Colin Powell single-handedly won the 1st Gulf War, should be rewarded by becoming POTUS in 2024..there's a reason Bill Clinton didn't dare cross him


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
during the Air Force's commemoration of Desert Storm 25 years after it happened, Pentagon official Mike Loh reflected on the war. he'd met the entire White House and Pentagon leadership. who, he was asked, was the best politician he'd ever met...he shook his head: "Colin Powell!", he bellowed

Powell was the smartest of the chiefs, but rarely worked on the margins. he is a classic conservative. he never tinkered, ever, but went straight at things. Powell was blunt without being overbearing, serious but not pretentious. he commanded respect, smiled easily at life's ironies, and viewed officers who upbraided their subordinates as undignified. Powell knew how to get things done wtih Casper "Cap" Weinberger. Powell emerged out of Operation Desert Storm as the most influential officer of his generation

Powell is a gifted battlefield commander, understood war, and reveled in it. he is "the Black Eisenhower"

his hero is General Henry Emerson, who toted a revolver during his time in Vietnam, when he used it to kill a team of Vietcong fighters headed down a trench at him

during his 2nd tour in Vietnam, Pwell rescued 4 soldiers from a burning helicopter, an act of bravery that jump-started his career

he has a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and 10 other decorations

Legendary diplomat Richard Holbrooke called Powell "a towering figure"

Powell might have been the most powerful chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff since George C Marshall headed the military, but he was also the most political since Douglas MacArthur, who was dismissed by Truman for insubordination

during the Air Force's commemoration of Desert Storm 25 years after it happened, Pentagon official Mike Loh reflected on the war. he'd met the entire White House and Pentagon leadership. who, he was asked, was the best politician he'd ever met...he shook his head: "Colin Powell!", he bellowed

Powell was the smartest of the chiefs, but rarely worked on the margins. he is a classic conservative. he never tinkered, ever, but went straight at things. Powell was blunt without being overbearing, serious but not pretentious. he commanded respect, smiled easily at life's ironies, and viewed officers who upbraided their subordinates as undignified. Powell knew how to get things done wtih Casper "Cap" Weinberger. Powell emerged out of Operation Desert Storm as the most influential officer of his generation

Powell is a gifted battlefield commander, understood war, and reveled in it. he is "the Black Eisenhower"

his hero is General Henry Emerson, who toted a revolver during his time in Vietnam, when he used it to kill a team of Vietcong fighters headed down a trench at him

during his 2nd tour in Vietnam, Pwell rescued 4 soldiers from a burning helicopter, an act of bravery that jump-started his career

he has a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and 10 other decorations

Legendary diplomat Richard Holbrooke called Powell "a towering figure"

Powell might have been the most powerful chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff since George C Marshall headed the military, but he was also the most political since Douglas MacArthur, who was dismissed by Truman for insubordination

Anyone who ever worked/works in potentially dangerous jobs and has actually done in this case what you typed in this profession, is impressive. There are far to many who worked for organizations that has a danger to the work and have been uplifted but did very little.
Powell never was a republican.
Doesn't matter. Wrong choice for a President in the modern world. Great General, but would not be a particularly effective president.
Doesn't matter. Wrong choice for a President in the modern world. Great General, but would not be a particularly effective president.
He's also ... what, like 100 years old. I mean Biden at least could say "well I woulda run in 16 instead of the debacle Hillary, but my kid died." What's Powell's excuse .... "I thought W would do a good job?"
during the Air Force's commemoration of Desert Storm 25 years after it happened, Pentagon official Mike Loh reflected on the war. he'd met the entire White House and Pentagon leadership. who, he was asked, was the best politician he'd ever met...he shook his head: "Colin Powell!", he bellowed

Powell was the smartest of the chiefs, but rarely worked on the margins. he is a classic conservative. he never tinkered, ever, but went straight at things. Powell was blunt without being overbearing, serious but not pretentious. he commanded respect, smiled easily at life's ironies, and viewed officers who upbraided their subordinates as undignified. Powell knew how to get things done wtih Casper "Cap" Weinberger. Powell emerged out of Operation Desert Storm as the most influential officer of his generation

Powell is a gifted battlefield commander, understood war, and reveled in it. he is "the Black Eisenhower"

his hero is General Henry Emerson, who toted a revolver during his time in Vietnam, when he used it to kill a team of Vietcong fighters headed down a trench at him

during his 2nd tour in Vietnam, Pwell rescued 4 soldiers from a burning helicopter, an act of bravery that jump-started his career

he has a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and 10 other decorations

Legendary diplomat Richard Holbrooke called Powell "a towering figure"

Powell might have been the most powerful chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff since George C Marshall headed the military, but he was also the most political since Douglas MacArthur, who was dismissed by Truman for insubordination

He's a conservative and no where near tRumpy enough so don't get your hopes up.
during the Air Force's commemoration of Desert Storm 25 years after it happened, Pentagon official Mike Loh reflected on the war. he'd met the entire White House and Pentagon leadership. who, he was asked, was the best politician he'd ever met...he shook his head: "Colin Powell!", he bellowed

Powell was the smartest of the chiefs, but rarely worked on the margins. he is a classic conservative. he never tinkered, ever, but went straight at things. Powell was blunt without being overbearing, serious but not pretentious. he commanded respect, smiled easily at life's ironies, and viewed officers who upbraided their subordinates as undignified. Powell knew how to get things done wtih Casper "Cap" Weinberger. Powell emerged out of Operation Desert Storm as the most influential officer of his generation

Powell is a gifted battlefield commander, understood war, and reveled in it. he is "the Black Eisenhower"

his hero is General Henry Emerson, who toted a revolver during his time in Vietnam, when he used it to kill a team of Vietcong fighters headed down a trench at him

during his 2nd tour in Vietnam, Pwell rescued 4 soldiers from a burning helicopter, an act of bravery that jump-started his career

he has a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and 10 other decorations

Legendary diplomat Richard Holbrooke called Powell "a towering figure"

Powell might have been the most powerful chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff since George C Marshall headed the military, but he was also the most political since Douglas MacArthur, who was dismissed by Truman for insubordination

He was a fine Chariman of the joint chiefs and a very good officer. But he did not single handedly win the war.
He's also ... what, like 100 years old. I mean Biden at least could say "well I woulda run in 16 instead of the debacle Hillary, but my kid died." What's Powell's excuse .... "I thought W would do a good job?"
84. I did not realize he was that old. I will be 67 next month, which does not feel old, but 84 is old. This the average age when people in my family kick the bucket and sometimes without a clue where they are or who they are talking to.
Powell never was a republican.

Yes, he was, as so many others who have dropped out of your clown circus. My parents were both registered Republicans from a red state and they wouldn't recognize the "sloppy seconds" disease that the GOP has become.
Dems stood up and made Cuomo resign. Republicans continue to bury their faces inside Trump's trousers and suck even though he has 26 women who have alleged sexual assault with several lawsuits moving forward in the courts.
I know someone who knows Condoleezza Rice and Rice is friends with Powell (through their connection to Stanford U). I was told that when Powell had the chance to run in 2000 and 2004 he declined because his wife has a serious problem with depression/bi-polarity. He believed it was going to be too much for her to handle.
Yes, he was, as so many others who have dropped out of your clown circus. My parents were both registered Republicans from a red state and they wouldn't recognize the "sloppy seconds" disease that the GOP has become.
Dems stood up and made Cuomo resign. Republicans continue to bury their faces inside Trump's trousers and suck even though he has 26 women who have alleged sexual assault with several lawsuits moving forward in the courts.
The GOP isn't "my clown circus" fool....I haven't voted at all since 2000.

If any of Cheeto Jesus' supposed SA accusations were worth a shit, your media hack clown car would have jumped on them years ago...But they don't, so they didn't.
during the Air Force's commemoration of Desert Storm 25 years after it happened, Pentagon official Mike Loh reflected on the war. he'd met the entire White House and Pentagon leadership. who, he was asked, was the best politician he'd ever met...he shook his head: "Colin Powell!", he bellowed

Powell was the smartest of the chiefs, but rarely worked on the margins. he is a classic conservative. he never tinkered, ever, but went straight at things. Powell was blunt without being overbearing, serious but not pretentious. he commanded respect, smiled easily at life's ironies, and viewed officers who upbraided their subordinates as undignified. Powell knew how to get things done wtih Casper "Cap" Weinberger. Powell emerged out of Operation Desert Storm as the most influential officer of his generation

Powell is a gifted battlefield commander, understood war, and reveled in it. he is "the Black Eisenhower"

his hero is General Henry Emerson, who toted a revolver during his time in Vietnam, when he used it to kill a team of Vietcong fighters headed down a trench at him

during his 2nd tour in Vietnam, Pwell rescued 4 soldiers from a burning helicopter, an act of bravery that jump-started his career

he has a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and 10 other decorations

Legendary diplomat Richard Holbrooke called Powell "a towering figure"

Powell might have been the most powerful chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff since George C Marshall headed the military, but he was also the most political since Douglas MacArthur, who was dismissed by Truman for insubordination

Wasn't he the one who got up and showed pictures of WMD sites in Iraq during the effort to get Americans behind the looming invasion of Iraq....sites that turned out, didn't have any WMDs at all.
He showed images in the UN of weather balloon facilities. He was toast after 1996 and W's election and war. But yeah, his wife had some problems. Contrast that to Adlai Stevenson

Ironically, today Crenshaw is getting mauled by Trumpanzees for saying ..... Biden won. It may be that the gop is "predestined" to run a nutter.
I can agree with Colin Powell’s overall take on today’s Republican Party, and Donald Trump in particular. It is almost impossible NOT to respect the man as a military leader and a voice of relative sanity in the old Republican Party. But his tragic weakness became carved into history when as Secretary of State he accepted Baby Bush’s assignment to speak before the United Nations on Feb. 5, 2003.

There he used up all the credibility he had earned previously with the American people, and in Europe, by methodically reciting the LIES produced by so-called “American intelligence” agencies’ findings on Iraq’s supposed WMD weapons program. He argued the urgency of putting an end to that no longer existing program, by invasion if necessary — though privately he knew such an invasion was unwise. He knew invading the Middle East had long been the aim of the warmonger faction that was then whispering nonsense into his immature president’s ears.

As one writer put it, “It was precisely the secretary of state’s skepticism about the wisdom of war that made him the Bush White House’s indispensable pitchman for it. Alone among the president’s war council, the four-star general was seen by Republicans and Democrats, the news media and the public as a figure of unassailable credibility. If Powell said Hussein presented an immediate danger to the United States, then surely it was so.”

But it was NOT so, as Colin Powell should have known. Powell’s failure to take public his opposition to the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz Republican MIC war party, to resign rather than go through with what he strongly suspected was an illegal military / political adventure, sealed the fate of millions of Iraqis and Syrians in the next period, and profoundly damaged our own nation’s standing in the world.

Of course he was not alone. Most Americans were won to support that war, at least until it blew up in our faces, by which time even contemptible conmen like Donald Trump would claim he had “always” opposed it. Powell was probably one of the few who had an excellent chance of really stopping that war. His tragedy was also our country’s tragedy, and the world’s.
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during the Air Force's commemoration of Desert Storm 25 years after it happened, Pentagon official Mike Loh reflected on the war. he'd met the entire White House and Pentagon leadership. who, he was asked, was the best politician he'd ever met...he shook his head: "Colin Powell!", he bellowed

Powell was the smartest of the chiefs, but rarely worked on the margins. he is a classic conservative. he never tinkered, ever, but went straight at things. Powell was blunt without being overbearing, serious but not pretentious. he commanded respect, smiled easily at life's ironies, and viewed officers who upbraided their subordinates as undignified. Powell knew how to get things done wtih Casper "Cap" Weinberger. Powell emerged out of Operation Desert Storm as the most influential officer of his generation

Powell is a gifted battlefield commander, understood war, and reveled in it. he is "the Black Eisenhower"

his hero is General Henry Emerson, who toted a revolver during his time in Vietnam, when he used it to kill a team of Vietcong fighters headed down a trench at him

during his 2nd tour in Vietnam, Pwell rescued 4 soldiers from a burning helicopter, an act of bravery that jump-started his career

he has a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and 10 other decorations

Legendary diplomat Richard Holbrooke called Powell "a towering figure"

Powell might have been the most powerful chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff since George C Marshall headed the military, but he was also the most political since Douglas MacArthur, who was dismissed by Truman for insubordination

Powell is far, far too intelligent to want a job where half the country will shit on him day after day after day. Only an idiot would want the job.
Trump cared more about himself than the country. with Powell, it's the opposite!
Powell's problem is that his foreign policy doesn't fit neatly into either party platform, whether it's Democrat international liberalism, or GOP neo-conservatism

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