How do Republicans get the White House in 2016?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

The "base" of the GOP will continue to believe it is superior to the rest of the country and will demand that their candidates continue moving further to the right. This "base" is either too stubborn or too ignorant to realize that the voters of this country simply are not in alignment with their right wing philosophies. The female vote will continue to be lost to the GOP due to their demands to control what a woman does with her own body. The Latino vote will continue to be lost to the GOP due to the GOP's "self deportation" immigration strategery. The white senior vote will continue to decline and yet the GOP will continue to count on it to lead them to victory. Stupid is as stupid does.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

Translation. Become miscreant democrats.
By 2016 Americans will reject liberalism for sure. Everyone will hate Obama by then. Our next president is either Rubio or Ryan.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

I can't agree with the immigration thing, why should the ones who snuck in get an easier path than the ones who applied the legal way and are waiting in line? thats not fair, there are people right now in South Korea and India who have been waiting years for a green card.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

What needs to happen is all the IOU's democrats and fiscally challenged republicans have been writing have to come due. At that point, when democrats cannot "tax someone else" thier way out of it, (which is already happening) then people will realize what needs to be done.

Until then, democrats will continue to win by promising people something for nothing.
Wait until Israel goes the way of Chris Stevens, Glenn Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith. Its only a matter of time before the same thing happens with Obama still in charge. In order to have gotten new forces into Libya, troops, C130's, or armed predator drones overhead attacking the targets the two Seals were painting with their lasers, Obama, and Obama only needed to have signed a Cross Border Authorization. Panetta, Dempsey, Ham, Clinton, Biden, or Petraeus couldn't. Obama went to bed, choosing sleep in preparation for his Vegas fundraiser over saving the lives of those four Americans when it was well within his grasp. Just four little "Bumps in the road" for him. Israel's fate will be an even smaller bump in the road for Obama. If the last four years were bad for America and its allies, just wait till you see the next four. January 20, 2009-January 19, 2013 will look like a Sunday picnic in the park in retrospect.
The real question is how do you get through to people who are willing to overlook so much failure and vote on empty promises of getting utopia right this time?

The Republicans better figure it out because the progressives are going to run hillary next and she'll run being able to get done what the other messiah couldn't and "she's the real one". Watch and see
Don't you just love when Liberals try to tell us how to win an election? Or even better, how to be conservative.

I voted Republican for most of my life. I would be willing to support a Bush, Christie or Rubio if they would run as moderates and mean it as well as be backed by their party

Republicans do not need to be conservative. At the time I was voting Republican there were Liberal Republicans. Still fiscally conservative but socially liberal
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

What needs to happen is all the IOU's democrats and fiscally challenged republicans have been writing have to come due. At that point, when democrats cannot "tax someone else" thier way out of it, (which is already happening) then people will realize what needs to be done.

Until then, democrats will continue to win by promising people something for nothing.

Keep telling yourself that. It will ensure that Democrats will continue to be elected for the next generation. How did that 47% stuff work out for you?

Yet, Republicans go right back to it after getting their asses kicked in Tuesdays election
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

I can't agree with the immigration thing, why should the ones who snuck in get an easier path than the ones who applied the legal way and are waiting in line? thats not fair, there are people right now in South Korea and India who have been waiting years for a green card.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

I can't agree with the immigration thing, why should the ones who snuck in get an easier path than the ones who applied the legal way and are waiting in line? thats not fair, there are people right now in South Korea and India who have been waiting years for a green card.

I wholeheatedly agree that it is not fair. However, if we truly do have 12 million people working here illegally, it is VERY possible that they are not paying their share of income taxes, which in turn means that payroll taxes are not being collected. We could use the revenue....
2016 is a long way off, but I was very disappointed that Rubio or Christie didn't run this time. I could see myself voting for either of those men

I do think 2016 will be a bit of a gimme for the GOP, the country will be deep DEEP in debt by then and Americans will be itching for a change.
Seems like we just need to:

Pander to illegal aliens
Demonize rich people
Treat women as mindless, faceless vaginas
Sell people on the new norm... record deficits, unemployment, etc.
Etc., etc., etc.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

I can't agree with the immigration thing, why should the ones who snuck in get an easier path than the ones who applied the legal way and are waiting in line? thats not fair, there are people right now in South Korea and India who have been waiting years for a green card.

They are here

Keep the good ones and welcome them into our society. Let them work, pay taxes and become fruitful members of our communities
Seems like we just need to:

Pander to illegal aliens
Demonize rich people
Treat women as mindless, faceless vaginas
Sell people on the new norm... record deficits, unemployment, etc.
Etc., etc., etc.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

I can't agree with the immigration thing, why should the ones who snuck in get an easier path than the ones who applied the legal way and are waiting in line? thats not fair, there are people right now in South Korea and India who have been waiting years for a green card.

They are here

Keep the good ones and welcome them into our society. Let them work, pay taxes and become fruitful members of our communities

But you have to couple that with shoring up our boarders, a bigger crackdown on illegal immigration, and reform of the immigration process itself, which is insanely difficult for your average person who doesn't have a million dollars in the bank.

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