
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Major General Raymond G. Davis, a Medal of Honor recipient in
the Korean War and commander of the 3rd Marine Division in
Vietnam, was a disciple of the legendary Marine General Lewis
"Chesty" Puller. "I kept remembering that the Puller outlook on
war was one of total dedication to the proposition that you go out
and find the enemy or guerrilla and destroy him.

Bush 41 employed this strategy for Operation Dessert Storm on the advice of General Powell.
If he's saying either do it right or don't do it at all....I completely agree. With ISIS we will be forced to stop being half assed about it.
How well did that work out? ..... :cool:
At the battle for Peleliu in WW2 Pullers strategy was a disaster the Marines did take the Island after months of hard fighting and horrific casualties in no small part due to Puller's instance of sending infantry assaults against heavily fortified fixed enemy positions.
I worked with a number of WW II Vets who believed what worked was to send into the battle 40 tanks if 10 were needed; in other words an over whelming force was both necessary and usually more than sufficient.
Major General Raymond G. Davis, a Medal of Honor recipient in
the Korean War and commander of the 3rd Marine Division in
Vietnam, was a disciple of the legendary Marine General Lewis
"Chesty" Puller. "I kept remembering that the Puller outlook on
war was one of total dedication to the proposition that you go out
and find the enemy or guerrilla and destroy him.

Bush 41 employed this strategy for Operation Dessert Storm on the advice of General Powell.

My first inclination is to say that the best way to win a war is to avoid one in the first place. Everyone wins that kind of war. However, if war is a must and a nation decides to get involved they should do so with the aim of completely winning, wholeheartedly and decisively. I also believe in being extremely aggressive and winning quickly instead of drawing it out for years, and years, and years. Get in ... get the job done ... and get out.

One of the best ways to win a war is to cut off the supply chain and the money chain. Let the enemy dry out and wither away.
Major General Raymond G. Davis, a Medal of Honor recipient in
the Korean War and commander of the 3rd Marine Division in
Vietnam, was a disciple of the legendary Marine General Lewis
"Chesty" Puller. "I kept remembering that the Puller outlook on
war was one of total dedication to the proposition that you go out
and find the enemy or guerrilla and destroy him.

Bush 41 employed this strategy for Operation Dessert Storm on the advice of General Powell.

Well first you have to ignore the far left..

Next, no one can win a war fighting an ideology.

One can achieve certain military objectives, but to win the over all war is much different now than it was in WWI or WWII.

One also can not win a war doing it in a limited capacity.
Why is ISIS and what happens in Iraq still our business??

America's economy is still in the toilet.....record unemployment.....illegals still flooding across the border......record debt.......race riots and looting.......another ebola case in Dallas.........NSA spying.......IRS targeting citizens.......paralyzed Congress......100's of gangs terrorize our city's......Detroit is worse than 3rd world.......bridges and infrastructure in terrible shape.......etc, etc, etc.

And now the U.S. government is spending 10's of millions per day to bomb a group of rag tag terrorists half way around the world in the middle of a desert. ..... :cuckoo:

Why is ISIS and what happens in Iraq still our business??

America's economy is still in the toilet.....record unemployment.....illegals still flooding across the border......record debt.......race riots and looting.......another ebola case in Dallas.........NSA spying.......IRS targeting citizens.......paralyzed Congress......100's of gangs terrorize our city's......Detroit is worse than 3rd world.......bridges and infrastructure in terrible shape.......etc, etc, etc.

And now the U.S. government is spending 10's of millions per day to bomb a group of rag tag terrorists half way around the world in the middle of a desert. ..... :cuckoo:


I fully agree that we need to clean up our own back yard before ethnically cleansing the Mideast of "masked terrorists" and Kurdish Christians.
You eliminate every man woman and child of the opposing side. Ensure that they will never rise again.

Bush 41 employed this strategy for Operation Dessert Storm on the advice of General Powell.

This would be the same Colin Powell that let the Republican Guard go when pictures of the Iraqi Army getting slaughtered on the "Highway of Death" hit his desk because of fears of what it would look like to the media and civilians back home?
Bush 41 employed this strategy for Operation Dessert Storm on the advice of General Powell.

This would be the same Colin Powell that let the Republican Guard go when pictures of the Iraqi Army getting slaughtered on the "Highway of Death" hit his desk because of fears of what it would look like to the media and civilians back home?
I went down that highway and was in Kuwait. The rape and murder committed by Republican Guard was on scale of ISIS. That's who we're fighting now.
Gen. George Patton once said, "No son of a b*tch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won the war by making the other son of a b*tch die for HIS country."

More exactly, the purpose of war is to frighten a nation or group (by slaughtering enough of their people and destroying enough of his property) into changing what they do.

Not to "send a message" or to "instruct them" or to "get even by delivering a measured response", as the left seems to think will work (has that EVER worked?)
Why is ISIS and what happens in Iraq still our business??

America's economy is still in the toilet.....record unemployment.....illegals still flooding across the border......record debt.......race riots and looting.......another ebola case in Dallas.........NSA spying.......IRS targeting citizens.......paralyzed Congress......100's of gangs terrorize our city's......Detroit is worse than 3rd world.......bridges and infrastructure in terrible shape.......etc, etc, etc.

And now the U.S. government is spending 10's of millions per day to bomb a group of rag tag terrorists half way around the world in the middle of a desert. ..... :cuckoo:

Yes, the idea that we should never defend ourselves against people who are killing us unless we are perfect, makes complete sense.

idiot RW's use conventional war references defined in another CENTURY assuming they would work NOW.
If he's saying either do it right or don't do it at all....I completely agree. With ISIS we will be forced to stop being half assed about it.
You will not have to go and die, or send American men to die. Easy for you to say
At least she said something relevant, and got it right.

You did neither.
That would be your opinion. Many Americans are tired of soldiers dying in the Middle East. Why is it just America's problem? If it is such a huge problem, let Europe and Middle eastern countries get involved too.

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