might have to go to the next nearest town.. That's the way it is.. Lines are NOWHERE as long as they are in San Fran Bay Area...
All the more reason to mandate lengthy early voting.

So you lengthen the early voting periods, shut down more polling places in depressed areas and what then? The lines don't get any shorter. You just get fewer lines. OR......

You can save money on the excess voting areas by mailin ballots and setup an election audit and an after election audit. You can't get a mailin ballot unless you are already a registered voter so you have already met that criteria. But you can't have a mailin ballot system without the Audit systems otherwise you are going to be courting disaster. What is sounds to me is that some are more afraid of the two Audit Systems than the mailin ballot system as it will completely shut down the behind the scenes fraud or nearly so. I will admit that some are more creative in cheating than others but sooner or later, they get bagged.
Mail in ballots too. Another good idea.
The Right doesn't like that, because there will be too much voting by Democrats, and kills their poll closings scam in minority areas.

You dems just dont think things thru and LIKE to change the rules without debate about possible bad side effects of what you do.. Because you're TOO focused on outcomes to worry about the DETAILS and designs of your proposals...

To wit -- Mail in ballots are GREAT when they are used as they TRADITIONALLY have been used.. When you start COLLECTING mail-in ballots -- or Early Voting ballots FARTHER AND FARTHER AHEAD of the actual election date you risk -------- DISENFRANCHISING a LARGE segment of your voters..

The number of early votes cast in the Democratic primaries for Super Tuesday contests is 4 million, according to figures as of Monday provided by TargetSmart, the National Election Poll and state secretaries of state, which were analyzed independently by NBC News.

The total includes 1.6 million in California, where 415 delegates are at stake, or 30 percent of the Super Tuesday total.

Many of those voters, however, cast their ballots before three of the candidates withdrew: Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer. That led to frustration on the part of some of their supporters on Monday and Tuesday when they learned that their early votes had been wasted on candidates who were no longer in the race. (In almost all states, an early vote is final once it is cast.)

Many people also voted before they knew about some of the candidates' significant victories. Before the Nevada Democratic primary, which Bernie Sanders won by over 20 points, 1,117,435 Democratic primary voters in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas had already cast absentee ballots. Those voters didn't know about Sanders' overwhelming win in Nevada, so there may be a difference between the early vote in those states and the Election Day vote based on that result.

Possibly 10% or more of Democrats "spoiled" their ballots because of these ZEALOUS and excessive conveniences... But you don't care.. NOW -- you'll want DO-OVERS after the election to fix your screw-ups..

This is an example of how in your lust for power --- The Dem party has BECOME the party of disenfranchisement,.. With SUPER delegates that have 70,000 times the voting power of a normal voter. Or RULES on primaries that change at a mere WHIM from DNC.. Or making it illegal for ANYONE in Cali to get on a general election ballot in NOV, that didn't place first or second in their "Jungle Primary"...

Poor design and execution.. Leads to foot wounding debacles like the inability to count 70,000 caucus votes in Iowa after MONTHS of money effort and media hype.. Tops Geraldo Riviera for embarrassing LIVE coverage of a empty vault...

Your argument is ridiculous
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that co only affects minorities not your word.

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election The election was stolen by a voter purge and poll closings.
Voter purges are MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW. As for consolidation it is no more a burden to minorities then to whites and it is needed to save money and shut down poll sites that attracted 20 people. only.
Shutting down polls in minority areas is voter suppression. Vote by mail is the only way now. Republicans totally corrupted the system.
But voting by mail requires one to fill out a form, possibly an address, and going to a post office. Isn’t that voter suppression? That sounds like a very tough task to ask of people who can’t even get a photo ID made.
I keep hearing this from retarded lefties that somehow voter ID or purging the rolls or consolidating voting stations prevents women and minorities from voting. Would one of you Morons please post SPECIFICALLY how it is more detrimental to these groups then say White Men?
Voter ID laws

The closing of election venues in minority communities

Refusing to allow early voting

Shelby County v. Holder

“Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.”

The reprehensible right is doing all it can to prevent voters perceived to be ‘Democratic’ voters from voting.
There are no 'Democratics' in the Democrat party. Hell, even what they call themselves is an obfuscation. The 'right' is trying to PREVENT dead Democrats from voting if you ask me. Now they want mail in voting....I guess because it's hard to pass of a dead body as a live voter at the polls.

Along with the mailin voting comes the Audits which should have been in place all along. The Party of the Rump (not the right) wants to prevent even live Democrats and even Republicans from voting.
No one is preventing anyone from voting. Especially Republicans who have a winning candidate in Trump. The whole 'mail in' garbage is an attempt by the Democrats to stuff the ballot box. That's all they have left.

You still haven't given any good reasons why the mailin voting doesn't work. But I have a working State where it does work that put the safeguards into place. If they send you a mailin ballot, don't use it. That's your choice but don't deprive others their rights
Women and minorities are poor in this country. They have to be resourceful to stay afloat. I know you think getting your name on the voters roll and getting an ID card are simple. Not when you don't have transportation, and the lux to take the day off if you need to. Even absentee ballots are hard to obtain. I got a form from the election commission and it needs to be made a doc to fill in the questions and email it back. Who approves what names come off the rolls? Are they elected officials? Simple matters to you are mountains they have to overcome. Why not have a voting place for 30 people if they are disadvantaged. Do elections cost a lot of money? Or do you think it's okay to leave women and minorities off the voting rolls?

My county does exactly that! They can vote in person at the county clerk's office BEFORE the election. If they need transportation, they can call our transit authority for door-to-door service.

You don't mind if I verify your info do you? What County are you talking about and what State.
Because the dem party thinks women, blacks and Latinos are too stupid to do it properly

Me thinks that you are too stupid to do it Properly. I promote women in public office. They can't screw it up any worse than the men have.
Yea, im the stupid one when you cant logically attack the premise.

Are you saying that I don't support Women into Public Office? You can't have it both ways.
This thread is not about WHO to vote for it is about voter ID and consolidating voting Precincts, stay on topic and answer the question put forth.

Around here, they shut down the voting booths in the areas that would be considered Liberal Leaning. Those voting booths were there so that people that are confined to wheel chairs, can't drive, etc. now have to find a way to travel to a predominately Red area to vote. But we have mailin voting and the Party of the Rump is slipping fast. The Cheats are now made public.
LOL provide EVIDENCE that co only affects minorities not your word.

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election The election was stolen by a voter purge and poll closings.
Voter purges are MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW. As for consolidation it is no more a burden to minorities then to whites and it is needed to save money and shut down poll sites that attracted 20 people. only.
Shutting down polls in minority areas is voter suppression. Vote by mail is the only way now. Republicans totally corrupted the system.
But voting by mail requires one to fill out a form, possibly an address, and going to a post office. Isn’t that voter suppression? That sounds like a very tough task to ask of people who can’t even get a photo ID made.

Considering if you aren't already a registered voter, where did you get that ballot from in the first place? Don't let facts get in the way of a good Political lie, is that right?
Apples and Oranges. You aren't talking about whether mailin ballots are good or bad.

Of course i am.. For it to be UNIVERSAL and the MAJORITY of ballots would be a bigger disaster than hanging chad...

If you have a universal mailin system that has no checks and balances (Audits before, during and after) you are right. But introduce the Audits and things change. With the system we have in Colorado Mailin ballots are acctually better than even voting in person. The states that are the hardest battling the mailin ballots are also the ones without the Audits in place. ALL the states should have the audits in place regardless because they remove the dishonesty from the voting. But it ends up that no matter how the voting is done, without the audits a degree of fraud voting will occur. Common sense says that Universal Mailin Ballots also will be accompanied with the Audits and the hardest fraud voting states just can't have that in their Boss Hawg systems.

Now, let's see you do that for about 150 million voters.

Considering most of it is done by computers and scanners, it can be done much better than a human sitting there counting each ballot and recording it. The Human only gets involved when there is a problem. If the State hires the right people to setup the computer system like we did then it works. It works just find for our 5 million people. The only glitches in the system have been human created and the Audits have corrected those. IF it works for 5 million, hire the same people to do the 10 mil or 50 mil or more instead of the computer hacks that run around getting hired by states like California.
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